Figures of Speech and Literary Devices Definitions and Examples

Here are all English Figures of Speech and Literary Devices with definitions and examples to make your English language rich and effective. Find an excellent quiz on Shakespeare. Figures of Speech or Literary Devices Definition -Figure of speech is a special course of expression of writing or the use of special words to beautify the…

History of English Literature, Periods and Popular Authors

Dear students, You will learn here the History of English Literature, Periods, and Popular Authors in chronicle order. The history of English Literature is divided into various periods. many events and reigns of the Kings and queens are depicted in the content below. 1. Classical Period (1200 BCE to 450 BCE) – (Dark Age) H….


Shakespeare’s Life History and Works  

Friends, in this lesson, we are going to learn about the most important facts of Shakespeare’s life and works.   Q.1: What was Shakespeare’s life span? Ans: 23rd April 1564 to  23rd April 1616. Q2. When was Shakespeare baptized? Ans. Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564 in Trinity Church. Q.3: Where was Shakespeare born?…