Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues MCQs Mock Test 11 Class

Welcome to your Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues MCQs Mock Test 11 Class

Q 1. What was in the first coffin?

2. Who was Tutankhamun?

Question 3.What was found with Tutankhamun’s body?

4. When did Tut die?

Question 5. What name did Amenhotep IV change to?

6. Who discovered Tut’s tomb and when?

7. When was Tut’s body taken for CT scan after being found?

8. For how many years did Amenhotep III rule Egypt?

9. Who promoted the worship of Aten (the sun disk) ?

10. What name did Amenhotep IV change to?

11. For how many years did Tutankhamun rule Egypt?

12. What was found with Tutankhamun’s body?

13. How would you describe Tut’s tomb?

14. What was in the first coffin?

15. Why did the third coffin put Carter in trouble?

16. How did Carter remove the resins?

17. How did Carter cut the body of Tut?

18. What did Carter and his men do after cutting down his body?

19. When was the mummy examined in X-Ray by the anatomy professor?

20. What facts were revealed when the mummy was X-Rayed in 1968?

21. When was Tut’s body taken for CT Scan in the 21st century?

22. What does CT scan stand for?

23. How did the workmen lift the body for the scan?

24. Why did the procedure stop in between?

25. When was Tut’s body taken back in his tomb after CT scan?

26. What is the Cemetery of Tut called?

27. How did Tut die?

28. Who said “The mummy is in very bad condition because of what Carter did in the 1920s”?

29. “Tut was laid to rest, laden with ……….”

30. When did Tut die?

31. What was Tut lavished with?

32. How has archeology changed through the decades?

33. Who is Osiris?

Question 34.How has archeology changed through the decades ?

Question 35. When did Tut die?

Question 36. Who said “The mummy is in very bad condition because of what Carter did in the 1920s”?

Question 37. What is the Cemetery of Tut called?

Q38. Why did the procedure stop in between?

Q 39. What does CT scan stand for?

Q 40. What facts were revealed when the mummy was X-Rayed in 1968?

Q 41. What did Carter and his men do after cutting down his body?

Q 42.How did Carter remove the resins?