Lost Spring MCQs Mock Test of 12th Class Flamingo

Welcome to your Lost Spring MCQs Mock Test of 12th Class Flamingo

Q1. Mukesh wants to learn to become a motor mechanic by

Q2. What bothers the author most about the bangle makers?

Q3. "One wonders if he has achieved what many have failed to achieve In their lifetime. He has a roof over his head", these lines were said in the reference to the condition of-

Q4. Which of the objects below best serves as a symbol of an Indian woman Suhag?

Q5. Sunny - gold , paddy green , royal blue , pink ,every colour born out of the seven colours of the rainbow. What is this a reference to?

Q6. What was the profession of Mukesh's father before he became a Bangle maker?

Q7. The frail woman in Mukesh house is his

Q8. If laws were to be enforced , it would bring about change And relief in the lives of about

Q9. The ragpickers have no identity but they have

Q10. According to the author what was garbage for the children?

Q11. Who was Saheb?

Q12. According to the author what was garbage for the parents?

Q13. What is the meaning of Saheb-e-Alam?

Q14. Why did Saheb-e-Alam not go to school?

Q15. What do the boys appear like to the author in the story?

Q16. Where was Saheb employed?

Q17. Is Saheb happy working at the tea stall?

Q18. Why is the author calling garbage as gold' in the story?

Q19. What does the tea stall owner pay Saheb?

Q20. How does Saheb earn his living?

Q21. Saheb hailed from which place?

Q22. What forced Saheb to be a ragpicker?

Q23. Where is Seemapuri?

Q24. Why did Saheb leave Dhaka?

Q 25. What does Saheb look for in the garbage dumps?

Q26. Why did Saheb leave his home, set amidst the green fields of Dhaka?

Q27. The tea canister seems heavier than rag bag to Saheb. Why?

Q28. What does the reference to chappals tell us about the economic condition of the ragpickers?

Q 29. What is the means of survival in Seemapuri?

Q 30. What is the metaphorical symbol of Seemapuri in the lesson?

Q31. What change did Anees Jung see in Saheb when she saw him standing by the gate of the neighbourhood club?

Q32. Who are responsible for the poor condition of bangle makers in Firozabad?

Q33. What efforts can help Mukesh materialise his dream of becoming a car driver?

Q34. What are the hazards of working in the glass bangle…

Q35. Who employs the local families of Firozabad?

Q36. What is the Runction of glass blowing industry?

Q37. What makes the working conditions of the children worst du the glass industry?

038. What excuse do the ragpickers give for not wearing chappals

Q39. Who is Mukesh?

Q40. What are the reasons for the migration of people from villages to city in the lesson?

Q41. What compels the workers in bangle industry of Firozabad to poverty?

Q42. The city of Firozabad is famous for what?

Q 43. In what way is working in glass bangle industry hazardous?

Q44. What instances in the Lost Spring'reveal that infrastructurally Firozabad is a neglected city?

Q45. What has Mukesh's father achieved in life despite years of hard bock-breaking labour?

Q46. Firozabad is the centre of which industry?

Q47. How is Mukesh's attitude different from that of his family?

Q48. What is Mukesh's dream?

Q49. How is Mukesh different from his peers?

Q50. Why do bangle makers lack initiative and an ability to dream?

Q51. What does the author analyse in the story?

Q52. What is the central theme of the story Lost Spring?

Q 53. What forces the children to live a life of exploitation?

Q54. Why are the people of Firozabad averse to the cooperative movement?

Q55. What explanation does the author offer for the children not wearing footwear?

Q 56. What does the title 'Lost Spring' symbolise?

Q57. Who is the author of 'Lost Spring'?

Q58. Name the birthplace of the author.

Q59. This story is an excerpt from which book of the author?

60. What did the man from Udupi pray for, when he was Young?

61. One explaination which the author get about children choosing To remain barefoot is

62. Is your school ready ? Who asked this question?

63. Saheb's home, before Delhi , was in

64. Why did Saheb and his family come to India leaving Bangladesh?

65. What does 'scrounging' means?

66. Saheb's full name means " the lord of universe " but he leads a life of ___?

67. Who appeared like ' morning birds' ?

68. Who are called "army of bare of barefoots"?

Q69. One day, Saheb was seen by the author , watching some Young men playing