The Address MCQs Mock Test of 11th Class Snapshots

Welcome to your The Address MCQs Mock Test of 11th Class Snapshots

Question 1. Why had the author come to visit Mrs. Dorling?

Q2. How did Mrs. Dorling treat the author when the author visited her?

Question 3. How does the author describe Mrs. Dorling when she saw her the first time during the war?

Q4. “Her face gave absolutely no sign of recognition.” Who is her?

Question 5. Mrs. Dorling took the possessions of the things on the pretence of __________.

Q6. In what attire did the author find Mrs. Dorling?

Q7. “I thought that no one had come back.” Why does Mrs. Dorling say this?

Q8. What was the address that the author’s mother asked her to remember?

Q9. Mrs. Dorling’s was _________ of Mrs. S.

Q10. Mrs. Dorling took the possessions of the things on the pretence of __________.

Q11. Was the author convinced with her mother’s idea of letting Mrs. Dorling take away their things?

Q12. How does the author describe Mrs. Dorling when she saw her the first time during the war?

Q13. Why did the author wait for such a long time before visiting “The Address”?

Q14. Why had the author come to visit Mrs. Dorling?

Q15. Who opened the door upon the author’s second visit to Mrs. Dorling’s house?

Q16. Unlike Mrs. Dorling, her daughter was __________ towards the author.

Q17. What was the protagonist’s reaction when she entered the living-room?

Q18. “I was in a room I knew and did not know.” What does author mean by this?

Q19. How does the author describe the living room?

Q20. In what condition did the author find the living room?

Q21. The author remembered that the woollen table-cloth had _________.

Q22. According to the author, when do we notice the things in the house?

Q23. What was the ‘silver’ that the author was once asked to clean by her mother?

Q24. Why did the author leave Mrs. Dorling in a hurry?

Q25. Why did the objects lose their value for the author?

Q26. At the end, what does the author decide?

Q27. Who is the protagonist of “The Address”?

Q28. The author had come to visit Mrs. Dorling _______ the war.

Q29. What was the very first out of her mother’s possessions that the protagonist could recognize?

Q30. In total, how many times did the author visit the given address?

Q31. Who is the author of “The Address”?

Q32. After reading “The Address”, how would you describe Mrs. Dorling?

Q33. What message does “The Address” talk about?

Question 34. After reading “The Address”, how would you describe Mrs. Dorling?

Question 35. In total, how many times did the author visit the given address?

Question 36. The author had come to visit Mrs. Dorling _______ the war.

Question 37. At the end, what does the author decide?

Question 38. Why did the author leave Mrs. Dorling in a hurry?

Question 39. According to the author, when do we notice the things in the house?

Question 40. In what condition did the author find the living room?

Question 41. “I was in a room I knew and did not know.” What does author mean by this?

Question 42. Unlike Mrs. Dorling, her daughter was __________ towards the author.