The Adventure of Toto MCQs Mock Test of 9th Class Moments

Welcome to your The Adventure of Toto MCQs Mock Test of 9th Class Moments

Question 1. Why was Toto kept secretly?

Q2- Who is the author of this lesson?

Question 3. What was the price that grandfather paid to buy the monkey?

Q4- What is this story about?

Question 5. What kind of water did Toto like to take a bath in?

Q6- From where did grandfather buy the monkey?

Question 7. Who had taught Toto to take a bath?

Q8- Why did grandfather buy the monkey?

Q9- Why was Toto kept secretly?

Q10- Where was Toto kept?

Q11- What kind of water did Toto like to take a bath in?

Q12- Why did grandfather sell Toto back to its first owner?

Q13- At what price did grandfather sell Toto back its first owner?

Q14- Why did grandfather take Toto along with him at Saharnpur?

Q15- Who had taught Toto to take a bath?

Q16- Name the things Toto destroyed at the writer’s home?

Q17- What was the color of Toto the monkey?

Q18- Who used to give a bowl of warm water to Toto?

Q19- Why was Toto called pretty?

Q20- Why did the ticket collector call Toto a dog?

Q21- How did Toto check the warmth of the water?

Q22- How did the ticket collector fix the fare for Toto?

Q23- The other animals in grandfather’s private zoo were at who’s mercy?

Question 24. How did Toto have his bath in winter?

Question 25. Why did the ticket-collector not charge Grandfather for carrying a tortoise with him?

Question 26. How much did the ticket-collector charge as Toto’s fare?

Question 27. What did Grandfather try to convince the ticket-collector about?

Question 28. How was Toto taken to Saharanpur?

Question 29. Where did the writer’s Grandfather live?

Question 30. Before the coming of Toto, Grandfather’s pets included……………

Question 31. What did Toto do with the writer’s school blazer?

Question 32. What would Grandmother do when Grandfather brought home some new bird or animal?

Question 33. Grandfather believed that …………. added to anybody’s good looks.

Question 34. What sort of relationship was there between Toto and Nana?

Question 35. Which other animals except Toto did accompany Grandfather to Saharanpur?

Question 36. What fare did the ticket-collector charge from Grandfather as the ticket of Toto?

Question 37. Where did Grandfather put Toto on his journey to Saharanpur?

Question 38. In which city did the author and his Grandfather live?

Question 39. How did Toto prove to other animals?

Question 40. What did Toto tear into shreds?

Question 41. What happened to the ornamental papers that covered the walls?

Question 42. What serves as a third hand to a monkey?

Question 43. What was Toto?

Question 44. The other animals in grandfather’s private zoo were at who’s mercy?

Question 45. How did Toto check the warmth of the water?

Question 46. Why was Toto called pretty?

Question 47. What was the color of Toto the monkey?