The Hundred Dresses 1 MCQs Mock Test of 10th First Flight

Welcome to your The Hundred Dresses 1 MCQs Mock Test of 10th First Flight

Question 1. Why did Peggy say “and I thought I could draw”?

Question 2. Who did Maddie think would win the contest?

Question 3. Why does Wanda say that she has a hundred dresses?

Question 4. How other girls treat Wanda?

Question 5. Why does Maddie stand by and not do anything?

Question 6. Who secretly disliked how Wanda was being treated?

Question 7. Who lived in Boggins Heights?

Question 8. What was Wanda’s full name?

Question 9.How many drawings did Wanda draw?

Question 10. What was Maddie’s full name?

Q 11. How many drawings did Wanda draw?

Q 12. How many dresses did Wanda say were lined up in her closet?

Q13. Who is the author of 'The Hundred Dresses'?

Q14. What was Wanda's full name?

Q15. Who were the two best friends?

Q16. Where in the classroom does Wanda sit?

Q17. Why did Wanda used to sit there?

Q18. Which classroom did they all sit in?

Q19. Who was the most popular girl in school?

Q20. Why did 'they' wait for Wanda?

Q 21. How would you describe Wanda's dress?

Q22. What tells you that Peggy wasn't cruel?

Q 23. What was Maddie's full name?

Q 24. Why was Peggy's game bothering Maddie?

Q25. How many shoes did Wanda say she had?

Q 26. Why was Maddie glad even when she was late for school?

Q27. What reason did Maddie give herself to justify teasing Wanda?

Q28. Why did Maddie not write to Peggy in the first place?

Q29. What did the drawing and colouring contest mean for the girls and boys?

Q 30. Where did they used to wait for Wanda?

Q31. Who did Maddie think would win the contest?

Q 32. Why did Peggy say "and I thought I could draw"?

Q33. Miss Mason said, "look at her exquisite drawings": What is the meaning of "Exquisite"?

Q 34. What was the room covered with?

Q35. Who won the girls drawing contest?