We are Not Afraid to Die If We Can All be Together MCQs Mock Test

Welcome to your We are Not Afraid to Die If We Can All be Together MCQs Mock Test

Question 1. What happened after the first indication of the disaster?

2. From where did the ship sail for the voyage?

Question 3. What did they do to slow down the boat in the storm?

4. Why did the author decide to go for a round-the-world voyage?

Question 5. Why did the author hire the two crewmen?

6. What was the occupation of the author?

7. What was the name of the ship of the author?

8. What part of the journey was pleasant for them?

9. What were the names of the two crewmen whom the author hired?

10. Why did the author hire the two crewmen?

11. When did the waves start getting gigantic?

12. What did they do to slow down the boat in the storm?

13. What was the first indication of disaster?

14. What happened after the first indication of the disaster?

15. How did the explosion affect the ship?

16. Why did the author accept his approaching death?

17. What did the author see when his head popped out of the water?

18. What happened to the author’s body when he managed to reach the deck?

19. Who said, “We’re sinking!” ?

20. What was the condition of the ship?

21. What had happened to Sue when the author entered their room to check on them?

22. What was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan?

23. How did the author manage to stretch the canvas?

24. What happened after the hand pumps started to block up with the debris floating around the cabins?

25. Where did they decide to reach to save themselves and the ship?

26. What was their first meal in two days?

27. Who said, “we aren’t afraid of dying if we can all be together — you and Mummy, Sue and I.”?

28. When did they reach lle Amsterdam?

29. What was the status of the ship on January 3?

30. How long did they take for the ship’s testing and fitting?

31. Where had they reached on the 25th of December?

32. What happened when the author’s head smashed into the wheel?

33. What does ‘Mayday call’ mean?

Question 34. What happened when the author’s head smashed into the wheel?

Question 35. How long did they take for the ship’s testing and fitting?

Question 36. When did they reach lle Amsterdam?

Question 37. What was their first meal in two days?

Question 38. What happened after the hand pumps started to block up with the debris floating around the cabins?

Question 39. What was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan?

Question 40. What was the condition of the ship?

Question 41. What happened to the author’s body when he managed to reach the deck?

Question 42. Why did the author accept his approaching death?