Google Adsense Criteria and Step by Step Guide for Approval

It is really tough to get approved from Google Adsense, but it is not what you cannot get.  All you need is to make your blog or website compliant with Google Adsense Criteria that comprise the following things. Just read carefully and do all the things completed strictly.

Post quality, rich, unique and meaningful content: Make sure that your blog or website content compliant with the following points.

Language: Google allows some limited languages in which you can get approval for Adsense Program, so make sure your website content has been written in one of them.

Number of pages: It is great to create 30 to 50 pages; however there is no strict rule to have so many pages from Google Adsense. Some get Adsense approval with only 20 posts.

Unique Content: It is sure that no site with duplicate content can be approved from Google Adssense. Make sure that your site has completely unique and fresh content. Copied and duplicate content can bring no benefits; instead will hurt your site.

Grammatical error-free Content: Don’t make hurry to post your content. After writing it, give enough time to edit it with fresh eyes to make it grammatical error-free.

Informative Content: Content should be informative and meaningful that can provide solution. People seek solutions, so it should provide them with it.

Words counts for a post: You should maintain about 500 to 600 words for each post. Pages with little or no original content will not work.

Don’t Post the following types of content: In terms of approval, Google Adsense is strict not to accept the following types of content.

  • Pornography or adult content
  • Plagiarized content
  • Content on unsocial things
  • Tutorials on hacking or cracking
  • Illegal drugs and paraphernalia
  • Content on Illegal subjects

Professional Design of Your Site: Google notices how your website’s design appears. An attractive design does not only prove you to be a professional blogger or website owner, but also impacts on Google Adsense approval. That is why, make sure that your website design complaints with the following points.

  • Attractive, simple and professional Design
  • Content with readable font and format
  • Easy site navigation
  • Proper menus management
  • No useless items in sidebar or footer
  • Search engine friendly
  • Fast loading

Clear navigation: A clear navigation will provide users with good experience. Bad user experience through bad navigation cannot work well and will kill the traffic.

Essential Pages:— Google Adsense recommends making your site look professional with some essential pages which will build your site’s credibility among the users too. These are: About us: Create the content for ‘About us’ page reflecting what you are and what purpose you have behind this. It should suggest topic, domain and industry which you are dealing in.

Contact us: Create a ‘Contact us’ page that can offer your users ability to suggest their liking, disliking, and other kinds of views.

Terms of uses: Create “Terms and conditions or Terms of uses” page along with the disclaimer; it adds the credibility to your website.

Privacy policy: Having a privacy policy page is one of the top requirements for Google Adsense approval. Your website must have a Privacy Policy Page telling your site users how serious you are about the privacy of their personal information and how you protect it.

Good Organic Traffic: Before you apply for the Google Adsense, you should drive sufficient number of visitors to your website daily. For this, you can set search engine optimization and social media optimization strategies. Other related blogs can be the good sources to increase the traffic to your websites.

Not Illegal sources of traffic: Don’t try to be over smart in using illegal sources of traffic, as Google is smarter. Traffic sources should not be paid traffic or illegal sources. Google hates the sites that have paid traffic and mostly penalizes them for it. These activities are tracked and your account can be banned. Always strive to drive organic traffic to your site from the genuine sources.

Same email address and name on Contact us, About us, and Adsense Account: Check whether you have put the same name, email address and other personal information on the ‘About us and Contact us’ pages as you have put on the Google Adsense account. It shows the credibility in terms of your site ownership.

Remove unwanted widgets: There is no need to upload the widgets which are not required for your site’s usability; they can kill your site’s speed.

SEO friendly: Make sure that your site is SEO friendly. To make your site SEO friendly, you need to put Meta content like Meta title, Meta Description, Alt Tags and targeted key wards in proper density.

You should cross 18 years of age: Google Adsense needs a verification which proves that the site owner is over 18 years old.

Remove Ads from Other Ad Networks: When you are going to add the Adsense code to your website, make sure that your site doesn’t have any ad from the other ads sites like:

  • Chitika,
  • net,
  • Clicksor Infolinks,
  • BidVertiser, or other.

  Questions about Privacy Policy for Google Adsense Approval: It is great if you are able to answer the following questions in “Yes”

Is your site complaint with Payment Card Industry (PCI)? If you accept credit card payments online, your site needs to be PCI compliant. For this, your blog, website, IP address or mobile app must be scanned regularly to find out the security holes or vulnerabilities that site hackers might use to access your website. If you don’t do so, your site might pay high costs like blacklisting, fines, or loss of your app developer account.

Do you give a regular malware scans to your website? Scanning your website for malware helps you keep malware off your website, blog and mobile app. It will protect your site users from loading malware unknowingly on to their device.    

Does your website use a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate? An SSL Certificate travels from user’s computer to your website, and using an SSL certificate on your site secures users’ data.  Contrary to popular opinion, it does not secure your website. By seeing the lock icon or https:// in the browser address bar, one can come to know that the website has a valid SSL certificate.

Some Other Questions which a user would like to ask:

Do you store sensitive information like credit card data on your servers? You are answer should be “No”. It is good to use a payment gateway, an e-commerce application service provider service, to authorize credit card payments on your site.

Which Languages Does Google Adsense Support? There are some specific languages which Google Adsense supports for. If your site has the content in one of the following languages, only then you can participate in the Google Adsense program. Arabic Bulgarian Chinese specified Chinese traditional Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Philipino Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Malay Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian SlovaK Slovenion Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnames    

What to Do If Your Application for Google Adsence Is Rejected? It is not essential that your application for Google Adsense get rejected however it is really typical to get approval from Google Adsense in the first attempt, and most of the bloggers have to face the problem. If your application gets rejected, don’t worry. You are neither alone such a blogger, nor is it the end of your dreams.

  • Just read the instructions given in the rejection notice e-mail and try to make your website compliant with the Google Adsense requirements.
  • Read some more articles on how to make your site compliant with Google Adsence requirements.
  • Try to fix the issues genuinely and apply again. You can apply for Google Adsense from the same email account.
  • Try again and again after improving your site to your best knowledge. Hope you will get success.

When you have lost all hopes from Google Adsense: If all your efforts are fall flat and Google is not still approving your site, the situation can be something tiresome. But trust me; it is not the end of the world.  You can move to other Ads sources. Yes, there are many other sites that offer ads to implement on your website or blog. It is comparatively easier to get approval from the following ads networks. .

Infolinks: Infolinks is another popular in-text advertising network. It offers 70% revenue share for newbie blogger. Unlike others, it shows pop up ads or text ads, so it takes comparatively less space. It offers inframe ads, intag ads, insearch ads and in-text ads. The best thing is that you can use it with Adsense safely.



Key Words: Google Adsense, Google adsense approval, Google adsense criteria, Google Adsense requirements, Ad Networks, Ad publishers.

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