How to Publish Kindle Book Niche Online-A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Publish Kindle Book Niche Online

Are you thinking to publish kindle books online? If yes, it is a good idea to earn extra bucks. Self-publishing Kindle e-books can be a source of income for an infinite return forever without doing anything else at all. But remember, you need to put proper time and effort into it strategically. The kindle book publishing sites are flooded with kindle books on almost all topics, so you just have to give your readers better than the previous ones. Your strategy of publishing an e-book will include the following steps.

Basic steps of the process of publishing Kindle books.

  • Finding a profitable or money making-niche
  • Writing quality content
  • Design the book and Cover Page
  • Publishing it on websites
  • Getting reviews
  • Marketing the book

Choosing a money-making kindle book niche

Every author or publisher needs to figure out what niche can be more profitable for publishing the books. Here, we will discuss ‘Finding a profitable or money-making niche’.


Why find a profitable or money-making niche?

Finding a more profitable niche should be a very essential point of your strategy. Before you start writing a book, you need to research and figure out which kindle niche is a money-making niche. Only a profitable niche can give you the real benefit from the time and effort you put to publish your kindle e-books. No matter how well the book is written, the effort will waste if you get into the wrong niche. You’ll waste your time and money, and you’ll lose your motivation.

Where You Can Find Money-making Kindle Book Niches

  • There are many websites that publish kindle books, and so these websites would be the best places where you can have idea of best kindle book niches.
  • com – is the most popular online book publishing website where you will see various categories or niches. Here by digging deeper, you can easily see what kinds of categories and niches of kindle books are available wherein you can publish your kindle book. Through these niches, categories and kindle books available, you can get ideas for your own Kindle books.
  • Click Marketplace: You can visit the site and can find which niches are profitable for your kindle book.
  • Ezine Ezine Articles is an article directory with huge collection of articles under various categories. You can take ideas from them.
  • JVZoo: This is a website where people sell their products under various categories which can suggest you ideas on the most money-making niches.
  • Local Book Stores: Visiting local book stores and figuring out the categories of the books can help you choose the top-selling niches of books.
  • Through the above noted places, you can understand where to get ideas of money-making niches for publishing your book online. Hope you will be benefited with the idea of the above noted guideline.

Use kindle niche finder software to find money-making niche

For your convenience, you can use Kindle Niche Finder Software that reveals hidden niches or categories from Amazon Kindle Publishing. This is a tool that extracts top one thousands popular tags or keywords that are useful to drill down to the most profitable kindle niches.

How to Find More Profitable Kindle Book Niches?

You should remember the following points that validate your money-making niche.

  • Choose the niche that targets the audiences who have ample money to buy your e-books.
  • If you target low-income audiences, you will have low-income result.
  • About 80 users are above the age of 30, your niche should target them accordingly.
  • Choose the niche that encompasses maximum number of readers. The more number of audiences, the greater number of customers you will have.
  • Make sure that your e-book matter best fits in that particular niche.
  • Choose an unsaturated market that has less competition, you will have more customers.
  • Visit to figure out a category or niche that interests you.
  • Figure out the niche books that are selling well.
  • Try to know what people are saying about them.
  • List the categories which you go through.
  • Read reviews of the books to know what people say about them. It will give you better idea to write books as per reader needs.
  • Write down precious information you find from reviews of the books in the particular niche.

Step by step process to find money-making niche at

  • Go to’ landing page.
  • You see ‘Departments’ on the left hand side. Bring mouse point on it, and select ‘Kindle E-readers and E-books’ department from the list appeared.
  • Or
  • By clicking on ‘Departments’, you can see all departments on the screen; choose ‘Kindle E-readers and E-books’ department.
  • From the Kindle E-readers and E-books’ department, go to ‘Kindle store’ and then choose ‘kindle Books’.
  • After selecting ‘Kindle Books’, find ‘Kindle Books’ in the left sidebar.
  • There are many categories under the title of ‘Kindle Books’.
  • Choose any one of those categories. For instance, you choose, “Cookbooks, Food, and Wine”.
  • When you click, Cookbooks, Food, and Wine”, you see the screen with main title, Cookbooks, Food, and Wine” and with some more subtitles.
  • On the left sidebar, you will see some subcategories under the “Cookbooks, Food, and Wine” you can choose anyone of them.
  • Suppose you choose “Outdoor Cooking, and Special Appliances”, click it, you will reach screen where you have a lot of books.
  • Now click best sellers, you can find “Top 10 paid” and “Top 100 Free”
  • Explore these top free and paid sellers.
  • Look at the bestselling books.
  • Read the reviews to have idea of bestselling niche books
  • Finally select the best niche books as per your interest and selling benefits.

Writing quality content


Things you should remember while writing e-books

  • Your e-book should give a solution to readers.
  • Give your readers something different from what many other writers have already published.

Design the book and Cover Page

Coming soon……..

Publishing E-book on websites

What you need to successfully self-publish a book online:

  • A formatted and edited niche book
  • Placement, keywords, and a book description
  • Pictures for the book
  • An author to take the credit
  • A book cover
  • Reviews
  • A marketing strategy

Things you should follow when you publish your book:

  • Choose at least 3 niches that look like they have great potential for your first niche book.
  • Read reviews and use the above four points to validate the best niche out of the three.
  • Assign your book to two most specific categories and 10 relevant keywords.

Getting Reviews

Coming soon…………………………

Marketing the Book

Coming soon…………………………


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