UGC Net English Exam Paper 2nd December 2017

Note: This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. In Frances Burney’s novel, Evelina, the eponymous heroine comes out in society in two locations. They are:

(a) Bath

(b) Bristol

(c) Leeds

(d) London

The right combination according to the code is:

(1) (a) and (b)   

 (2) (b) and (c)   

 (3) (a) and (d)   

 (4) (b) and (d)

Ans: (4) (b) and (d)

2. Which of the following lines by Shakespeare is repeated several times in Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway?

(1)  “If music be the food of love, play on”.

(2) “Fear no more the heat of the sun, Nor the furious winter’s rages”.

(3) “Those are pearls that were his eyes”.

(4) “There is a tide in the affairs of man”.

Ans: (2) “Fear no more the heat of the sun, Nor the furious winter’s rages”.

3. Identify the important theatres of the Elizabethan period:

(a) Peacock

(b) Globe

(c) Swan

(d) Grand

The right combination according to the code is:

(1) (a) and (b)   

(2) (b) and (c)   

 (3) (b) and (d)

(4) (a) and (d)

Ans: (2) (b) and (c)   

4. In which poem does Matthew Arnold express the dilemma of:

“Wandering between two worlds, one dead, The other powerless to be born” ?

(1)  “Self – Dependence”     

 (2) “Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse”

(3)  “To a Republican Friend”             

 (4)  “Dover Beach”

Ans: (2) “Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse”

5. Who made the comment that, “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn” ?

(1)  Henry James     

 (2)   William Faulkner

(3)   Jack London      

 (4)     Ernest Hemingway

Ans: (4)          Ernest Hemingway

6. The Emblem is a poetic genre containing a symbolic picture with a text and a verse exposition popular in the early 17TH century. Who popularised this kind of poetry through the work Emblems [1635] ?

(1)          Robert Southwell           

  (2)          Francis Quarles

(3)          John Davies       

 (4)          Joseph Sylvester

Ans: (2)          Francis Quarles

7. Which Byron work begins thus: “I want a hero: an uncommon want, when every year and month sends forth a new one………” ?

(1) Beppo           

 (2) Cain

(3) Manfred      

 (4) Don Juan

Ans: (4) Don Juan

8. The title of Sir Thomas Browne’s famous treatise, Religio Medici means:

(1)   Religion of a Doctor        

 (2)   Religion of Magician

(3)    Religion of Divinity          

(4)  Religion of Meditation

Ans: (1)   Religion of a Doctor

9. Which among the following recent novels is a retelling of Sophocles’s Antigones?

(1)     Kamila Shamsie, Home Fire        

(2)    Fiona Mozley, Elmet

(3)     Zadie Smith, Swing Time              

(4)      Mohsin Hamid, Exit West

Ans: (1)    Kamila Shamsie, Home Fire

10. Identify the two important works of Paul de Man from the following list:

(a)          Blindness and Insight

(b)          Allegories of Reading

(c)           Theoretical Essays

(d)          Criticism and Ideology

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (b)   

(2) (a) and (c)    

(3) (b) and (c)   

(4) (b) and (d)

Ans: (1) (a) and (b)

11. Samuel Johnson denounced the metaphysical poets saying, “About the beginning of the seventeenth century appeared a race of writers that may be termed the metaphysical poets”. In the biography of which of the following poets in his Lives of Poets did Johnson make this remark?

(1)          John Dryden     

(2)          Thomas Parnell

(3)          Abraham Cowley            

 (4)          Alexander Pope

Ans: (3)          Abraham Cowley

12. The terms of the contract are not disagreeable to me.

The above sentence contains an example of:

(1) enumeratio

(2) litotes            

(3) anaphora     

 (4) metonymy

Ans: (2) litotes

13. Who is the author of the following lines? “To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour…”.

(1) Thomas Gray 

(2) William Blake

(3) William Collins

(4) William Cowper

Ans: (2) William Blake

14.  In Women in Love what is Winifred’s pekinese dog called?

(1) Bismarck      

 (2) Looloo           

(3) Lucky             

(4) Buddy

Ans: (2) Looloo

15. Which of the following New Critics put forward the idea of the ‘heresy of paraphrase’?

(1)          Allen Tate           

(2)          Cleanth Brooks

(3)          W.K. Wimsatt   

(4)          Monroe C Beardsley

Ans: (2)          Cleanth Brooks

16. Edmund Spenser’s Colin Clout’s Come Home Again is a fine example of:

(1)          carpe diem        

(2)          sonnet sequence

(3)          georgic poetry  

 (4)          pastoral eclogue

Ans: (4)          pastoral eclogue

17.  In An Essay of Dramatic Poesy whom does John Dryden refer to as “the most learned and judicious Writer which any Theater ever had”?

(1)          John Webster   

(2)          Christopher Marlowe

(3)          Ben Jonson        

(4)          William Shakespeare

Ans: (3)          Ben Jonson        

18. This Australian poet was raised in New South Wales and grew up in rural Australian landscape. In 1946 she published her first book of poems. In 1962, she became cofounder and president of the Wild Life Preservation Society of Queensland and served as its president several times thereafter. Identify the poet.

(1)          Dorothy Hewett              

 (2)          Nettie Palmer

(3)          Judith Wright    

(4)          Amy Witting

Ans: (3)          Judith Wright

19.  Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko is set in __________.

(1) Surinam        

(2) Abyssinia     

 (3) Egypt             

(4) Assyria

Ans: (1) Surinam

20. Who published the first collected edition of Gerard Manley Hopkins’s poems in 1918 ?

(1)          Robert Bridges 

(2)          Coventry Patmore

(3)          John Betjeman

(4)          Stephen Spender

Ans: (1)          Robert Bridges 

21. Samuel Richardson named his heroine Pamela after one of the characters in __________.

(1)          Edmund Spenser’s Faerie Queene

(2)          William Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis

(3)          Philip Sidney’s Arcadia

(4)          Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales

Ans: (3)          Philip Sidney’s Arcadia

22. Pinter once admitted that he first became aware of the dramatic power of the pause from seeing a popular American comedian. Which one?

(1) Bob Hope    

 (2) W. C. Fields 

(3) Jack Benny  

 (4) Charlie Chaplin

Ans: (3) Jack Benny

23. Charles Dickens’s Bleak House is pointedly critical of England’s:

(1)          Privy Council     

(2)          Court of Appeal

(3)          Court of Chancery          

(4)          military courts

Ans: (3)          Court of Chancery

24. Which of the following is NOT true of the ideal state in Thomas More’s Utopia ?

(1)          Personal property, money and vice are effectively abolished.

(2)          The root causes of crime, ambition and political conflict, are eliminated.

(3)          There is only one religion guided by the principle of a benevolent Supreme Being.

(4)          Its priesthood, which includes some women, is limited in number.

Ans: (3)          There is only one religion guided by the principle of a benevolent Supreme Being

25. Which character created by Coleridge makes the following account of her harrowing experience? “Five warriors seized me yestermorn, Me, even me, a maid forlorn: They choked my cries with force and fright, And tied me on a palfrey white”.

(1)          Geraldine

(2)          Christabel

(3)          Christabel’s mother

(4)          The maid who appeared in Christabel’s dream

Ans: (1)          Geraldine

26. Which novel of Thomas Hardy begins with the sombre description of Egdon Heath?

(1)          Jude the Obscure           

(2)          The Return of the Native

(3)          Far from the Madding Crowd    

 (4)          Under the Greenwood Tree

Ans: (2)          The Return of the Native

27. The metrical form of Gower’s Confessio Amantis is:

(1)          iambic pentameter        

(2)          anapestic trimeter

(3)          octosyllabic couplets     

(4)          trochaic tetrameter

Ans: (3)          octosyllabic couplets

28. What happens to the lock of hair at the end of Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock?

(1)          It is given back to its rightful owner.

(2)          It is preserved in a monument.

(3)          It turns into a star.

(4)          It is presented to the poet as a token of gratitude.

Ans: (3)          It turns into a star

29. The Bard. The Iron Lady. The King. The above are examples of :

(1) anacoluthon               

(2) aposiopesis 

(3) asyndenton

(4) antonomasia

Ans: (4) antonomasia

30. Which of the following novels by Margaret Atwood depicts the historical event of the notorious murders committed in 1843?

(1)          The Blind Assassin          

(2)          Alias Grace

(3)          Cats Eye              

(4)          Oryx and Crake

Ans(2)          Alias Grace:

31. Which of the following poems by W. B. Yeats repudiates the sensual world in favour of “the artifice of eternity” ?

(1)          “Under Ben Bulben”      

 (2)          “Among School Children”

(3)          “Sailing to Byzantium”   

 (4)          “After Long Silence”

Ans: (3)          “Sailing to Byzantium

32. Which of the following characters in Moby Dick falls overboard and turns insane as a result?

(1) Pip  

(2) Queequeg   

(3) Starbuck       

(4) Tashtego

Ans: (1) Pip

33. Which of the following poems by Seamus Heaney is dedicated to the Irish poet Paul Muldoon?

(1) “The Loaning”

(2) “The Sandpit”

(3) “A Migration”

(4) “Widgeon”

Ans: (4) “Widgeon

34. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies which of the following characters is put to death?

(1) Piggy              

(2) Ralph             

(3) Simon            

 (4) Jack

Ans: (2) Ralph 

35. In Canterbury Tales who has a red face full of sores?

(1) the Summoner

(2) the Shipman        

 (3) the Yeoman

(4) the Reeve

Ans(1) the Summoner:

36. The pace of speech is called:

(1) syllable         

(2) loudness      

(3) tempo           

(4) pitch

Ans: (3) tempo

37. Match the title with the author:

(a)          Sexual Politics                                (i)            Mary Ellman

(b)          A Literature of Their Own             (ii)           Elaine Showalter

(c)           Thinking About Women                (iii)          Helene Cixous

(d)          The Laugh of the Medusa            (iv)         Kate Millet

Code :

(a)          (b) (c) (d)

(1)          (iv)         (iii)          (i)            (ii)

(2)          (iv)         (ii)           (i)            (iii)

(3)          (iii)          (iv)         (i)            (ii)

(4)          (iv)         (i)            (ii)           (iii)

Ans(2)          (iv)         (ii)           (i)            (iii):

38. Which of the following historical events does Tennyson’s poem “The Charge of the Light Brigade” describe?

(1)          The Battle of Hastings   

 (2)          The Wars of the Roses

(3)          The Battle of Waterloo 

 (4)          The Crimean War

Ans: (4)  The Crimean War

39. Northrop Frye’s influential work, Anatomy of Criticism includes, as the subtitle indicates, four essays. Which of the following is NOT one among them?

(1)          “Archetypal Criticism:     Theory of Myths”           

(2)          “Typological Criticism:    Theory of Types”            

(3)          “Historical Criticism          :   Theory of Modes”          

(4)          “Ethical Criticism               :      Theory of Symbols”

Ans: (2)          “Typological Criticism:    Theory of Types”

40.  In Robert Browning’s “Andrea del Sarto”, with which of the following painters does Andrea NOT compare himself with?

(1)          Msichelangelo    

 (2)          Leonardo da Vinci

(3)          Rembrandt        

 (4)          Raphael

Ans:(3)          Rembrandt

41. In Jonathan Swift’s Gullivers Travels Gulliver refers to William Dampier, the famous writer of two voyages, as:

(1) master          

(2) brother         

(3) cousin           

(4) uncle

Ans(3) cousin:

42. Who among the following is NOT a character in Pride and prejudice?

(1) Mr. Darcy     

(2) Miss Bingley               

(3) Miss Bates   

(4) Mr. Collins

Ans: (3) Miss Bates

43. “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players”, occurs in Shakespeare’s As You Like It. Which character says the line?

(1) Jacques        

 (2) Celia               

 (3) Rosalind       

(4) Touchstone

Ans: (1) Jacques        

44. Which of the following rivers are mentioned in Andrew Marvell’s poem “To His Coy Mistress” ?

(1)          Thames and Rhine          

 (2)          Thames and Ganges

(3)          Ganges and Humber     

 (4)          Thames and Humber

Ans: (3)          Ganges and Humber     

45. “The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”. The above is an example of:

(1) ploce             

(2)   epizeuxis            

(3) plurisignation

(4) diaeresis

Ans: (1) ploce 

46. Which of the following images is NOT part of W.H. Auden’s poem “In Memory of W.B. Yeats”?

(1)          Mercury sinking in the mouth of the dying day

(2)          Wolves running through evergreen forests

(3)          Silence invading the suburbs

(4)          Memory scattering like the beads

Ans: (4)          Memory scattering like the beads

47. Who among the following is the author of Steps to the Temple?

(1)          John Donne       

 (2)          Richard Crashaw

(3)          George Herbert               

 (4)          Henry Vaughan

Ans: (2)          Richard Crashaw

48. Match the character with the work:

(a)          Jim Dixon             (i)            Room at the Top

(b)          Jimmy Porter     (ii)           Hurry on Down

(c)           Joe Lampton      (iii)          Look Back In Anger

(d)          Charles Lumley (iv)         Lucky Jim

Code :

(a)           (b) (c) (d)

(1)          (iv)         (iii)          (i)            (ii)

(2)          (iv)         (iii)          (ii)           (i)

(3)          (iii)          (iv)         (i)            (ii)

(4)          (iii) (i)  (ii) (iv)

Ans: (1)          (iv)         (iii)          (i)            (ii)

49. In the opening book of The Prelude Wordsworth mentions famously that he was “fostered alike by __________ and __________”.

Pick out the right pair.

(a)          nature

(b)          fear

(c)           imagination

(d)          beauty

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (c)    

(2) (d) and (b)   

(3) (d) and (c)   

4) (a) and (d)

Ans: (2) (d) and (b)

50. The title of Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Petals of Blood is derived from a poem by Derek Walcott. Identify the poem.

(1)          “A Far Cry from Africa” 

 (2)          “The Swamp”

(3)          “Goats and Monkeys”  

(4)          “Midsummer”

Ans: (2)          “The Swamp”

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