12 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Site in 30 Days

If you have your own blog or business website, it is typically necessary to drive traffic to it to take advantage of it. You know the internet and flooded with a large number of websites, and of course your competitors do already have their presence. That is why only if your website has a huge traffic, its purpose can be fulfilled otherwise your business website will remain on the internet like many others with not use. Your business website can get customers if it has a large traffic of your potential audience. You can monetize your efforts and time what you have put to create your blog only when you get success to drive traffic to it. If you have touch with the digital marketing domain, you can better understand that driving traffic to your website or blog is not as easy as it seems. However if you follow the useful tips given below, you would be able to increase traffic to your site within 30 days.

Build an email list.

For everyone who has a website, building a strong email list is utmost necessary though building email list can be something difficult. A good email list is a great part of email marketing strategies which must be created to create steady stream f traffic or targeted audiences and to convert them into your customers.

The significant way to gather email address in your list is to offer your audiences downloadable content that requires a subscription.

Always keep your email list updated to any new changes or developments made on your website or to the new content you post on your website or anything else what you think is interesting to your site visitors.

Do an SEO audit of your site.

It is the first most important thing to make your website, SEO friendly so that search Engines like Google best search your site’s existence. It is good if you take help of an SEO expert, but if your budget does not allow you to hire a SEO specialist, and you also don’t have the right knowledge to completely optimize your blog or website, you can do a lot to make your site find in search engines.

You can use Meta title, Meta description, Meta keywords, Meta tags, while posting your valuable content as a post or page. You can use alt text to your images, and you can add links to your posts.

Don’t forget to use keywords in your headlines of the post.

You can use some plugins or tools like “All in one SEO”or Yoast SEO, these tools will help you optimize your website conveniently.

Create a Blog and post on it regularly.

Content marketing and blogging is really a big part of your digital marketing strategy. Most of the businesses have their own blog created on their business website. The quality content posted regularly on your blog engage your site users and encourage them come back again and again, and thus it built a stronger relationship with your site and your audience. From the perspective of your site visibility in search engines, blogs with targeted keywords help search engines like Google search your website easily and bring it on the top ranks.  Blogging regularly can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche.

For some of you, blogging can be time-consuming task, so you can hire a professional. The quality content on your site blog will give you much more in return. You can also repurpose the blog content if you convert it into an infographic, slide deck or e-book.

If you post quality content having a solution in it for readers, you will be able to collect more audience who will appreciate it and share it for others and thus you will get more traffic to your site and more loyal fans to your blog.

Engage with audiences on social media.

Doubtlessly, social media is a great source of traffic to your blog or site, but it requires daily attention from your side if you want desired results of driving traffic to your site.

The first thing what you need to do is add the links of you social media sites accounts to your website.

In order to increase your social media presence and your social network, you have to engage with audiences as often as possible, this subsequently increase traffic to your website.

Any new and valuable content that you publish on your website must be shared on your social media sites.

Make sure that you have added social media sharing buttons to your website or blog so that your visitors can share as well.

Use social media ads.

Most of the social networking sites offer facilities to run ads on them, and it is great to run an ad campaign targeting your audiences. Different types of ads suit different needs, and bring in good results. It is the best way to get quick results from social media channels.

The social media sites especially facebook is making it fruitful for businesses and brands. The social networks bring promotional posts in front of their audiences, but if you take ads facilities, then you can get a quick boost in traffic to your website.

Create an account on StumbleUpon.

StumbleUpon is a content curation website where the best pieces of digital content-text, images, video, etc. can unexpectedly go viral. If you create an account on Stumbleupon, and post your quality content regularly, it can be an amazing source of traffic to your website back. You will notice huge increment in visitor numbers from StumbleUpon.

The secret of getting traffic from StumbleUpon is quite simple. It is popular content website so when you post relevant content that provides real value for its readers; they attract to know more from your website.

You can start by creating a profile on StumbleUpon, and link it to your website and blog in your bio. You can start building a group and sharing by stumbling great posts.  Find people to follow who have same interests.

Once you start stumbling, you need to be active to share other blogs’ posts as well. Posting your own stuff and no sharing others posts will definitely not go well with other Stumblers.

Build internal links on your website.

While posting new content, pay head to see if there are any words linking to other pages already published on your website. But make sure that the link is relevant. Just put two three links only, too many links on a same page would definitely put off your readers.

Internal links on your site are very helpful as they help in terms of search engine optimization, and they make your readers stay there to spend more time.

Use the power of visual content.

Eye-catching, fun images can make a huge difference to your traffic. They bring more shares on social media and make readers much more interested in reading.

While sharing a post on social media, add an image or else your updated content will probably not even be noticed.

Create infographics and use them on your site.

Infographics prove to be great sources of traffic. The infographics you publish on your website do not only get a lot of engagement but also these infographicss drove more traffic.

Since Infographics are much more eye-catching while conveying a lot of useful information, they get a lot of shares.

If you want to take greater benefit of infographics, you need to submit it to infographic directories, once you’ve published it to your site. Then you can contact influencers and other bloggers and websites to see your infographics if they are interested in them. Doing like this leads to greater exposure, more traffic and increased brand awareness.

You can hire an agency or graphic designer or, you can also try any one of the free infographic tools like Visme available online. With the help of such tools, you can create infographics, interactive slide decks, social media images and other visual content.

Do guest blogging.

 Guest blogging proves to be a great way to reach new audiences for your website if they like what you have to say.

Gest bloging is an effective way to get more links to your site with popular blogs.

You can find great websites for guest blogging by searching for key influencers in your niche and then you can start building a relationship with them.

There are some tools like BuzzSumo to find top influencers and the top content shared.

Engage in forum marketing.

Forum marketing can also be a form of impressive marketing. But it can take a long time to build up your strong profiles on forums. This is an ongoing task. But I am sure if you stick with forum marketing, it can bring you more targeted traffic and conversions.

To get started, research the most popular forums in your niche. Then, create your profile and start interacting; in the beginning.

Once you build a rapport with other users, you can really start promoting yourself.  Some forums allow users to add a signature that appears at your posts. You can include a link to it. You can customize this signature to attract users to your website.

Comment on other relevant blogs.

Commenting on blogs is very similar to forum marketing. You should take proper time to show that you are genuinely helping the blog when commenting with a link, than fishing for traffic.

This will help you to get back links and to build relationships with influencers or bloggers in your niche.

While linking to one of your pages, make sure that your page actually complements the post you’re commenting on.

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