One Word Substitution, Meaning, Uses, Examples and Exercise

Here are One Word Substitutions, One Word Equivalents, use of One Word Substitution, Examples of One Word Substitution, and exercise of One Word Substitution.

  1. A battle or match in which neither party wins: Draw
  2. A belief contrary to the belief generally accepted: Heresy
  3. A book that has information of all the branches o knowledge: Encyclopedia
  4. A cluster of houses in a village: Hamlet
  5. A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition (P-09): Menagerie
  6. A condition of disorder and lawlessness: Anarchy
  7. A conditional release of a prisoner from jail before official end: Parole
  8. A country ruled by two countries: Condominium
  9. A decision on which all agree: Unanimous
  10. A festive courtly dramatic performance: Masque
  11. A festival of the hundredth anniversary: Centenary
  12. A girl who flirts: Coquette
  13. A group that consists of different types of things or people: Heterogeneous
  14. A group that contains elements of the same type: Homogenous
  15. A lady’s purse: Reticule
  16. A lady’s umbrella: Parasol
  17. A lover of books: Bibliophile
  18. A lover of food and drink: Gourmet
  19. A lover of others: Altruist
  20. A man of odd habits: Eccentric
  21. A man who dances to the tunes of his wife: Henpecked
  22. A masculine woman: Amazon
  23. A nation engaged in war: Belligerent
  24. A noisy turbulent kind of woman: Virago
  25. Apartner in crime: Accomplice
  26. A period of one thousand years: Millennium
  27. A person behind time: Antiquated
  28. A person free from infection: Immune
  29. A person with the same name as another: Namesake
  30. A person who comes to live in a country from some other country: Immigrant
  31. A person who is fond of fighting: Bellicose
  32. A person who keeps changing his opinions (P-04): Turncoat
  33. A person who wishes to throw his establishment: Anarchist
  34. A place for keeping bees (T-04): Apiary
  35. A place of good climate: Sanatorium
  36. A place of washing dishes adjoining kitchen: Scullery
  37. A place of shelter or refuge, or psychiatric hospital (P-04, 10): Asylum
  38. A place with gambling tables: Casino
  39. A place where prostitutes are available: Brothel
  40. A political leader who tries to get support by making false promises and using arguments based on emotion (P-09): Demagogue
  41. A printed note of someone’s death: Obituary
  42. A religious song: Hymn
  43. A remarkable talent: Prodigy
  44. A room for the display of works of art (P-05): Gallery
  45. A short but amusing story: Anecdote
  46. A short and clear description of something: Vignette
  47. A speech or piece of writing that praises someone: Panegyric
  48. A style full of words: Verbose
  49. A thing kept in the memory of a person: Memento
  50. A verse letter: Epistle
  51. A war of religion: Crusade
  52. A woman who lures men to destroy them: Circe
  53. A woman who has never married: Spinster
  54. A word no longer in use: Obsolete
  55. A written declaration as an oath: Affidavit
  56. Act of killing one’s wife: Uxoricide
  57. -Allowance given to wife on legal divorce: Alimony
  58. An animal story with a moral: Fable
  59. An army of soldiers on horse: Cavalry
  60. An instrument for viewing objects at a distance: Telescope
  61. An office for which high salary is paid (P-05): Sinecure
  62. An unknown person: Anonymous
  63. Animals living on land and in water: Amphibian
  64. Appointment by two parties to settle a dispute: Arbiter
  65. Art of cutting tree and bushes into ornamental shape: Topiary
  66. Award given after death: Posthumous
  67. Borrowing ideas and stealing other’s words is called (T-10) Plagiarism
  68. Care taker of a public building: Custodian
  69. Change one’s mind too quickly: Vacillation
  70. Congratulate somebody in formal manner:Felicitate
  71. Contempt of God: Blasphemy
  72. Creature having both male and female organs: Hermaphrodite
  73. Cure for all disease (P-2000, T-01, 04): Panacea
  74. Custom of having many husbands: Polyandry
  75. Custom of having many wives (P-04): Polygamy
  76. Dealing of counterfeit things: Forgery
  77. Disease which is spread by contact: Contagious
  78. Doctor who treats children: Pediatrician
  79. Doctor of heart diseases: Cardiologist
  80. Doctor old age diseases: Gerontologist
  81. Doctor of nerve diseases: Neurologist
  82. Doctor of eye diseases: Ophthalmologist
  83. Doctor of ear diseases: Otologist
  84. Doctor/Specialist in detecting the origin/nature of diseases: Pathologist
  85. Doctor in nose diseases: Rhinologist
  86. Doctor of mental aberrations: Psychiatrist
  87. Doctor/Specialist in treating crooked teeth: Orthodontist
  88. Doctor of women’s diseases: Gynaecologist
  89. Evening prayer in the church: Vesper
  90. Equal in rank: Peer hellow
  91. Fault that may be forgiven: Venial
  92. Favouring own kith and kin: Nepotism
  93. Fear of bathing: Ablutophobia
  94. Fear of becoming bald: Phalacrophobia
  95. Fear of being robbed: Harpaxophobia
  96. Fear of cockroaches: Katsaridaphobia
  97. Fear of crowd: Ochlophobia
  98. Fear of darkness: Lygophobia
  99. Fear of death: Nicrophobia
  100. Fear of dentist: Dentophobia
  101. Fear of disease: Pathophobia
  102. Fear of failure: Atychiphobia
  103. Fear of foreigners: Xenophobia
  104. Fear of God: Zeusophobia
  105. Fear of making decisions Decidophobia
  106. Fear of poverty Peniaphobia
  107. Fear of property. Onthophobia
  108. Fear of radiation: Radiophobia
  109. Fear of riding a car Amaxophobia
  110. Fear of school: Scolionophobia
  111. Fear of sex: Genophobia
  112. Fear of speaking: Lalophobia
  113. Fear of speed: Tachophobia
  114. Fear of water: Hydrophobia
  115. Foar of words: Logophobia
  116. Fear of high places: Acrophobia
  117. Fear of large, open spaces: A goraphobia
  118. Fear of Britain: Anglophobia
  119. Fear of lightning, thunder, and storm: Astraphobia
  120. Fear of books: Bibliophobia
  121. Fear of hands: Chirophobia
  122. Fear of small, narrow, or enclosed place: Claustrophobia
  123. Fear of work: Ergophobia
  124. Fear of crowds: Demophobia Ochlophobia
  125. Fear of trees: Dendrophobia
  126. Fear of the French: Francophobia
  127. Fear of Women: Gynephobia
  128. Fear of speaking: Lalophobia
  129. Fear of germs/contamination: Mysophobia
  130. Fear of darkness: Nyctophobia
  131. Fear of everything in general: Panophobia
  132. Fear of strong light: Photophobia
  133. Fear of feet: Podophobia
  134. Fear of children: Pedophobia
  135. Fear of horses: Hippophobia
  136. Fear of sinning: Peccatophobia
  137. Fear of speaking aloud: Phonophobia
  138. Fear of fire: Pyrophobia
  139. Fear of food: Sitophobia
  140. Fear of syphilis (sexually transmitted disease): Syphilophobia
  141. Fear of death: Thanatophobia
  142. Fear of being poisoned: Toxophobia
  143. Fear of strangers: Xenophobia
  144. Fear of animals: Zoophobia
  145. First speech: Maiden
  146. Food agrees with one’s taste: Puldiddle
  147. Funny imitation of a poem:Parody
  148. Giving up throne by the king: Abdication
  149. Go back and forth: Shuttle
  150. Government by a few people: Oligarchy
  151. Government by the nobles (T-09): Aristocracy
  152. Government by the rich: Plutocracy
  153. Government by a single person: Autocracy
  154. Government by the Gods: Theocracy
  155. Government by the officials: Bureaucracy
  156. Government by a dictator: Autocracy
  157. Government by old men: Gerontocracy
  158. Government by women: Gynecocracy
  159. Government by worst citizens: Kakistocracy
  160. -Government by mob: Mobocracy/Ochlocracy
  161. Government by new, inexperienced officials: Neocracy
  162. Government by all: Pantisocracy
  163. Government by a few people: Oligarchy
  164. Group of three novels: Trilogy
  165. Group of stars: Constellation
  166. Incapable of being wounded: Invulnerable
  167. In-charge of museum /Pitch: Curator
  168. Indifference to pleasure or pain: Stoicism
  169. Instruments which makes smaller objects larger: Microscope
  170. Intentional destruction of racial group: Genocide
  171. Interval between two events: Interlude
  172. Just punishment for wrong doing: Nemesis
  173. Killing of another human being: Homicide
  174. Killing of bees: Apicide
  175. Killing of pests: Pesticide
  176. Killing of one’s children: Filicide
  177. Killing of one’s father: Patricide
  178. Killing of a race of people: Genocide
  179. Killing of one’s parents: Parricide
  180. Killing of populations: Populicide
  181. Killing of one’s sister: Sororicide
  182. Killing of oneself: Suicide
  183. Killing of one’s wife: Uxoricide
  184. Language difficult to understand: Jargon
  185. Large scale departure of people: Exodus
  186. List of explanation of words: Glossary
  187. List of goods with their price: Invoice
  188. Longing for things that are past (T-09): Nostalgia
  189. Loop of rope is called: Noose
  190. Loud talk, speech or quarrel (P-09): Harangue
  191. Lover of books: Bibliophile
  192. Lover of children: Paedophile
  193. Lover of animals: Zoophile/Zoophilist
  194. Lover of vegetables: Vegetarian
  195. Lover of meat: Carnivore/Non-vegetarian
  196. Lover of human flesh: Cannibal
  197. Lover of grandeur: Megalomaniac
  198. Lover of War: Warmonger
  199. Lover of peace: Pacifist, Peace-loving
  200. Lover of food: Gourmet
  201. Lover of good taste in art, painting etc: Connoisseur
  202. Lover of travelling around the world: Globe-trotter
  203. Lover of self: Narcissist
  204. Made ordinary by overuse: Hackneyed
  205. Man having the qualities of woman (P-2000, 05): Effeminate
  206. Man of lax moral: Licentious
  207. Man whose wife has been unfaithful to him: Cuckold
  208. -Mania for setting fires: Pyromania
  209. Mania for stealing things: Kleptomania
  210. Mania for talking: Logomania
  211. Mania for travel: Dromomania
  212. Mania of being important: Megalomania
  213. Mania for rare books: bibliomania
  214. Mania for drinking alcohol: Dipsomania
  215. Mania for writing: Graphomania
  216. Mania for sexual desire in female: Nymphomania
  217. Mania/ delusion that one has become god: Theomania
  218. Medical examination of a dead body: Postmortem
  219. Medicine which lessens pain: Anodyne
  220. Member of a band of robbers: Brigand
  221. Morning prayer: Matin
  222. Murdering of a family: Familicide
  223. Murdering of an infant: Infanticide
  224. Murdering of Brother: Fratricide
  225. Murdering of husband by his wife: Mariticide
  226. Murdering of the king: Regicide
  227. Murdering of tyrant: Tyrannicide
  228. Next to, but not necessarily touching (T-05): Adjacent
  229. Old age when a man behaves like a fool: Dotage
  230. One who believes one is God: Theomania
  231. One who believes in God Motheis
  232. One who believes in my God Flytheist
  233. One who believes that Universe are the: Panther
  234. One who believes that everything is pre destined: Fatalist
  235. One who believes that pleasure is the chief good: Hedonist
  236. One who bunks the chess: Tran
  237. One who betrays one: Traitor
  238. One who cats vegetables, herbaceous plats (P-09): Herbivorous
  239. One who steals others ideas and words: Plagiarist
  240. One who can easily be deceived: Gullible
  241. One who cannot be corrected: Incorrigible
  242. One who can speak two languages: Bilingual
  243. One who can use either of his hands with ease: Ambidextrous
  244. One who champions the cause of women (P-05): Feminist
  245. One who claims to be skilled in medicine, but he his not: Quack
  246. One who collects coins: Numismatis
  247. One who comes from a village and considered stupid: Bumpkin
  248. One who compiles dictionary: Lexicographer
  249. One who cuts precious stones: Lapidist
  250. One who deserts his religion/faith: A postale
  251. One who does not believe in God: Atheist
  252. One who does not care for literature: Philistine
  253. One who does not respect something sacred or holy: Blasphemy
  254. One who does not take definite stand: Evasive
  255. One who draws maps and charts: Cartographer
  256. One who cats everything (P-09): Omnivorous
  257. One who eats human flesh: Cannibal
  258. One who fights for the sake of money (T-09): Mercenary
  259. One who forsakes religion: Renegade
  260. One who has many talents: Versatile
  261. One who has suddenly gained new wealth: Parvenu
  262. One who has unreasoning enthusiasm for the glorification of one’s country: Chauvinism
  263. One who hates knowledge and learning (T-03): Misologist
  264. One who hates mankind (T-05): Misanthrope
  265. One who hates the institution of marriage (P-09): Misogamist
  266. One who is bad in spelling: Cacographic
  267. One who is fond of collecting postage stamps: Philatelist
  268. One who is fond of company (P-09): Gregarious
  269. One who is guilty of firing property: Arsonist
  270. One who is hard to please: Fastidious
  271. One who is imaginative, or hopeful but unrealistic: Quixotic
  272. One who is more interested in himself: Introvert
  273. One who is more interested in others: Extrovert
  274. One who is more than a hundred years old: Centenarian
  275. One who is narrow and prejudiced in religious views: Bigot
  276. One who is neither intelligent nor dull: Mediocre
  277. One who is new to a profession: Novice
  278. One who is not the citizen of country (T-04): Alien
  279. One who is opposed to war (P-09): Pacifist
  280. One who is talkative: Garrulous
  281. One who is the most powerful: Omnipotent
  282. One who is unable to pay his debt: Bankrupt
  283. One who is very careful and particular:Meticulous
  284. One who is very well versed in music art or any subject: Connoisseur
  285. One who knows everything: Omniscient
  286. One who knows many languages: Linguist
  287. One who leaves his country to settle in another: Emigrant
  288. One who lends money at high rate: Usurer
  289. One who lives on flesh: Carnivorous
  290. One who lives/depends on others: Parasite
  291. One who looks at the bright side of things: Optimist
  292. One who looks at the dark side of things (P-09): Pessimist
  293. One who loves all and sundry: Philanthropist
  294. One who loves books: Bibliophile
  295. One who loves creating humour (T-10): Humorist
  296. One who passes through the gate without taking permission: Trespasser
  297. One who pays too much attention to his clothes and appearance: Dandy
  298. One who plays a game for pleasure not professionally: Amateur
  299. One who pretends illness to escape duty: Malingerer –
  300. One who reads only books: Bookworm
  301. One who relies on experience: Empiric
  302. One who runs away from the law: Fugitive
  303. One who sacrifices his life for country: Martyr
  304. One who sneaks into a country: Infiltrator
  305. One who speaks many languages: Polyglot
  306. One who speaks through puppets: Ventriloquist
  307. One who studies skin and its diseases: Dermatologist
  308. One who studies the formation of the earth: Geologist
  309. One who talks continuously: Loquacious
  310. One who thinks human nature is evil: Cynic
  311. One who totally abstain from alcohol P-2000, 09): Teetotaler
  312. One who travels from place to place: Itinerant
  313. One who treats female problems: Gynecologist
  314. One who tries to break traditional ideas or institutions: Iconoclast
  315. One who wants to see others unhappy: Sadist
  316. One who works in return for being taught the trade: Disciple
  317. One who works without rottin any salary: Honorary
  318. Original inhabitants of a country: Aborigines
  319. One whose attitude is to eat, drink and merry: Epicurean
  320. Opposing arguments: Rebut
  321. Paper written in one’s own handwriting: Manuscript
  322. Part of a church in which bells are hung: Belfry
  323. Part of a Government which is concerned with making of rules (P-04): Legislature
  324. People in rowdy scene: Rabble
  325. People belonging to the middle class – (P-09): Bourgeoisie
  326. Person different to pleasure and pain: Stoic
  327. Person obsessed with one idea or subject: Monomaniac
  328. Person pretending to be somebody he is not: Imposter
  329. Person who believes God is everything: Bantheist.
  330. Person who believes that the world can be made better by human efforts (P-13): A Meliorist
  331. Person who easily believes others (P-09): Credulous
  332. Person who does not believe in any religion: Pagan
  333. Person who enjoys sensuous enjoyments: Epicure
  334. Person who has long experience: Veteran
  335. Person who hates women: Misogynist
  336. Person who holds scholarship at a university: Bursar
  337. Person who is against ordinary society especially dressing: Hippy
  338. Person who is always dissatisfied: Malcontent
  339. Person who is made to bear the blame: Scapegoat
  340. Person who kill others for political reason: Assassin
  341. Person who lives alone and avoids other people (P- 10)Recluse
  342. Person who loves nature: Aesthere
  343. Person who makes love for amusement: Philanderer
  344. Person who pretends to have more knowledge (P- 05): Charlatan
  345. Person who regards the whole world as his country: Cosmopolitan
  346. Person with a beautiful handwriting: Calligrapher
  347. Person without manners: Rustic
  348. Persuasive and fluent speech: Eloquence
  349. Physician who delivers babies: Obstetrician
  350. Place where birds are kept (T-09): Aviary
  351. Place where cows are sheltered: Byre
  352. Place where govt. records are kept: Archives
  353. Place where women dwelled (Ancient time): Harem
  354. Place which provides both board and lodging: Inn
  355. Plants and vegetation: Flora
  356. Poem narrating a popular story: Ballad
  357. Poem written on the death of someone loved and lost: Elegy
  358. Policy of political party: Manifesto
  359. Power of reading thoughts of others: Telepathy
  360. Practice of one marriage: Monogamy
  361. Public building where weapons are made and stored: Arsenal
  362. Putting off for tomorrow what can be done today (P- 04): Procrastination
  363. Relationship by blood or birth: Consanguinity
  364. Responsible according to law: Legitimate
  365. Ride on someone else back: Piggyback
  366. Ridiculous use of words: Malapropisan
  367. Room leading into a large room: Anteroom
  368. Room with toilet facilities: Lavatory
  369. School for infants and children: Kindergarten
  370. Science of birds: Ornithology
  371. Scat on elephant’s back. Howdah
  372. Send unwanted person out of the country: Deport
  373. Set of facts systematically arranged in rows and columns (P-03) Table
  374. Short journey made by a group of persons together: Ercursion
  375. Short remaining end of cigarette: Stub
  376. Short walk for pleasure or exercise: Stroll
  377. Slow witted person Duffer
  378. Song sung at burial: Dirge
  379. Speech by an actor at the end of play Epilogue
  380. Speech without preparation (P-09, T-04) Extempore
  381. Stage between boyhood and youth: Adolescence
  382. Statement which cannot be understood: Incomprehensible
  383. Stories of old time Gods and heroes: Legend
  384. Story that cannot be believed: Incredible
  385. Study of ancient science: Archaeology
  386. Study of birds: Ornithologist
  387. Study of human body Anatomy
  388. Study of mankind: Anthropology
  389. Study of statistics of birth, death and diseases: Demography
  390. Sudden rush of winds: Gust
  391. That may cause death: Fatal
  392. That which cannot be changed or altered (P-04): Irrevocable
  393. That which stays for a long time (P-05): Durable
  394. The amount paid to a man for his work: Remuneration
  395. The art of effective speaking: Elocution
  396. The life history of a person written by himself (T-03): Autobiography
  397. The quality of being a spendthrift (T-10): Parsimony
  398. The scientific study of history and development of languages (P-13): Philology
  399. Thing incapable of being burnt: Incombustible
  400. Thing that bring gentle and painless death from incurable death: Euthanasia
  401. Thing that cannot be touched of felt: Palpable
  402. Thing that destroys the effect of poison: Antidote
  403. Thing through which light cannot pass: Opaque
  404. Thing which cannot be done without: Indispensable
  405. Things that can be seen and touched: Tangible
  406. Things that cannot be understood: Unintelligible
  407. Those who live at the same time (T-03): Contemporary
  408. To accustom oneself to a foreign climate: Acclimatize
  409. To do away with a rule: Abrogate
  410. To explain a spiritual truth: Parable
  411. To play a role in place of another person: Surrogate
  412. To spread troops for battle: Deploy
  413. Tumour which is not likely to spread: Benign
  414. Unexpected stroke of good luck: Windfall
  415. Using of new words: Neology
  416. Views which are not of one’s liking: Irritating
  417. Walking in sleep: Somnambulism
  418. Which cannot be rectified: Irreparable
  419. Woman who has extra marital relationship: Adultery
  420. inscribed on a tomb: Epitaph
  421. Work which involves too much official formalities (T-04): Red-Tapism

Mock test on one word substitutions

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