Check Your Grammar with Integrated Grammar Exercise

Integrated Exercise:

  1. None of us has/have committed this mistake.
  2. Every one of the boy/boys was rude.
  3. Ten thousand rupees is/are a good amount.
  4. He did/had done/has done his work before I reached his house.
  5. He ran a two mile/miles race.
  6. I gave you a ten rupee/rupees note.
  7. I did not do any work after you went/had gone/has gone from there.
  8. Each of the boys was being/were being/has been awarded yesterday.
  9. A number of boys caught/were caught/was caught coping in the class. 
  10. In July last year, it rained/ had rained/was rained a lot.
  11. Two liters of petrol can be contained by/to/in/at this bottle.
  12. The drainage system in our towns will be/ will have been/will being improved next year.
  13. If he will go/goes there, his friend will give him a pen.
  14. One should help his/one’s/her/their friend.
  15. You must/will take medicine in time if you want to recover.
  16. He as well as his friends write/writes/has written an essay daily. 
  17. Yesterday I met a man. He was a/an/the European.
  18. I could not get/got/gotten good marks in English last year.
  19.  You are inform/informed/inform to that the school will remain closed tomorrow.
  20. Here is the/a/an useful book.

Answer Key:

  1. None of us has committed this mistake.
  2. Every one of the boys was rude.
  3. Ten thousand rupees is a good amount.
  4. He had done his work before I reached his house.
  5. He ran a two mile race.
  6. I gave you a ten rupee note.
  7. I did not do any work after you had gone from there.
  8. Each of the boys was being awarded yesterday.
  9. A number of boys were caught coping in the class. 
  10. In July last year, it rained a lot.
  11. Two liters of petrol can be contained in this bottle.
  12. The drainage system in our towns will be improved next year.
  13. If he goes there, his friend will give him a pen.
  14. One should help one’s friend.
  15. You must take medicine on time if you want to recover.
  16. He as well as his friends writes an essay daily. 
  17. Yesterday I met a man. He was a European.
  18. I could not get good marks in English last year.
  19. You are informed that the school will remain closed tomorrow.
  20. Here is a useful book.

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