Top 12 Valuable Tips for Diabetes Patients

Top 12 Valuable Tips for Diabetes Patients

Diabetes is one of the most common health problems people face everywhere in the world. Unfortunately, no exact medical treatment is yet suggested that can cure the problem successfully. The problem is generated because of the incapability of the pancreas to secrete insulin, an enzyme responsible to digest sugar, in a proper way. When the pancreas once gets a problem secreting insulin, the level of sugar in the blood is not controlled and this abnormality of the body is called diabetes. In this article, I am not going to depict the treatment of diabetes, but I am sure, the points I am going to discuss will help you minimize the problem and help you live a happy life even with diabetes.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, don’t let yourself go through depression thinking that you are not eligible for living a happy life. But set your mind to be extra careful about diabetes management. There are some tips that will help you live normally.

  1. Gain the proper knowledge and use it for diabetes management. Educate yourself about the medication that your doctor consults you and be serious to take the medicine in time. Be aware of the three important things-blood pressure, A1C and Cholesterol, and keep yourself updated about your condition. Try to keep your blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol close to normal measurements to protect your heart.
  2. You must get A1C (average blood glucose) tested at least thrice a year.
  3. Be aware of your blood pressure and get it checked whenever you doubt its abnormality. Blood pressure below 130/80 mmHg will reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  4. A cholesterol test is needed at least once a year. If you are taking a cholesterol-lowering medication, try to maintain an LDL of less than 100 mg/dl and an HDL of more than 40 mg/dl for males and more than 50 mg/dl for females.
  5. 30 minutes of exercise must be a part of your daily life. If you are not in habit of doing exercise daily, make it a part of your daily life soon. It is the most important thing that can best help you in managing your disease. A simple walk can help you but is not sufficient for you. You should go beyond it. Saying so, I don’t want you to be a gymnast, but 15 minutes jogging and 15 minutes another exercise will give your body a good stretch and make your internal organs function well. Likewise, it will instigate the pancreas to secrete insulin. It will help you maintain blood pressure, blood sugar to keep your heart safe.
  6. For immediate information, you can do a self-test with a meter and find out your blood glucose at any moment. It will help you understand exactly how medicines, stress, exercise, and food are affecting glucose levels in your blood and so you can take action to control it in time.
  7. Be particular about your diet and know what foods are good to eat and what foods are restricted for you. Less unhealthy carbohydrates like sodas, desserts, and candy are good to eat. Choose calorie-free drinks, water, or diet soda instead of sugar-sweetened drinks. Use sugar substitutes in your diet.
  8. Obesity is harmful. It can add to your problem as these have a direct relation to Type-2 diabetes. If you are already suffering from obesity or you notice it currently growing, just give it a break and do hard to reduce it. Taking care of your diet and exercise will help you maintain your healthy weight.
  9. Many other problems can appear if diabetes is not managed well. Get in touch with doctors for regular tests. Eye and foot examination is also a part of diabetes management.
  10. Depression can affect your disease and reduce your ability to care for your diabetes, so don’t let yourself go into depression. For this, you can take the help of your family members, relatives, and friends. If you have some people with this disease, keep on sharing your conditions with one another. It will give you emotional support and help you overcome your depression. Discussing with others will also increase your knowledge to manage the problem.
  11. Don’t miss the opportunity to attend the camps and education programs organized by specialists in your neighborhood. Updated knowledge and ongoing education are a significant part of your diabetes management.
  12. While concluding the article, I would suggest you go through regular tests suggested, control your blood glucose, maintain your healthy lifestyle, and take your medications as prescribed by your doctor.

Keywords: diabetes management.

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