Skin Care

10 Useful Tips to Take Care of Skin

10 Useful Tips to Take Care of Skin

Let us take a discussion on the topic of Skincare. Not only the skin of the face but also the skin of the whole body needs special care. Everyone wants to have beautiful, flawless, and glowing skin. If you wear good and costly clothes but your skin is not shining or looking dull and with this skin, you are dreaming to look stand out in any party, office, wedding or any place, could you be? No never.

Now we are trying to help you understand how to care for your skin with natural and cosmetics products. One can use these tips as per their skin type.

Ten common tips for skincare (10 weapons for having skin glow)

  1. Daily do cleaning, toning, and moisturizing your skin both day and night.
  2. People having dry skin must use full rich or greasy cream. Can use lemon with honey and milk.
  3. People who have oily skin must use gentle moisturizer. Can use tomato with sugar or any pulses as a scrubber.
  4. At least on weekly basis, you must scrub which will remove dead skin, blackheads and whiteheads and keep the skin all clear. Scrubs can be either homemade or readymade it depends person to person.
  5. For protecting yourself from sun and dust always use suns cream, it helps you save your skin from harmful rays of the sun. You can use cucumber and tomato paste.
  6. Use oil massage and facials and natural packs in which you can use your kitchen ingredients like asafetida (Hing), turmeric, milk, sugar, and honey, and also you can use vegetables like tomato, potato, carrot, mint, and fruits.
  7. Always remove your makeup before you go to bed. Otherwise, it will leave impurities in skin pores.
  8. Daily have at least 8-9 glasses of water, it helps you to glow and prevent wrinkles.
  9. For nourishing your skin, always eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and try to use them on the face, neck, and hands along with eating and start minimum use of drinks, alcohol, oil, and junk food.
  10. Make habit of performing yoga and exercise on daily basis it will lead to glow and freshness on your face.

How to Take Care of Skin in Different Seasons

Only clean and shiny skin can make you stand out in every place. We know that everyone wants to look beautiful and attractive in all seasons either winter or summer and every time either in rain or sun but only makeup or costly accessories are not enough for that. We have some skin problems which need special attention and care. These can be usually taken care of with the guidance of a good dermatologist. A basic skincare routine is a must for all of us to keep away such problems from us.

Skincare in summer(how to make glowing skin in summer)It is very important to look after your skin in summer because more exposure to the sun leads to frequent sweating which leads to the common problem of sunburn or suntan and dehydration. First, drink enough water and never forget to use sunscreen. It helps you protect yourself from sunburn.

In summer, use scrubbing once every two days. It helps to remove impurities and moisturizing your skin. If you want you can use cucumber and tomato. It will help to remove sunburn spots.

Skincare from sun stokes-(Proper repairing of skin from the sun) When people stay more than an hour in sun without sun cream then it could be the problem of suntan. Your skin will become pink or red and could be painful full to the touch.  So I must say tomato and Radish are two vegetables which can minimize your tanning skin along with sun- cream and aloe is also best product. If you want you can also use cucumber along with sugar and tomato with milk. It will work as a scrub and will help to remove sunburn spots.

 Skin care in winter(dry and tired skin will look flawless in wintersby using these few tips you can save your skin, always use scarf’s and hats for saving your skin and hair from cold wind which is a part of winter. 8-9 times use either coconut oil or lip balm. You can also use mint for making your lips naturally pink. Every time use almond oil or coconut oil before going bath. It is one of the easy and effective ways to protect your skin from dryness. And as we know water helps in naturally nourishing us and so take enough water in winters also.

Skincare in the rainy season (you love monsoon. Doe your skin also like monsoon season?) In monsoon season excessive humidity in the atmosphere is the reason for allergies, infection, and skin problems. In this season always use fruit face mark or fruit-based face wash. At least 2 times a day, apply milk and honey on your face and hands because your skin needs cleansing, toning, and moisturizing on daily basis. And more important things especially in the rainy season try to trim your nails to avoid dirt.

Skincare in changing weather- (Skincare of sensitive skin in around the year) People having sensitive skins are more affected as the weather changes. Chemical products are not for them, because their can have side effects. I must suggest gulab jal for cleaning face in days with little warm water it will remove the dust particles and will purify your skin. You also can use fruit face washes but they must be home-made.

Care in spring (Two anti aging vegetables in spring)- Spring is time after winter. Now using these tips in spring you can find your skin more glowing and radiant complexion. Now on daily basis you can use paste of tomato and potato these are two vegetables with pinches of turmeric powder which works as anti aging skin. For refining your complexion you can use milk every day in early morning and you will see the perfect results.

Your skin is very important this is your mirror. Along with the best products which are available in market, you can use these above mentioned tips. They will really be helpful for your skin and easily available in your kitchen. These tips are not only for women but for all of us men and kids. Proper lifestyle can changed with your skin tone. So, make your stress level control and always stay happy.

The author is a skin care expert who counts homemade face marks more useful in place of chemical products. For info, you can visit or wait for my next article.

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