What are the Symptoms and Types of Allergies?

At times all human face the different types health problems. Among them some are seasonal or some are chronic diseases that harm people in many ways. Allergies are the common types of health problems which we have to face. Actually allergies are reactions against immune system in some individuals and these are some kinds of proteins and substances.

When it comes to the mechanism of the allergies, these occur when a person is exposed to allergen. In the beginning or the first time when a person is exposed to the allergens, the person’s body develops some kinds of molecules called antibodies these antibodies work against the invading proteins, and this process or action of the antibodies against the invading proteins is called immune response. But if the body exposed to the allergies again and again, then immune system creates huge amount of antibodies, and as a result breakdown of mast cells occurs. It contains some kind of chemical like histamine and this makes the features of allergies apparent. This entire process is call sensitization which may take different time period according to person to person. The time duration of sensitization can be starting from days to years. In this condition Symptoms can appear according to different kinds of allergies. Some common symptoms of the allergies are listed below:

Common Symptoms of allergy include:

  • Itching ears, eyes, throat and roof of the mouth
  • Itching in skin
  • Sneezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Runny nose and eyes
  • Pain over the sinuses
  • Coughing
  • Skin rashes
  • Nettle rashes or hives
  • Swelling of the lips or face
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea

Anaphylaxis-The severe stage of allergy

When the patient’s body severe allergic reaction and it becomes a threat to life, the allergy is termed as anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. The anaphylaxis stage of allergy involves almost all the parts of the whole body.

Symptoms of Anaphylaxis:

  • Swelling of the throat
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Difficulty in speaking or swallowing
  • Rash and itching everywhere in the body
  • Weakness and collapse
  • Unconsciousness due to low blood pressure

Anaphylaxis requires urgent emergency management. A patient requires a good treatment so that it can be resolved and the life of the patient can be saved. You can buy allergy medicine online to treat your chronic disease of allergy or you can consult the doctor first.

Types of allergies:

Allergy depending on the severity and possibility of management can be classified into the following types.

Hypersensitivity-Type I: The type first hypersensitivity is known as anaphylactic-type reactions. This type of allergy may be caused because of drugs, pollen, foods and insect stings.

Hypersensitivity-Type II: Type first hypersensitivity involves specific antibodies that are called the Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM.

Hypersensitivity-Type III: This type of allergy is an Immune complex-mediated reaction.

Hypersensitivity-Type IV: This type of allergy is called delayed or cell-mediated reactions and these are mediated by special immune cells known as T-cell lymphocytes.

Symptoms & Types

Learn the types of allergies including food allergies, seasonal allergies, pet allergies, and many more.

1.            Food Allergies

  • Food Allergies and Food Intolerance: At some points, food allergies or food intolerances can affect nearly everyone. Some people often have an unpleasant reaction to some edible things if they have a food allergy.
  • Milk Allergy Milk is healthful, however some people can have milk allergy from  milk. They should strictly avoid milk and milk products. This is the only way to prevent a reaction like wheezing, vomiting, and hives.
  • Egg Allergy: Egg allergies are more common in children than in adults. Its  reactions may be from mild to severe.
  • Wheat Allergy: Wheat and wheat products also can be allergic reactions like stomach upset, bronchospasm (asthma-like symptoms) eczema, allergic rhinitis, and even anaphylaxis.
  • Nut (Peanut) Allergy: Peanuts and tree nuts like cashews and walnuts, and other foods which contain nuts can be a cause of allergic reaction for some people.
  • 6.            Fish Allergy: A Variety of fishes can also be a cause of   reaction. First try to identify exactly which kind of fish causes your allergies, and then eliminate that species of fish from your diet.
  • Shellfish Allergy: Avoid shellfish foods if you suffer from shellfish allergies.s
  • Sulfite Allergy: One out of 100 people is sensitive to Sulfites compounds (a group of sulfur-based compounds).
  • Soy Allergy: Soybeans and other foods in the legume family like navy beans, kidney beans, string beans, black beans, pinto beans, lentils, carob, licorice, and peanuts can cause allergies.
  • Casein Allergy If you take a glass of milk or a bit of pizza and you have swollen lips, hives, or other significant symptoms, then you may be sensitive to casein, a protein found in milk.

                               2.             Seasonal Allergies

  • Spring Allergies: As the trees start to bloom in spring and the pollen gets airborne, so allergy sufferers begin to suffer from sniffling and sneezing.
  • Summer Allergies: Many of us can feel miserable with allergic triggers into summer.
  • Fall Allergies: The flower pollen that fills the air in the spring and summer can trigger fall allergies.
  • Winter Allergies: There are some common causes of winter allergies which cause cough and cold.

                                                   3.         Pet Allergies

  • Dog Allergy: Some of you can have allergies from dogs.
  • Cat Allergy: Some people can have cat allergies.

4.            Other Allergies

  • Hay Fever: Hay fever is an immune disorder which is characterized by an allergic response to pollen grains.
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis:Pink eye can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or STDs.
  • Hives (Urticaria): Hives, known as urticaria, are an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps, patches on the skin that appear suddenly as a result of allergies.
  • Allergies to Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac: These plants contain an irritating, oily sap called urushiol which triggers an allergic reaction.
  • Allergies to Insect Stings (Bee Stings) Stinging of Bee, wasp, yellow jacket, hornet, or fire ant can trigger allergies.
  • Mold Allergy: People with mold allergies may have a reaction if they expose to the fungus.
  • Pollen Allergies: A change of seasons can give signals in the form of allergic reactions for most people. 
  • Sun Reactions of the Skin: Most people’s skin will burn if they expose to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Aspirin Allergy (Salicylate Allergy): Salicylates are some chemicals which are found naturally in plants. These are a major ingredient of aspirin and other pain-relieving medications.
  • Cosmetic Allergy:For some people,  cosmetic products can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions.
  • Nickel Allergy A nickel allergic reaction can be developed after exposure to nickel.
  • Drug Allergy: Many drugs can have side effects, and trigger allergic reactions.
  • Dust Allergy: Some of the people can have dust allergies.
  • Chemical Allergy: Some people can have allergies from the chemicals in the products like shampoos, cosmetics, and detergents.
  • Penicillin Allergy: An allergic reaction can occur when your body’s immune system overreacts to penicillin antibiotics.

Keywords: Allergies, symptoms of allergies, types of allergies

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