Trained Graduate Teacher UP TGT English Question Paper 2013

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1. Transform the following sentence into exclamatory sentence. He leads a most unhappy life.

(a) What an unhappy life he leads!

(b) What an unhappily life he leads!

(c) What an unhappy life he was leading!

(d) Why he leads a most unhappy life!

Answer: (a) What an unhappy life he leads!

2. Choose the correct alternative, you………him since his childhood.

(a) have known

(b) know

(c) knew

(d) am knowing

Answer: (a) have known

3. ‘‘Take, O take those lips away, the above line occurs in……… .

(a) Midsummer Night’s Dream

(b) Twelfth Night

(c) Antony and Cleopatra

(d) Measure For Measure

Answer: (d) Measure For Measure

4. Change the following sentence into complex sentence.

He had to sign, or be executed.

(a) If he did not signed, he had not executed.

(b) If he had not signed, he would have been executed.

(c) If he had signed, he would not executed.

(d) If he was signed, he did not executed.

Answer: (b) If he had not signed, he would have been executed.

5. Change the sentence into passive voice. Do you not understand my meaning?

(a) I am not understood your meaning.

(b) I do not understand meaning.

(c) Is your meaning understood

(d) Is my meaning understood

Answer: (d) Is my meaning understood

6. Find out the mistake in the sentence given be low.

(a) The driver was put

(b) in the prison

(c) for exceeding

(d) the speed limit

Answer: (b) in the prison

7. Who wrote Metafiction?

(a) Roland Barthes

(b) Derrida

(c) Patricia Waugh

(d) Spivak

Answer: (b) Derrida

8. Complete the sentence.

Galsworthy’s play strife deals with the subject of……… .

(a) labour disputes

(b) justice

(c) war

(d) class distinction

Answer: (a) labour disputes

9. People have tried their best to provoke the flood victims.

Find out the correct antonym of the italicized word.

(a) Gratify

(b) Convince x

(c) Pacify

(d) attract

Answer: (c) Pacify

10. Where was Words worth born?

(a) Cockerpate

(b) Cockermouth

(c) Cocker Hill

(d) Cockervalley

Answer: (b) Cockermouth

11. Put the following in indirect speech.

‘‘How smart you are’’ she said.

(a) She exclaimed that I am smart

(b) She exclaimed that he was very smart

(c) She exclaimed that she is smart.

(d) She exclaimed she was smart.

Answer: (b) She exclaimed that he was very smart

12. Which of the following flowers does the Mad Ophelia not give away?

(a) Violets

 (b) Pansies

(c) Rosemary

(d) Columbines

Answer: (a) Violets

13. In which Shakespearean play does the following occur?

‘The bright day is done’ And we are for the dark

(a) Antony and Cleopatra

(b) Hamlet

(c) King Lear

(d) Measure for Measure

Answer: (a) Antony and Cleopatra

14. Complete the sentence. Justice shows problems of

(a) British Society

(b) English legal system

(c) American legal system

(d) Scottish Society

Answer: (c) American legal system

15. Who has writ ten Jocelyn among the following writers?

(a) Milton

(b) Shakespeare

(c) Galsworthy

(d) Wordsworth

Answer: (c) Galsworthy

16. What could be the ‘tragic flaw’ in Ham let?

(a) Noble

(b) Oedipus Complex

(c) Vaulting ambition

(d) None of these

Answer: (d) None of these

17. Fill in the gap. I will sit………my desk to do my lesson.

(a) at

(b) with

(c) for

(d) in

Answer: (d) in

18. In which year, Milton‘s Lycidas was writ ten

(a) 1638

(b) 1632

(c) 1637

(d) 1636

Answer: (a) 1638

19.When was John Galsworthy awarded the Noble Prize for Literature?

(a) 1927

(b) 1929

(c) 1932

(d) 1935

Answer: (c) 1932

20. What is the full name of Mr. W.H. in Shakespeare‘s Sonnets?

(a) William Herbert

(b) William Henry

(c) William Hartley

(d) William Harry

Answer: (a) William Herbert

21. What is Aside?

(a) Addressed in words that the other actors are not supposed to hear.

(b) addressed in words that the other actors are supposed to hear.

(c) looking behind when one speaks.

(d) not paying attention.

Answer: (a) Addressed in words that the other actors are not supposed to hear.

22. Find out which part of the sentence has an error?

(a) If I am you

(b) I would have seen to it

(c) that I won the prize.

(d) No error

Answer: (a) If I am you

23. Complete the sentence. Ottawa Rime is a………stanza in Iambic Pentameters.

(a) four-lined

(b) six-lined

(c) eight-lined

 (d) ten-lined

Answer: (c) eight-lined

24. Fill in the gap with an appropriate auxiliary. He was so tired that he ……… scarcely stand.

(a) could

(b) did

(c) should do

(d) had

Anawer: (a) could

25. Rearrange the sentence with correct or derlabeled as PQRS. Choose the proper se quence.

P. Only time will tell

Q. You credit the nation with

R. Whether the great future

S. Will turn out to be true.

(a) QPRS (b) PRQS

(c) QRSP (d) RSQP

Answer: (b) PRQS

26. Who is the writer of Re cluse?

(a) Shahespeare

(b) Milton

(c) Galsworthy

(d) Wordsworth

Answer: (d) Wordsworth

27. Com plete the sen tence. The term Novel was taken from the Italian Word,

(a) novella

(b) novelle

(c) novelette

(d) noval

Answer: (c) novelette

28. Who is the writer of De scrip tive Sketches?

(a) John Milton

(b) Shakespeare

(c) Galsworthy

(d) Wordsworth

Answer: (d) Wordsworth

29. Fill in the gap. King Lear had………daughters.

(a) two

(b) three

(c) four

 (d) five

Answer: (b) three

30. Com plete the sen tence. The error of Judgement in Tragedy is known as ………

(a) hamartia

 (b) tragedy of blood

(c) catastrophe

(d) catharsis

Answer: (a) hamartia

31. Find out which part of sen tence has an er ror.

(a) The two students walked

(b) besides each other

(c) in silence

(d) No error

Answer: (b) besides each other

32. Elsinore in Den mark is the scence of a

Shake spear ean play. Which?

(a) King Lear

(b) Coriolanus

(c) Hamlet

(d) Titus Andtronicus

Answer: (c) Hamlet

33. Who is the writer of His tory of Brit ain?

(a) William Shakespeare

(b) John Milton

(c) William Wordsworth

(d) John Galsworthy

Answer: (b) John Milton

34. Com plete the sen tence. The Globe Theatre was burned down in ……… .

(a) 1617

(b) 1619

(c) 1613

(d) 1609

Answer: (c) 1613

35. ‘Oth ers abide our ques tion thou art free’. Who has said this about Shake speare?

(a) Wordsworth

(b) Milton

(c) Matthew Arnold

(d) Ben Johnson

Answer: (c) Matthew Arnold

36. Milton‘s Par a dise Lost con sists of……… . books.

(a) twelve

(b) ten

(c) six

(d) eight

Answer: (b) ten

37. In which year, ‘Mil ton‘s Par a dise Lost’ was pub lished?

(a) 1668

(b) 1670

(c) 1667

(d) 1665

Answer: (c) 1667

2 Solved Paper-2013

38. Com plete the sen tence. Simplicity, sweet music and melody are remarkable features of:

(a) epic

(b) ballad

(c) ode

(d) satire

Answer: (c) ode

39. Who wrote ‘Lil ies that faster smell far worse than weeds’?

(a) Wordsworth

(b) Milton

(c) Galsworthy

(d) Shakespeare

Answer: (d) Shakespeare

40. Find out the mistake in the sentence given be low

(a) She has told me

(b) that she saw my uncle

(c) at the fare

(d) on last Friday

Answer: (c) at the fare

41. What is the syn onym of ‘wisdom’?

(a) swell

(b) sagacity

(c) foolishness

(d) surrender

Answer: (b) sagacity

42. ‘Come thou mortal wretch’ With they sharp teeth knot intrinsicate. In which book do the above lines occur?

(a) Cleopatra

(b) Twelfth Night

(c) Hamlet

(d) Midsummer Night‘s Dream

Answer: (a) Cleopatra

43. Wordsworth has ex pressed his views on transmigration of the soul in his poem.

(a) The Prelude

(b) Ode to Duty

(c) Ecclesiastical Sketches

(d) Ode on the Intimations of Immorality

Answer: (d) Ode on the Intimations of Immorality

44. In which Shakespearean play does Curan appear?

(a) Macbeth

(b) Othello

(c) King Lear

(d) Hamlet

Answer: (c) King Lear

45. Name the figure of speech in the following line.

‘The more haste the less speed.’

(a) Simile

(b) Metaphor

(c) Irony

(d) Epigram

 Answer: (c) Irony

46. Complete the sentence. Dirge means……….

(a) a song for wedding

(b) a song of pleasure

(c) a song of grief

(d) a song of unfulfilled desire

Answer: (c) a song of grief

47. Change the direct sentence into indirect. Mohan said, ‘‘Alas! I am undone.

(a) Mohan exclaimed sadly that he was undone.

(b) Mohan exclaimed that he was undone.

(c) Mohan exclaimed that he was not done.

(d) Mohan exclaimed that he is undone.

Answer: (a) Mohan exclaimed sadly that he was undone.

48. Fill in the blank with correct option given be low. His wish is tantamount………a command.

(a) with

(b) of

(c) to

(d) for

Answer: (c) to

49. Who has written ‘Cymbeline’?

(a) Milton

(b) Wordsworth

(c) Shakespeare

 (d) Galsworthy

Answer: (c) Shakespeare

50. Fill in the gap. The title of the play ‘Justice is’……….

(a) satirical

 (b) vague

(c) inappropriate

(d) ironical


Directions (Q. 51 to 55) : By human obligations I mean the ability to behave in a reasonable way, to observe restraint so that restraints do not have to be imposed to be able to think clearly and objectively so that false doctrines cannot gain ground. I believe that it also means the ability to see through non-sense political, economic, scientific and so on and the feeling that it is a duty to resist it, Choose the right option from the given unseen above.

51. Human obligations do not include.

(a) behaving in a disciplined manner

(b) acquiring knowledge.

(c) making others feel that you are always right

(d) thinking clearly

Answer: (b) acquiring knowledge.

52. If one does not ob serve restraint:

(a) people around one will grow hostile

(b) one’s friends will ignore one.

(c) one’s life will be miserable.

(d) people will see to it that one behaves responsibly.

Answer: (a) people around one will grow hostile

53. When one does not think clearly and objectively,

(a) one fails to achieve success.

(b) one tends to believe in the wrong things.

(c) one is considered a fool.

(d) one tends to make mistakes in day-to-day life.

Answer: (a) one fails to achieve success.

54. It is one‘s duty to resist:

(a) all political propaganda

(b) religious practices

(c) unsatisfactory plans and programmes

(d) irrational ideas

Answer: (d) irrational ideas

55. In the pas sage, the author is primarily concerned with:

(a) moral conduct

(b) a humane approach to our problems         

(c) the scientific point of view

(d) the acquisition of specialized knowledge.

Answer: (b) a humane approach to our problems            

56. In which country is the story of Othello set?

(a) Venice        

(b) Denmark

(c) England

(d) Scotland

Answer: (a) Venice        

57. Choose the correct verb. This paper………twice weekly.

(a) is appearing

(b) appearing

(c) appears

(d) have had appeared

Answer: (c) appears

58. Select the correct option. There was……….

(a) a fly in milk

 (b) fly in the milk

(c) fly in milk

(d) a fly in the milk

Answer: (a) a fly in milk

59. Fill in the gap with an appropriate preposition. They were statesmen accustomed………the management ……… great affairs.

(a) of, to

(b) in, to

(c) to, of

(d) with, in

Answer: (c) to, of

60. What is true of the form of Shakespeare‘s son net?

(a) it has an octave.

(b) It has an integrated form with no such divisions.

(c) it has three quatrains and a couplet.        

(d) it has the endings of alternate lines rhyming with each other

Answer: (c) it has three quatrains and a couplet.              

61. Who has writ ten Ruth?

(a) Milton

(b) Shakespeare

(c) Galsworthy

(d) Wordsworth

Answer: (a) Milton

62. Find out which part of sentence has an error.

(a) Even though the shirt is rather expensive

(b) but I wish to

(c) purchase it with my own money

(d) No error.

Answer: (b) but I wish to

63. Trans form the following exclamatory sentence into assertion. If only I had come one hour earlier!

(a) I wish I come one hour earlier!

(b) I Wish I have come one hour earlier!

(c) I wish I had cone one hour earlier!       

(d) I wish I could come one hour earlier!

Answer: (c) I wish I had cone one hour earlier!  

64. What is soliloquy?

(a) An actor‘s secret thought uttered aloud.

(b) Secret speech

(c) An actor‘s speech not be heard by audience.

(d) An actor‘s speech meant for other characters also

Answer: (a) An actor‘s secret thought uttered aloud.

65. Choose the correct option. ‘One impulse from a vernal wood’ The above line has been quoted from

(a) The Tables Turned

(b) Tintern Abbey

(c) The World is too Much With Us

(d) Ode to Duty

Answer: (a) The Tables Turned

66. Who has writ ten ‘Peter Bell’ among the following?

(a) William Wordsworth

(b) Shakespeare

(c) John Galsworthy

(d) John Milton

Answer: (a) William Wordsworth

67. Complete the sentence.

Milton become blind at the age of……….

(a) 46

(b) 47

(c) 44

(d) 48

Answer: (c) 44

68. Fill in the gap. Galsworthy‘s famous play ‘The silver Box deals with………

(a) the inequality of power

(b) the inequality of justice

(c) the inequality of labour

(d) the inequality of money division

Answer: (c) the inequality of labour

69. Complete the sentence. The Island Pharisees has been written by……….

(a) Wordsworth

(b) Galsworthy

(c) Milton

(d) Shakespeare

Answer: (b) Galsworthy

70. Fill in the gap with an appropriate conjunction. ………you wish it, it shall be done.

(a) since

(b) having

(c) for

(d) with

Answer: (a) since

71. Change the voice.

Why did he defraud you of your earnings by him?

(a) Why was he defrauded of his earnings?

(b) Why was he defrauded of his earnings?

(c) Why did he defraud you for his earnings?

(d) Why were you defrauded for your earnings by him?

Answer: (d) Why were you defrauded for your earnings by him?

72. In which year, Galsworthy re fused the offer of a Knight hood?

(a) 1917

(b) 1918

(c) 1919

(d) 1920

Answer: (a) 1917

73. Complete the sentence with correct options given be low. She gave him………he wanted.

(a) what

(b) that

(c) that which

(d) that what

Answer: (a) what

74. Fill in the gap with an appropriate preposition. Volpone fell a victim………his own greed.

(a) to

(b) of

(c) about

(d) for

Answer: (a) to

75. What is the meaning of Plagiarism?

(a) poetic bankruptcy

(b) literary theft

(c) writing crisis

(d) reading problem

Answer: (b) literary theft

76. Who is Harold Cleaver in Galsworthy‘s Justice?

(a) Government Counsel

(b) Defence Counsel

(c) Judge

(d) Managing Clerk

Answer: (b) Defence Counsel

77. Complete the sentence. Aesthetic means……….

(a) sorrow

 (b) despair

(c) beauty

(d) pleasure

Answer: (c) beauty

78. When was the first complete collection of Shakespeare‘s plays known as the first folio, Published?

(a) 1623

(b) 1613

(c) 1616

(d) 1632

Answer: (a) 1623

79. Name the figure of speech in the following line. Boys will be boys.

(a) epigram

(b) personification

(c) litotes

(d) metonymy

Answer: (d) metonymy

80. Find out the mis-spelt word.

(a) disparage

(b) licentious

(c) malleable

(d) dilemma

Answer: (d) dilemma

81. Fill in the gap. The public are cautioned………pick pockets.

(a) to

 (b) for

(c) with

(d) against

Answer: (d) against

82. Choose the correct meaning of the given word Craven

(a) dishonest

(b) cowardly

(c) dark

(d) slavish

Answer: (b) cowardly

83. Complete the sentence. The reversal of fortune of a tragic hero is called……….

(a) catharsis

(b) peripeteia

(c) epistle

(d) poesis

Answer: (b) peripeteia

84. What is Euphony?

(a) pleasant sound

(b) serious sound

(c) bitter sound

(d) mixed sound

Answer: (a) pleasant sound

85. Complete the sentence with correct option. Farilty, thy name is woman this remark is made by

(a) Macbeth

 (b) King Lear

(c) Othello

 (d) Hamlet

Answer: (b) King Lear

86. Which of the following sentence is in passive voice?

(a) Always reach the school at time.

(b) Please bring me a glass of water.

(c) Let him read a book

(d) Let the salary be given to these clerks.

Answer: (d) Let the salary be given to these clerks.

87. Who invented and used the popular phrase, Poetic Justice?

(a) Dryden

(b) Johnson

(c) Rhymer

(d) Shakespeare

Answer: (c) Rhymer

88. A Lyric is………

(a) a long poem written in the form of an address.

(b) a poem written in praise of God.

(c) a short poem in which the poet expresses his/her intense personal feelings.

 (d) a triumphal songs.

Answer: (c) a short poem in which the poet expresses his/her intense personal feelings.

89. Find out the correct spelling of the word.

(a) Elixir

(b) Eleesser

(c) Eleseir

 (d) Elixer

Answer: (a) Elixir

90. Who revised king Lear so that Cordelia could marry Ed gar at the end?

(a) Nahum Tate

(b) Johnson

(c) Richard Bentley

 (d) Rymer

Answer: (a) Nahum Tate

91. Choose the correct option. ‘little we see in Nature that is ours. The above line has been quoted from

(a) Tintern Abbey

(b) The World is too Much With Us

(c) Ode on Intimations of Immortality

(d) Lucy Gray

Answer: (b) The World is too Much With Us

92. How many parts are there in The prelude?

(a) Twelve

(b) Thirteen

(c) Fourteen

(d) Eleven

Answer: (c) Fourteen

93. In which play of Shakespeare does Adam appear?

(a) Merry Wives of Windsor

(b) As You Like It

(c) Twelfth Night

(d) Tempest

Answer: (b) As You Like It

94. Who has writ ten Ham let and His Problems?

(a) Shelley

(b) Eliot

(c) Shakespeare

 (d) Bacon

Answer: (b) Eliot

95. What kind of work is ‘Sam son Agonistes’?

(a) verse-play

 (b) epic

(c) lyrical drama

(d) short story

Answer: (c) lyrical drama

96. What is meaning of the phrase, ‘To count upon’?

(a) to be grateful

(b) to relax

(c) to clean a thing

(d) to depend upon

Answer: (d) to depend upon

97. Life of Mil ton has been writ ten by Choose the right option from the given alternatives.

(a) Samuel Johnson

(b) Ben Johnson

(c) Charles Lamb

(d) John Dryden

Answer: (a) Samuel Johnson

98. Pick out the correct antonym among the following words. Extreme poverty had reduced them to a state of apathy.

(a) Cooperation

 (b) Friendship

(c) Inspiration

(d) Enthusiasm

Answer: (a) Cooperation

99. In which year was Justice Published?

(a) 1905

(b) 1908

(c) 1912

(d) 1910

Answer: (d) 1910

100. What does the idiom smell a rat means?

(a) To have reason to respect

(b) To talk boastfully

(c) To talk unfairly

(d) To discourage

Answer: (a) To have reason to respect

101. In which year ‘The prelude’ was published?

(a) 1805

(b) 1850

(c) 1855

 (d) 1837

Answer: (b) 1850

102. Change the sentence into passive voice. I saw him opening the box.

(a) He was seen open the box

(b) He was seen opening the box

(c) He opened the box.

(d) He was seen opened the box.

Answer: (b) He was seen opening the box

103. Who is Hamlet’s be loved in ‘Hamlet’?

(a) Olivia

(b) Portia

(c) Ophelia         

(d) Cordelia

Answer: (c) Ophelia       

104. Complete the sentence. Shakespeare has written………historical plays

(a) 4

(b) 6

(c) 7

(d) 8

Answer: (d) 8

105. Find out the correct option. A sonnet consists.

(a) 14 lines

(b) 18 lines

(c) 20 lines

(d) 12 lines

Answer: (a) 14 lines

106. Complete the sentence. Comus is……….

(a) a masque

(b) a pastoral allegory

(c) poetic line

(d) a farce

Answer: (b) a pastoral allegory

107. Find out the correct sentence.

(a) He was astonished at his success.

(b) He was astonished in his success.

(c) He was astonished on his success.

(d) He was astonished for his success.

Answer: (a) He was astonished at his success.

108. Complete the sentence. Milton‘s ‘Areopagitica’ concerns with……….

(a) liberty of human rights

(b) liberty of press

(c) freedom of humanity

(d) freedom of politics

Answer: (b) liberty of press

109. Complete the sentence. Epiphany means……….

(a) manifestation of God‘s presence

(b) manifestation of Satan’s presence

(c) fanciful world

(d) supernatural power

Answer: (a) manifestation of God‘s presence

110. Fill in the gap with an appropriate word. I am badly in need………money.

(a) with

(b) of

(c) for

(d) on

Answer: (b) of

111. In which play, Shakespeare has presented a royal criminal?

(a) King Lear

(b) Henry IV

(c) Richard III

 (d) Henry VIII

Answer: (c) Richard III

112. How many sonnets are addressed to ‘Dark Lady’ by Shakespeare?

(a) 27

(b) 28

(c) 29

(d) 26

Answer: (b) 28

113. How many sonnets are addressed to W.H. by Shakespeare?

(a) 125

(b) 124

(c) 122

(d) 126

Answer: (d) 126

114. Who asked ‘How many children had Lady Macbeth’?

(a) L.C. Knights

 (b) A.C. Bradley

(c) Rhymer

(d) Wilson

 Answer: (b) A.C. Bradley

115. Who considered romanticism, ‘liberal ism in literature’?

(a) Wordsworth

(b) Plato

(c) Thedore Watts Dunton

(d) Pater

Answer: (c) Thedore Watts Dunton

116. Who is known as the Fourth Witch in Shakespeare‘s women characters?

(a) Lady Macbeth

(b) Gertrude

(c) Cordelia

(d) Desdemona

Answer: (a) Lady Macbeth

117. Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition. She is ignorant………what she pretends to know.

(a) in

(b) of

(c) with

(d) for

Answer: (b) of

118. Complete the sentence. Milton‘s poetic style is generally regarded as…….

(a) plain

(b) classical

(c) grand

 (d) ornamental

Answer: (a) plain

119. Turn the following into indirect speech.

‘Do you write a good hand’ he said.

(a) He asked whether I wrote a good hand.

(b) He asked whether they wrote a good hand.

(c) He asked whether I written a good hand.

(d) He asked whether I was written good hand.

Answer: (a) He asked whether I wrote a good hand.

120. What is ‘Baroque’?

(a) Jail

 (b) Style

(c) Culture

 (d) Book

Answer: (b) Style

121. Correct the following sentence. It was bitter cold.

(a) It was cold bitterly

(b) It was awful coldly.

(c) It was cold bitter.

(d) It was bitterly cold.

Answer: (d) It was bitterly cold.

122. Find out which part of the sentence has an error?

(a) Are you

(b) lived alone

(c) or married

(d) No error.

Answer: (b) lived alone

123. Pick out the correct spelling of the word among the following words.

(a) Platetude

(b) Pllatitude

(c) Pllattitude

(d) Platitude

Answer: (d) Platitude

124. Find out the correct proverb.

(a) Diamond cuts iron

(b) Diamond cuts gold

(c) Diamond cuts silver

(d) Diamond cuts diamond

Answer: (d) Diamond cuts diamond

125. Choose the name of the Ro man General Who conquered Eng land in 43 B.C.?

(a) Julius Caesar

(b) Claudius

(c) Antony

(d) None of these

Answers: (b) Claudius

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