UP TGT Trained Graduate Teacher English Question Paper 2009

Read the UP TGT Trained Graduate Teacher English Question Paper 2009 for your preparation. All questions are with solutions.

UP TGT English Solved Question Paper 2009

Directions- (Q. 1 to 10) In questions 1 to 10 you have a brief passage with 10 questions. Read the passage carefully, and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

You may think the sign of a good manager is to have a department where everybody is busy at work on their assigned tasks. But if your people are merely doing their jobs, they are only working at about half their potential. A truly productive department is one in which every employee is actively thinking of better, more efficient methods of working ways in which to produce a higher quality product, in less time, at lower cost.

To get this kind of innovation from your people, you have to be receptive to new ideas; what’s more, you have to encourage your people to produce new ideas. Incentives are one way to motivate employees to be more productive. You can offer a cash bonus, time off, or a gift. But a more potent form of motivation is simply the employee’s knowledge that management does listen to him or her, and does put employee suggestions and ideas to work.

When you listen to new ideas, be open-minded. Don’t shoot down a suggestion before you’ve heard it in full. Many of us are too quick, too eager, to show off our own experience and knowledge and say that something won’t work because, we’ve tried it before, or we don’t do it that way�. Well, maybe you did try it before but that doesn’t mean it won’t work now. And having done things a certain way in the past doesn’t mean you’ve been doing them the best way. A good manager is open-minded and receptive to new ideas.

1. The given passage speaks about�

(A) the sign of a good manager

(B) the workers doing their job

(C) ways in which to produce a higher quality product

(D) the need to be open to new ideas

Ans : (A)

2. We understand from the passage that a good manager is one�

(A) who has a department where everybody is busy at work

(B) who offers a cash bonus, time off or a gift to his workers

(C) who is open minded and receptive to new ideas

(D) who is too quick, too eager to show off his experience and knowledge

Ans : (C)

3. People merely �doing their jobs� in the passage means�

(A) that people busy at work do not perform their assigned tasks

(B) that such people produce a higher quality product

(C) that such people are working at about half their potential

(D) that such people are innovative

Ans : (C)

4. In a truly productive department�

(A) people are busy at work on their assigned tasks

(B) people are busy at work to produce a large quantity of product

(C) people always think of evolving better and more efficient methods of working

(D) people always make a show of their experience and knowledge

Ans : (C)

5. The word ’motivation’ in the passage means�

(A) to impute a motive to an action

(B) the act of inspiring others

(C) to put a thing into action

(D) None of these

Ans : (B)

6. ‘To be receptive to new ideas’ in the passage suggests�

(A) Readiness to receive new ideas

(B) to be cautious and careful about the new ideas

(C) to share with your people the new ideas

(D) to think of better and more efficient methods of working

Ans : (A)

7. The word ‘incentives’ in the context of the passage suggests�

(A) to produce higher quality product, in less time

 (B) to produce higher quality product, at lower cost

(C) an additional payment or additional facilities to employees to increase production

(D) employee’s faith that management does listen to his suggestions and ideas

Ans : (C)

8. A truly productive employee, according to the writer, is always�

(A) busy at work on his assigned tasks

(B) actively thinking of better and more efficient methods of working

(C) has an eye on a cash bonus, time off, or a gift

(D) suggesting but never busy at work

Ans : (B)

9. The innovative suggestions or new ideas from your employee can be obtained when�

(A) you offer a cash bonus to him

(B) you make him feel that management does listen to him or her and puts his ideas to work

(C) you distrust his experience and knowledge

(D) you pressurise him to tender new ideas or face the consequences

Ans : (B)

10. A good manager should�

(A) be open-minded and receptive to new ideas

(B) quickly shoot down innovative suggestions from an employee to assert supremacy of his experience

and knowledge

(C) discard innovative ideas dubbing them unworkable

(D) be content with the normal functioning of the department

Ans : (A)

Directions: (Q. 11 to 15) Choose the correct alternatives to fill in the blanks in the following sentences�

11. A ………….. soldier fights for the sake of money.

(A) materialistic

(B) pioneer

 (C) veteran

(D) mercenary

Ans : (D)

12. The road to Hell is ……………. with good intentions.

(A) decorated

(B) engraved

(C) paved

(D) crowded

Ans : (C)

13. Laws grind the ………… and rich man rule the law.

(A) criminals

(B) poor

(C) innocents

(D) destitute

Ans : (B)

14. It is not possible for everyone to …….. an elephant.

(A) keep up

(B) keep up with

(C) keep in

(D) keep on

Ans : (A)

15. Our college building has a good ……….

(A) sight

(B) site

(C) cite

(D) side

Ans : (B)

16. Shakespeare is indebted to one of the following sources for the subject matter of his some plays.

Choose the right one from the following:

(A) The Arabian Nights

(B) Holinshed’s Chronicle

(C) Bewoulf

(D) The Arthurian Legends

Ans : (B)

17. One of the following poets was nicknamed ‘The Lady of Christ’s’ by his fellow undergraduates.

Spot the correct name of the poet.

(A) Milton

(B) Spenser

(C) Shakespeare

(D) Marlowe

Ans : (A)

18. “When the assault was intended to the city” is a sonnet written by�

(A) Milton

(B) Wordsworth

(C) Shakespeare

(D) Spenser

Ans : (A)

19. Which play of Shakespeare portrays the character of Malvolio?

(A) Love’s Labour Lost

(B) Twelfth Night

(C) Hamlet

(D) As You Like It

Ans : (B)

20. “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity” is a:

(A) Sonnet

 (B) Ode

(C) Masque

(D) Pastoral Elegy

Ans : (A)

21. Which, of the following, is a work of Milton?

(A) Novum Organum

(B) De Doctrina Christana

(C) Endymion

(D) Prothalmion

Ans : (A)

22. What figure of speech has been used in the following line? “Rascals and rogues ran a race round and round the rugged rock.”

(A) Hyperbole

(B) Alliteration

(C) Onomatopoeia

(D) Apostrophe

Ans : (B)

23. Choose the correct word to complete the given proverb. “Barking dogs ….. bite.”

(A) Sometimes

(B) Seldom

(C) Always

(D) Never

Ans : (B)

24. What is the antonym of ‘Manly’?

(A) Feminine

(B) Effeminate

(C) Masculine

 (D) Strong

Ans : (B)

25. What figure of speech has been used in the following line? “Frailty, thy name is woman !”

(A) Metaphor

(B) Personification

(C) Apostrophe

(D) Simile

Ans : (B)

26. “Venus and Adonis” is a poetic composition of a poet who was a dramatist also�

(A) Shakespeare

(B) Milton

(C) Marlowe

(D) Dryden

Ans : (A)

27. “For a handful of silver, he left us.” This line of Browning has a reference to�

(A) Shakespeare

(B) Wordsworth

(C) Tennyson

(D) Dryden

Ans : (B)

28. “A Bend in the Ganges” is a work of:

(A) Anita Desai

(B) Amitav Ghose

(C) Manohar Malgonkar

(D) M.R. Anand

Ans : (C)

29. Pick out the right option which expresses the meaning of word ‘Invaluable’?

(A) Valueless

(B) Priceless

(C) Useless

(D) Cheap

Ans : (B)

30. The following sentence has a blank space and four words given after the sentence. Select whichever word you consider most appropriate for the blank space? “The doctor said that a small daily ….of the new drug would soon cure him.”

(A) tablet

(B) pill

(C) dose

(D) quantity

Ans : (C)

31. Correct form of the sentence “I have often found him negligent….. his work.” is:

(A) I have often found him negligent in his work

(B) I have often found him negligent of his work

(C) I have often found him negligent to his work

(D) I have often found him negligent with his work

Ans : (B)

32. During his visit to France, Wordsworth fell in love with a girl named………………..

(A) Catherine

(B) Mary Hutchinson

(C) Annette Vallon

(D) Simon Lee

Ans : (C)

33. “The fall of……….in 1453 marks the beginning of Renaissance in Europe.” Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blank in the above sentence.

 (A) Bastille

(B) The Roman Empire

(C) The Spanish Armada

(D) Constantinople

Ans: (D)

34. Who wrote the following about Shakespeare? “Others abide our question, thou art free.”

(A) T.S. Eliot

(B) Arnold

(C) Blake

(D) Wordsworth

Ans: (B)

35. The figure of speech in which the sound suggests the sense or meaning is known as:

(A) Alliteration

(B) Onomatopoeia

(C) Oxymoron

(D) Transferred Epithet

Ans : (B)

36. Punctuate the following sentence.

“She called out angrily so you have been hitting Markham again aphetic answered indignantly no I have not who told you that” Find out the correct option.

(A) She called out angrily, so you have been hitting Makhan again. Phatik answered indignantly. “No, I

have not. who told you that”.

(B) She called out angrily, “So you have been hitting Makhan again.” Phatik answered indignantly.

“No, I haven’t. who told you that”.

(C) She called out angrily, “So you have been hitting Makhan again ?”  Phatik answered indignantly, “No, I haven’t. Who told you that?”

(D) She called out angrily, “So you have been hitting Makhan ?” Again Pharik answered indignantly.

“No, I haven’t. Who told you that ?”

Ans : (C)

37. Select the word with its correct spelling.

(A) Vaccum

(B) Vaccume

(C) Vaccuum

(D) Vacuum

Ans : (D)

38. Who calls Milton “God-gifted organ-voice of England” ?

(A) Arnold

(B) Wordsworth

(C) Gray

(D) Tennyson

Ans : (D)

39. Name the critic who remarks “Justice (1910) is a commentary upon the prison administration of that period.” ?

(A) Coats

(B) A.C. Ward

(C) A. Nicoll

(D) Skemp

Ans : (A)

40. What does the idiom (the) pros and cons mean?

(A) Changes of life

(B) The arguments urged for and against a thing

(C) Irregularly

(D) Repeatedly

Ans : (B)

41. Select from the following the correct meaning of the word ‘Nostalgia’.

 (A) A fatal disease

(B) Longing for things that are past

(C) An allegorical story

(D) A state of excessive fear and anxiety

Ans : (B)

42. Choose the correct animal cry to complete the sentence. “Dogs bark, lions roar but frogs…..”

(A) coo

(B) bleat

(C) croak

(D) cluck

Ans : (C)

43. A figure of speech in which a qualifying adjective is sometimes transferred from a person to a thing or from one word to another, to which it does not strictly belong, is called:

(A) Metonymy

(B) Transferred Epithet

(C) Apostrophe

(D) Personification

Ans : (B)

44. Find out the mis-spelt word.s

(A) accompaniment

(B) explaination

(C) superstitious

(D) miscellaneous

Ans : (B)

45. Choose the correct spelling of the word.

(A) restaurant

(B) restuarant

 (C) resteurant

(D) restorant

Ans : (A)

46. Which, of the following words, means “a place where the birds are kept” ?

(A) Aquarium

(B) Zoo

(C) Amnesty

(D) Aviary

Ans : (D)

47. Which of the following plays is not written by Galsworthy?

(A) The Silver Box

(B) Joy

(C) Weavers

(D) A Doll’s House

Ans : (D)

48. “Every great poet is a teacher” are the words of:

(A) Shelley

(B) Keats

(C) Byron

(D) Wordsworth

Ans : (A)

49. The Restoration period was influenced by…………..

(A) French dramatists

(B) The dramatists of England

(C) Italian dramatists

(D) Greek dramatists

Ans : (A)

50. Punctuate the following lines. “as caeser loved me i weep for him as he was fortunate i rejoice at it as he was valiant i honour him but as he was ambitious I slew him” Find out the correct one.

(A) As Caeser loved me I weep for him, as he was fortunate I rejoice at it, as he was valiant I honour him but as he was ambitious I slew him.

(B) As Caeser loved me, I weep for him. As he was fortunate. I rejoice at it. As he was valiant, I honour him but as he was ambitious, I slew him.

(C) As Caeser loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him but; as he was ambitious, I slew him.

(D) As Casear loved me I weep for him; as he was fortunate I rejoice at it; as he was valiant I honour him but as he was ambitious I slew him.

Ans : (C)

51. Find out the figure of speech in the following lines.

“Is this the face that launched a thousand ships. And burned the topless towers of Illium ?”

(A) Personification

(B) Hyperbole

(C) Metaphor

(D) Oxymoron

Ans : (B)

52. The first Indian author to win the prestigious Pulitzer Prize in the U.S.A. was:

(A) Anita Desai

(B) Jhumpa Lahiri

(C) Vikram Seth

(D) Khushwant Singh

Ans : (B)

53. What is the antonym of “consent” ?

(A) descent

 (B) dissent

(C) decent

(D) assent

Ans : (B)

54. Select the right meaning of the word ‘Aristocracy’ from the following.

(A) Government by the rich

(B) Government by the nobles

(C) Government by the officials

(D) Rule by mob

Ans : (B)

55. Select, from the following, the name of the author on whose grave the words he chose himself are carved.  “Here is one whose name is writ in water.”

(A) Keats

(B) Byron

(C) Milton

(D) Swinburne

Ans : (A)

Directions:(Q. 56 to 65) Read each of the following sentences to trace the parts which are incorrect grammatically. The alphabet of the part is to be mentioned as the answer:

56. The father as well as (A) / the sons were (B) / involved in the murder. (C) No error (D)

Ans : (B)

57. He could not give cattle (A) / green fodder today because (B) / he has broken his right hand a week ago. (C) No error (D)

Ans : (C)

58. What to talk of charity (A) / you do not practise (B) / even ordinary humanity. (C) No error (D)

Ans : (A)

59. I am very thirsty (A) / give me little water (B) / to drink. (C) No error (D)

Ans : (B)

60. You and your wife (A) / appear to have seen (B) / much more happier days. (C) No error (D)

Ans : (C)

61. Nobody was prepared (A) / to give up their seat (B) / to the old man bending on a stick. (C) No error


Ans : (B)

62. The price of this car (A) / is higher than (B) / your new car. (C) No error (D)

Ans : (C)

63. No sooner the bell rang (A) / than all students ran out (B) / of their classes helter-skelter. (C) No error


Ans : (A)

64. The Principal, along with teachers, (A) / were invited (B) / on the occasion. (C) No error (D)

Ans : (B)

65. Suresh asked Akbar (A) / when could he (B) / reach Kanpur. (C) No error (D)

Ans : (B)

66. ‘Docile’ means:

(A) vague

(B) gentle

(C) stupid

(D) stubborn

Ans : (B)

67. ‘Enigmatic’ is:

(A) displeased

(B) puzzling

(C) learned

(D) short-sighted

Ans : (B)

68. ‘Alleviation’ is the antonym of:

(A) lessening

(B) magnification

(C) aggravation

(D) exaggeration

Ans : (C)

69. ‘Deviate’ is the antonym of:

(A) obliviate

(B) break

(C) concentrate

(D) follow

Ans : (C)

70. ‘Inevitable’ bears the opposite meaning of:

(A) unavoidable

(B) eatable

(C) uncertain

(D) mutilated

Ans :(C)

Directions: (Q. 71 to 75) Choose the most appropriate proposition:

71. A good judge never jumps ……. the conclusion.

(A) at

 (B) for

(C) to

(D) on

Ans : (A)

72. Such remarks are certainly derogatory ……. your reputation.

(A) for

(B) to

(C) with

(D) of

Ans : (B)

73. Minority aspirations cannot forever be kept in check …….. the gun.

(A) by

(B) through

(C) with

(D) from

Ans : (A)

74. The Sarpanch turned………..the proposal without thinking properly.

(A) in

(B) out

(C) up

(D) down

Ans : (D)

75. His story seems to be devoid …….. truth.

(A) from

(B) of

(C) to

(D) in

Ans : (B)

76. Tick the correct sentence.

(A) Neither Ram or Shyam has done it

(B) Either Ram nor Shyam has done it

(C) Both Ram and Shyam has done it

(D) Neither Ram nor Shyam has done it

Ans : (D)

77. Find out the correctly spelt word.

(A) consumpshion

(B) conjumption

(C) consumption

(D) conjumpshan

Ans : (C)

78. Find out the correctly spelt word.

(A) aroplane

(B) aroplain

(C) aeroplain

(D) aeroplane

Ans : (D)

79. The sonnet is a poem of:

(A) ten lines

(B) twelve lines

(C) fourteen lines

(D) sixteen lines

Ans : (C)

80. Classical tragedy was a form of:

(A) drama

(B) novel

 (C) prose

(D) poetry

Ans : (A)

81. Elegy began to be so called because:

(A) it was written in the elegiac measure

(B) it was a poem of sorrow

(C) it was written by writers of elegies

(D) some expert critics named it so

Ans : (A)

82. The novel is:

(A) one of the earliest forms of writing

(B) one of the latest forms of writing

(C) one of the discarded forms of writing

(D) None of these

Ans : (A)

83. In which play do the following lines occur ? “Neither a borrower nor a lender be. For loan oft loses both itself and friend. And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.”

(A) Macbeth

(B) The Merchant of Venice

(C) Hamlet

(D) King Lear

Ans : (C)

84. Choose the correct name of the play (from those given) from which the following lines have been taken.  “We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep.”

(A) The Tempest

 (B) Othello

(C) Macbeth

(D) Cariolanus

Ans : (A)

85. Who has said it?

“One impulse from a vernal wood May teach us more of man. Of moral evil and of good Than all the sages can.”

(A) Shakespeare

(B) Milton

(C) Galsworthy

(D) Wordsworth

Ans : (D)

86. From which book has it been taken? “To be weak is miserable Doing or suffering ?”

(A) The Tempest

(B) Paradise Regained

(C) The Prelude

(D) Paradise Lost

Ans : (D)

87. One of the following works of Milton is a prose work. Mention that.

(A) Lycidas

(B) Paradise Regained

(C) Paradise Lost

(D) Areopagitica

Ans : (D)

88. Shakespeare:

(A) was a great scholar of Latin

(B) knew a lot of Greek

 (C) had a great command over English

(D) knew little Latin and less Greek

Ans : (C)

89. The first play by John Galsworthy was:

(A) Justice

(B) Loyalties

(C) The Skin Game

(D) The Silver Box

Ans : (D)

90. Which of the following plays does not belong to the group of four great tragedies of Shakespeare ?

(A) King Lear

(B) Hamlet

(C) Othello

(D) Twelfth Night

Ans : (D)

91. Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is influenced by:

(A) Marlowe

(B) Kyd

(C) Peele

(D) Nashe

Ans : (A)

92. The name of Prospero’s daughter in The Tempest is�

(A) Desdemona

(B) Cordelia

(C) Miranda

(D) Olivia

Ans : (C)

93. The dominating passion of Macbeth is�

(A) jealousy

(B) greed

(C) revenge

(D) ambition

Ans : (D)

94. In Twelfth Night Olivia is over head and ears in love with�

(A) Malvolio

(B) Duke Orsino

(C) the clown

(D) Viola disguised as Cesario

Ans : (D)

95. Shylock is a character in�

(A) As You Like It

(B) The Merchant of Venice

(C) Twelfth Night

(D) Measure for Measure

Ans : (B)

96. Milton’s Paradise Lost�

(A) has no trace of personal element

(B) is notable for its autobiographical passages

(C) is quite objective

(D) has none of the above qualities

Ans : (B)

97. Who is the hero of Paradise Lost ?

(A) God

(B) Satan

(C) Adam

 (D) None of them

Ans : (B)

98. The statement, “Others abide our question, thou art free” refers to�

(A) John Milton

(B) Edmund Spenser

(C) Christopher Marlowe

(D) Shakespeare

Ans : (D)

99. Everyman is�

(A) an interlude

(B) a comedy

(C) a tragicomedy

(D) a morality play

Ans : (B)

100. A Dramatic Monologue is�

(A) a short play

(B) a poem

(C) a novel

(D) a prose story

Ans : (A)

101. What do we call a piece of writing that is an imitation of an action that is serious and complete?

(A) A comedy

(B) A tragi-comedy

(C) A tragedy

(D) None of these

Ans : (C)

102. Shakespeare has mostly used in his plays�

 (A) heroic couplet

(B) blank verse

(C) free verse

(D) Spenserian stanza

Ans : (B)

103. “They also serve who only stand and wait.” This line occurs in�

(A) Lycidas

(B) Comus

(C) Paradise Lost

(D) On His Blindness

Ans : (D)

104. Name the poem from which the following words have been quoted. The gods approve The depth, and not the tumult of the soul.

(A) The World Is To Much With Us

(B) The Tables Turned

(C) Ode to Duty

(D) Laodamia

Ans : (D)

105. In which play of Galsworthy do we have William Falder ?

(A) Loyalties

(B) The Silver Box

(C) Justice

(D) Strife

Ans : (C)

106. Shakespeare is�

(A) a Renaissance playwright

(B) a Restoration playwright

(C) a Twentieth Century playwright

 (D) a Classcial playwright

Ans : (A)

107. Galsworthy belonged to�

(A) the sixteenth century

(B) the seventeenth century

(C) the twentieth century

(D) the nineteenth century

Ans : (C)

108. Who said it? How poor are they that have not patience, What wound did ever heal but by degrees ?

(A) Othello

(B) Cassio

(C) Iago

(D) Desdemona

Ans : (B)

109. Shakespeare wrote�

(A) 154 sonnets

(B) 145 sonnets

(C) 451 sonnets

(D) 26 sonnets

Ans : (A)

110. Milton’s Paradise Lost has been praised for its�

(A) lightness of touch

(B) grand style

(C) its satirical tone

(D) None of these

Ans : (B)

111. Paradise Lost has been divided into ……Books.

(A) ten

(B) nine

(C) eleven

(D) twelve

Ans : (D)

112. Cordelia came to help her father because�

(A) he had given her the lion’s share of his kingdom

(B) he had deprived her of her share in the kingdom

(C) out of her genuine love for him

(D) she hated her elder sisters

Ans : (C)

113. Allusion is�

(A) a synonym of reference

(B) a synonym of poetry

(C) an indirect or passing reference to some event, person, place or artistic work

(D) None of these

Ans : (C)

114. A ballad�

(A) is a short epic

(B) is a song sung by ballet dancers

(C) is a folk song or orally transmitted poem dealing with a popular story

(D) is a short novel

Ans : (C)

115. Denouement is related to�

(A) an essay

(B) a play

(C) a lyric

 (D) an elegy

Ans : (B)

116. An eclogue is�

(A) a long poem

(B) a short poem

(C) a pastoral poem

(D) a short dialogue

Ans : (C)

117. Galsworthy’s tragedies are called�

(A) tragi-comedies

(B) heroic tragedies

(C) social tragedies

(D) classical tragedies

Ans : (C)

118. Samson Agonistes by Milton�

(A) is a play

(B) is a long poem

(C) is a masque

(D) a long treatise

Ans : (A)

119. Ben Jonson’s name is associated with�

(A) Sentimental comedy

(B) Romantic comedy

(C) comedy of Manners

(D) comedy of Humours

Ans : (D)

120. Congreve tried his hand at�

 (A) romantic comedies

(B) comedies of humours

(C) comedies of manners

(D) farces

Ans : (C)

121. Who has been termed as a motiveless malignity ?

(A) Macbeth

(B) Othello

(C) Iago

(D) Polonlus

Ans : (C)

122. Caliban�

(A) is the hero of the play The Tempest

(B) married prospero’s daughter in The Tempest

(C) killed Prospero in The Tempest

(D) is the villain in The Tempest

Ans : (D)

123. Ophelia is the beloved of�

(A) Macbeth

(B) Hamlet

(C) Othello

(D) Romeo

Ans : (B)

124. Simile is�

(A) a part of speech

(B) a figure of speech

(C) a technical device used by old poets

(D) a sister of Emily Dickinson

Ans : (B)

125. John Galsworthy was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in�

(A) 1912

(B) 1922

(C) 1932

(D) 1942

Ans : (C)

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