Trained Graduate Teacher UP TGT English Question Paper 2021

Here is the Trained Graduate Teacher UP TGT English question Paper 2021 solved for your preparation. Find previous UP TGT English Exam Papers with answers.

1. I(be) there, situation (be) different

(A) had been) there, situation (was) different

(B) I (was) there, situation (was) different

(C) (Had) I (been) there, situation (would have been) different

(D) (Had) (been there, situation (had been) different

Ans: (C) (Had) I (been) there, situation (would have been) different

2. The boss wanted to know done the job.

(A) how I had

(B) that how had !

(C) how would I have

(D) how hadi

Ans: (A) how I had

3. Find out antonym of the word ‘ample

(A) enough

(B) sufficient

(C) meagre

(D) scarcity

Ans: (C) meagre

4. Which work has been called by Shakespeare as, ‘the first heir of my invention’?

(A) Hero and Leander

(B) The Rape of Lucrece

(C) Venus and Adonis

(D) The Comedy of Errors

Ans: (C) Venus and Adonis

5. The characters-Ophelia and Gastrude appear in Shakespeare’s play

(A) King Lear

(B) Hamlet

(C) Othello

(D) Macbeth

Ans: (B) Hamlet

6. Which of the following is mismatched ?

(A) William Shakespeare: “True Love”

(B) William Shakespeare: “Carpe Diem”

C) William Wordsworth: “Revolution”

(D) William Wordsworth: “Written in Early Spring”

Ans: C) William Wordsworth: “Revolution”

7. Find out appropriate transformed exclamatory sentence of the following assertive sentence.

We had a very merry time of it last night.

(A) What merry time they had this night!

(B) What a merry time we have this night!

(C) What a merry time we had of it last night!

(D) What a merry time they have of it last night!

Ans: (C) What a merry time we had of it last night!

8. In the first folio edition of Shakespeare’s dramas which play was omitted ?

(A) Macbeth

(B) Pericles

(C) A Midsummer Night’s Dream

(D) Titus Andronicus

Ans: (B) Pericles

9. Out of the given alternatives, fill in the gaps in the following sentence.

———————is a connected narrative of the author’s life with some stress on introspection

(A) Biography

(B) Autobiography

(C) Travelogue


Ans: (B) Autobiography

10. Identify the error part in the following sentence

(Consider the four options comprising the complete sentence)

(A) The number of people

(B) applying were so large

(C) that the college had to

(D) stop issuing application forms

Ans: (B) applying were so large

11. Choose one word from the options which describes the phrase most accurately.

To banish from one’s country

(A) Repatriate

(B) Immigrate

(C) Emigrate

(D) Expatriate

Ans: (D) Expatriate

12. Which of the following plays by Shakespeare is not classified as a Roman play?

(A) Antony and Cleopatra

(B) Julius Caesar

(C) Hamlet

(D) Coriolanus

Ans: (C) Hamlet

13. Which figure of speech do we see in the following expression ?

He was a good teacher but a poor student

(A) Irony

(B) Anticlimax

(C) Bathos

(D) Antithesis

Ans: (D) Antithesis

14. Which of the following statements is correct about memoir ?

(A) In memoir, the emphasis is not on the author’s developing self but on the people and events that the author has known

(B) Memoir is another name for ‘Autobiography

(C) Memoire is another name for Biography

(D)Memoir is always episodic and appears in ballad form only

Ans: (A) In memoir, the emphasis is not on the author’s developing self but on the people and events that the author has known

15. Which of the following works is not written by John Milton?

(A) Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity

(B) ‘On the Late Massacre in Piemont’

(C) The Inner Vision

(D) ‘On Arriving at the Age of Twenty Three

Ans: ((C) The Inner Vision

16. Identify the error part in the following sentence.

(Consider the four options comprising the complete sentence)

(A) Rajeev was happy

(B) that Sanjay and his sister was going

(C) on the same train

(D) next day

Ans: (B) that Sanjay and his sister was going

17.The correct spelling is

(A) Encrypt

(B) Encript

(C) Enkript

(D) Enckript

Ans: (A) Encrypt

18.Mark the part with the error. (Read the four options as the parts of the given sentence.)

(A) Each cigarette which

(B) a person smokes does

(C) some harm and eventually you may get

(D) a serious disease from its effect

Ans: (C) some harm and eventually you may get

19. Find out the most suitable preposition from the given options.

These boxes are very heavy. They are full—- books.

A) with

(B) of

(C) in

(D) from

Ans: (B) of

20.”Will no one tell me what she sings? Perhaps the plaintive numbness flow.”

The above mentioned lines appear in

(A) True Love

(B) The Unchangeable

(c) The Solitary Reaper

(D) Lucy Gray

Ans: (c) The Solitary Reaper

21. Which of the following authors has written the lines –

“Tuwhit! tuwhoo! A merry note! While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.”?

(A) John Galsworthy

(B) John Milton

(C) William Wordsworth

(D) William Shakespeare

Ans: (D) William Shakespeare

22. What is the meaning of the word ‘mercenary’?

(A) The motive to earn money

(B) An office without pay

(C) A business of machinery

(D) All of these

Ans: (A) The motive to earn money

23.Which of the following poems is not written by John Galsworthy ?

(A) “Devon to Me”

(B) “Russia — America”

(C) “Past”

(D) “Admonition to a Traveller”

Ans: (D) “Admonition to a Traveller”

24. Choose one word from the options which describes the phrase most accurately.

The art of making fireworks

(A) Pyrotechnics

(B) Numismatics

(C) Fireomatics

(D) Cicatrics

Ans: (A) Pyrotechnics

25 Mark the part with the error. (Read the four options as the parts of the given sentence.)

(A) One must grab advantage of

(B) opportunities to talk with native speakers

(C) if you want to improve

(D) one’s English

Ans: (C) if you want to improve

26. Choose one word from the options which describes the phrase most accurately

Murder of a brother

(A) Homicide

(B) Infanticide

(c) Fratricide

(D) Sororicide

Ans: (c) Fratricide

27. The correct spelling is

(A) consonantal

(B) consconental

(C) conscenental

(D) consonantal

Ans: (A) consonantal

28. The correct spelling is

(A) Ginocologist

(B) Gaenecologist

(C) Gaynecologist

(D) Gynaecologist

Ans: (D) Gynaecologist

29. Which is correctly spelt word?

(A) Comprehansible

(B) Contemptible

(C) Carporeal

(D) None of these

Ans: (B) Contemptible

30. Transform the following sentence into Exclamatory’ sentence:

This story is very beautifully told.

(A) This story is narrated beautifully!

(B) This story is communicated so gracefully!

(C) How graceful the writer is in telling this story!

(D) How beautifully this story is told!

Ans: (D) How beautifully this story is told!

31. Jack Barthwick is a character in

(A) The Man of Property

(B) Jocelyn

(C) The Island Pharisees

(D The Silver Box

Ans: (D The Silver Box

32. Which of the following works of William Shakespeare is written in six-line stanza, and shows decided signs of immaturity ?

(A) The Passionate Pilgrim

(B) The Rape of Lucrece

(C) Venus and Adonis

(D) None of the above

Ans: (C) Venus and Adonis

33. A seven-line, iambic pentameter stanza rhyming ababbcc is called

(Al heroic couplet

(B) tercet

(C) rime royal

(D) terza rima

Ans: (C) rime royal

34, Which of the following works is not written by John Milton ?

(A) Of Education

(B) Areopagitica

(C) On Shakespeare

(D) Alma or the Progress of the  Mind

Ans: (D) Alma or the Progress of the  Mind

35. Wordsworth’s The Borderers comes under the category of

(A) prose tragedy

(B) epic

(C) verse tragedy

(D) ode

Ans: (C) verse tragedy

36. Milton’s ‘On Shakespeare’ was published in

(A) 1630

(B) 1687

(C) 1629

(D) 1632

Ans: (A) 1630

37.  Identify the error part in the following (Consider the four options comprising the complete sentence)

(A) Neither my brother

(B) nor my brother-in-law

(C) were able to help me

(D) in the work

Ans: (C) were able to help me

38. Find out the most suitable preposition from the given options.

The new medicine prevents the virus growing.

(B) from

(C)   in

(D) for

Ans: (B) from

39. Among following sentences which is not correctly punctuated ?

(A) Ram, the son of Dashrath, killed Ravan.

(B) “Man” he said “is a political  animal.

(C) I told him that I would help him.

(D) He is an honest person; even his enemies say so.

Ans: (B) “Man” he said “is a political  animal.

40. The characters-Beatrice and Benedick appear in Shakespeare’s play

(A) Love’s Labour’s Lost

(B) The Comedy of Errors

(C) Much Ado about Nothing

(D) As You Like It

Ans: (C) Much Ado about Nothing

41. Which of the following is not a form of ‘Ode’?

(A) Pindaric

(B) Horatian

(C)  Jacobean

(D) Irregular

Ans: (C)  Jacobean

42. Which of the following is not a major characteristic of a ballad ?

(A) It tells a story often with a musical accompaniment

(B) It usually deals with a single episode

(C) It is comic in nature

(D) The story is told through dialogue and action

Ans: (C) It is comic in nature

Directions (Q.43-45): Choose the appropriate preposition from the options given below each of the following sentences.

43. We divided the property several parts

(A) into

(B) with

(C) among

(D) of

Ans: (A) into

44. I have not seen him——–last month

(A) for

(B) from

(C) since

(D) till

Ans: (C) since

45. Your behaviour does not admit any excuses.

(A) in

(B) of

(C) for

(D) to

Ans: (B) of

46. The meaning of the word ‘indignation is

(A) dignity

(B) disgust

(C) diversion

(D) anger with surprise

Ans: (D) anger with surprise

47. The correct spelling is

(A) Fluffy

(B) Fluppy

(C) Flutpy

(D) Fluffie

Ans: (A) Fluffy

48. Find out the most suitable preposition from the given options.

I broke this glass—–accident

(A) at

(B) in

(C) by

(D) of

Ans: (B) in

49. The line, “Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart” appears in

(A) London, 1802

(B) The Dynasts

(C) The Unchangeable

(D)  Consolation

Ans: (A) London, 1802

50. Which of the following is a ‘pastoral elegy?

(A) Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

(B) In Memoriam

(C) Lycidas

(D) Duino Elegy

Ans: (C) Lycidas

51. “A factual account of a person’s life, examing all available information and texts relevant to the subject”, is called

(A) Biography

(B) Autobiography

(C) Memoir and Ode

(D) Elegy

Ans: (A) Biography

52. Choose one word from the options which describes the phrase most accurately

Gradual recovery from illness

(A) Panacea

(B) Convalescence

(C) Putrefaction

(D) None of the above

Ans: (C) Putrefaction

53. The correct spelling is

(A) Diferential

(B) Differensial

(C) Differencial

(D) Differential

Ans: (D) Differential

54. Find out correct sentence.

(A) He gave me much too pain

(B) I shall go just now

(C) He always gets success since he hardly works

(D) I shall be only too glad to see you

Ans: (D) I shall be only too glad to see you

55. Pick out the correct preposition from the options given below each of the sentences so as to complete them.

We didn’t get home—–2 a.m.

(A) at

(B) after

(C) till

(D) to

Ans: (C) till

56. In The Forsyte Saga, the Forsytes belong to

(A) a country side family

(B) a typical city family

(C) the family of imaginary Islanders

(D) none of the above

Ans: (B) a typical city family

57. Which of the following statements is correct about Autobiography ?

(A) It is written by a great author on the life of fellow author

(B) It is written by a scholar on the life of a fellow scholar

(C) It is a memoir

(D) The first fully developed autobiography is also the most influential : The Confessions of St. Augustine, written in fourth century

Ans: (D) The first fully developed autobiography is also the most influential : The Confessions of St. Augustine, written in fourth century

58. My views may be different yours but you should not be indifferent appropriate———- your interest.

Fill in the blanks with


(A) from, from

(C) to, from

(B) from, to

(D) to, to

Ans: (B) from, to

59. Who called Shakespeare a Johannes Factotum’, a Jack-of-all Trades?

(A) Christophere Marlowe

(B) Samuel Johnson

(C) Robert Greene

(D) William Wordsworth

Ans: (C) Robert Greene

60. The great artistic movement ‘Renaissance’ had its full impact on English literature in

(A) Fifteenth century

B) Sixteenth century

(C) Eighteenth century

(D) Nineteenth century

Ans: B) Sixteenth century

61. Which of the following works is a novelette written by John Galsworthy?

(A) The Freelands

(B) Jacolyn

(C) The Forsyte Saga

(D) None of the above

Ans: (B) Jacolyn

62. What is the grammatical status of the underlined word in the following sentence ?

There was a great round of applause.

(A) noun

(B) adjective

(C) adverb

(D) verb

Ans: (A) noun

63. Find out incorrect sentence. But one thing, however, has not changed

(A) But not thing, however, has not changed

(B) You should act like me

(C) If you do not work hard, you can’t succeed

(D) I will wait here untill you come back

Ans: (A) But not thing, however, has not changed

64. What is the correct meaning of the word ‘apposite’?

(A) contrary

(B) different

(C)  right

(D) suitable

Ans: (D) suitable

65. Some statements have been given here for tragedy. Find out correct statements

1. It is representation of serious actions leading a joyous conclusion for tragic hero.

2. The tragic hero will evoke both our pity and terror.

3. The hamartia becomes the reason of his demise.

4. The anagnorisis in tragedy is reversal in his fortune from happiness to disaster.

(A) 1and 2

(C) 2 and 3

(B) 1 and 4

(D) 3 and 4

Ans: (B) 1 and 4

66. A ‘dramatic monologue’ is a type of poem that contains

(A) a single speaker talking to himself

(B) several speakers talking on one subject

(C) one imaginary speaker talking to an imaginary audience

(D) a single dialogue in the poem

Ans: (C) one imaginary speaker talking to an imaginary audience

67. In William Wordsworth’s The Solitary Reaper’, ‘The Solitary Highland Lass’ is

(A) a girl from Ireland

(B) a girl from Scotland

(C) a girl from Arabian Sands

(D) none of the above

Ans: (B) a girl from Scotland

68. Which of the following plays is not written by John Galsworthy ?

(A) Justice

(B) Silver Box

(C)  The Apple Cart

(D) Strife

Ans: (C)  The Apple Cart

69 A table is also called

(A) parable

(B) apologue

(C) proverb

(D) szemplum

Ans: (B) apologue

70. Shakespeare’s play ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’ is a good example of

(A) The Comedy of ideas

(B) The Comedy of Manners

(C) Problom Play

(D) Romantic Comedy

Ans: (B) The Comedy of Manners

71. Who among the following writers is known for his epigrammatio prose style?

(A) Thomas Browne

(B) Bacon

(C) Dr. Johnson

(D) Addison

Ans: (B) Bacon

72. Find out the most suitable proposition from the given options. Malti is fed up the weather

(A) from

(B) with

(C) over

(D) about

Ans:( B) with

73. Mark the part with the error. (Read the four options as the parts of one sentence that is given)

(A) Those kind of apparol

(B) seems to be expensive

(C) but it is relatively

(D) affordable to maintain

Ans: (A) Those kind of apparol

74. The correct spelling is

(A) Dissermant

(B) Diccernement


(D) Dicsermont

Ans: (C)Discernment

75. Which of the following works is not written by John Galsworthy?

(A) Swan Song

(B) The Thom

(C) Saint’s Progress

(D) Flowering Wilderness

Ans: (B) The Thom

76. “Lap me in soft Lydian airs, Married to immortal verse Such as the meeting soul may pierce In notes, with many a winding bout.”

The above lines appear in

(A) IL Penseroso

(B) Lycidas

(C) Song From Arcades

(D) L’Allegro

Ans: (D) L’Allegro

77. Cokeson is a character in

(A) Justice

(B) Macbeth

(C) Areopagitica

(D) As You Like It

Ans: (A) Justice

78 Which of the following statements is true about a ‘closet drama’?

(A) It is a drama full of treachery and intrigues

(B) A closet drama essentially has double plots

(C). A closet drama is intended to be read rather than to be staged in  theatre

(D) It deals with gentlemen and ladies living in a polished society

Ans: (C). A closet drama is intended to be read rather than to be staged in  theatre

79. Which of the following authors has written the lines:

“For fear of which here, this, thou age unbed-

Ere you were born, was beauty’s summer dead.”

(A) John Galsworthy

(B) John Milton

(C) William Shakespeare

(D) William Wordsworth

Ans: (C) William Shakespeare

80. Identify the error part in the following sentence.

Consider tour options comprising the complete sentence)

(A) Fifteen miles

(B) are

(C) long way

 (D) to walk

Ans: (B) are

81. As a dramatist John Galsworthy belongs to the Pinero sentence?

 (A) romantic tradition

(B) psychological tradition/school

(c) realist tradition of Jones and

(D) tradition of Edward Bond

Ans: (c) realist tradition of Jones and

82. What is the grammatical status of the underlined word, in the following Vasco da Gama was the first to round the Cape of Good Hope.

(A) Satire

(B) adjective

(C) Allegory

(D) verb

Ans: (D) verb

83.  A story in verse or prose with a double meaning is popularly known as

(B) Irony

(D) Fable

(A) noun

(C) adverb

Ans: (C) adverb

84. The prose ‘Gothic novel denotes

(A) the medieval type of architectural work

(B) a type of prose fiction which has been set in the middle ages, often sufficed with gloomy castle

(C) a novel full with mysteries in modern age

(D) a type of fiction with exotic setting

Ans: (B) a type of prose fiction which has been set in the middle ages, often sufficed with gloomy castle

Directions (0.85-88): Following sentences have been transformed as per directions given in their brackets. Choose the correct sentence from the choices given.

85. The apple was too sour to eat.(Remove ‘foo’)

(A) The apple was very sour

(B) The apple was extremely sour to eat

(C) The apple was so sour that it cannot be eaten

(D) The apple was so sour that it could not be eaten

Ans: (D) The apple was so sour that it could not be eaten

86. The President appointed him Governor (Passive)

(A) The Governor was appointed by the President

(B) He was appointed by the President

(C) He was appointed Governor by the President

(D) None of the above

Ans: (C) He was appointed Governor by the President

87. Who would not love his country? (Assertive)

(A) Everyone would love his country

(B) Everyone should love his country

(C) Hardly anyone would love his country

(D) Some people may not love his country

Ans: (A) Everyone would love his country

88. Why should they be blamed by you? (Active)

(A) Why should you blame them?

(B) Let you not blame them.

(C) Why you should not blame them?

(D) None of the above

Ans: (A) Why should you blame them?

89. The line They also serve who only stand and wait’ occurs in which of the following poems?

(A) ‘True Love’ by Shakespeare

(B) ‘On His Blindness’ by Milton

(C) ‘Daffodils’ by Milton

(D) Ode on a Grecian Urn’ by John Keats

Ans: (B) ‘On His Blindness’ by Milton

(90.) Who refers William Wordsworth as an “ever enduring man”?

(A) Dr. Johnson

(B) John Keats

(C) De Quincey

(D) S.T. Coleridge

Ans: (D) S.T. Coleridge

91. Mark the part with the error. (Read the four options as the parts of the given Sentence.)

(A) It was Meera who

(B) suggested that you be at the entrance

(C) to welcome each delegate

(D) on their arrival

Ans: (D) on their arrival

92. What is rhyme scheme of Petrarchan sonnet?

(A) abba, abba, cde, de

(B) abab, cde, abab, de

(C) cde, cde, abba, abba

(D) abab, abab, cde, cde

Ans: (A) abba, abba, cde, de

93. Lysandar is a character in

(A) A Midsummer Night’s Dream

(B) King Lear

(C)  Comedy of Errors

(D) Romeo and Juliet

Ans: (C)  Comedy of Errors

94. Which figure of speech do we see in the following expression ?

Ten thousand saw I at a glance’.

(A) Oxymoron

(B) Hyperbole

(C) Pun

 (D) Transferred Epithet

Ans: (B) Hyperbole

95. Which of the following is not True?

The term ‘novel’ refers to

(A) prose fiction

(B) a prose narrative having characters and a plot

(C) a treatise on current social problem

(D) a literary form that is derived from Italian ‘novella

Ans: (C) a treatise on current social problem

96. Transform direct narration into indirect narration

Ram said, “How lovely this flowers

(A) Ram said how lovely this flower was with joy

(B) Ram exclaimed with joy that was a lovely flower

(C). Ram exclaimed with joy that a lovely flower was

(D) Ram said with joy that was a lovely flower

Ans: (C). Ram exclaimed with joy that a lovely flower was

97. Which of the following statements not correct with reference to essay?

(A) The essay differs from a treatise or “dissertation” in its lack of pretension to be a systemic and complete exposition

(B) An essay primarily discusses its subject in non-technical fashion

(C) The essay discusses its subject with a liberal use of such devices as anecdotes, striking illustrations and humour to augment its appeal

(D) The formal essay is relatively personal

Ans: (B) An essay primarily discusses its subject in non-technical fashion

Directions (Q. 98 – 101): In each question below, four options (A). (B) (C). (D) are given

Find out the word which is correctly spelt.

98. (A) invertibrate

(B) invertebrate

(C) invertibrat

(D) invertiberate

Ans: (C) invertibrat

99. (A) ommelette

(B) omelette

(C) omellette

(D) omelet

Ans: (C) omellette

(100) (A) ciusine

(B) cuisin

(C) cusine

(D) cuisine

Ans: (B) cuisin

101. (A) diarrhoea

(B) diarhoea

(C) dirrhea

(D) diarhoia

Ans: (A) diarrhoea

102. Among the following which is not example of pastoral elegy?

(A) Astrophel

(B) Lycidas

(C) Thyrsis


Ans: (C) Thyrsis

103. The first folio, the first collected edition of Shakespeare’s plays was edited by

(A) Heminge and Thomas Sackville

(B) Nicholas Udall and Thoma Nortan

(C) Nicholas Udall and Condell

(D) Heminge and Condell

Ans: (D) Heminge and Condell

104. Which of the following plays of Shakespeare does not belong to the last phase of his career ?

(A) Much Ado about Nothing

(B) The Tempest

(C) Cymbeline

(D) The Winter’s Tale

Ans: (A) Much Ado about Nothing

105. Falder is a character in which of the following plays by John Galsworthy?

(A) Silver Box

(B) Justice

C) Strife

(D) Loyalties

Ans: (B) Justice

106. Which figure of speech do we see in the following expression ?

“Alone, alone, all, all alone,

Alone on a wide, wide sea”

  • assonance
  •  alliteration

(C) metonymy

(D) pun

Ans:  (B) alliteration

107.  Anyshort composition in pros that takes to discuss a matter, express a point of view persuades to accept a thesis on any subject or Simply entertains

(A) Biography

(B) Essay

(C) Autobiography

Ans: (A) Biography

108) What is the grammatical status of the underlined word in the following sentence?

Everybody joins hands and dances round

(A) noun

(B) advert

(c) adjective

(D) verb

Ans: (c) adjective

109. Which of the following statements about form of poetry is not true?

(A) A lyric contains 14 lines

(B) It usually expresses the feelings and thoughts of a single speaker

(C) The Greeks identified the lyric as a song rendered to the accompaniment of a lyre

(D) A lyric poem may be a brief expression of a mood

Ans: (B) It usually expresses the feelings and thoughts of a single speaker

110. The term Carpe Diem’ means

(A) Hall the day

(B) Seize the day

(C) Goodbye the bright day

(D) Sees the day

Ans: (A) Hall the day

 111. Which of the following statements is not correct about ‘Biography’ ?

(A) It is the history of particular men’s lives

(B) The name biography now connotes a relatively full account of a particular person’s life

(C) It involves the attempt to set forth character, temperament and milieu as well as subject’s activities and experiences

(D) Biography is a later day genre and we find biographies in 20th century only

Ans: (B) The name biography now connotes a relatively full account of a particular person’s life

112. In which poem of Wordsworth does the line, ‘Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting’ occur?

(A) Tintern Abbey

(B) The Recluse

(C) The Prelude

(D) Immortality Ode

Ans: (D) Immortality Ode

113. In the classification of Shakespeare’s plays, in which category does The Two Gentlemen of Verona, come?

(A) The Early Comedies

(B) The Mature Comedies

(C) The Sombre Plays

(D) The Last Plays

Ans: (D) The Last Plays

114. Which of the following statements is not correct about Autobiography ?

(A) An autobiography can never be a connected narrative

(B) An autobiography is the story of a person’s life as written by that person

(C) Memoirs deal at least in part with public events and noted personages other than the author, an autobiography is a record of author’s life

(D) Simulated autobiography is a device often used in the novel

Ans: (A) An autobiography can never be a connected narrative

115. Which of the following works of John Galsworthy puts forward John Galsworthy’s ideas on the drama?

(A) Jocelyn

(B) The Island Pharisees

(C) The Inn of Tranquility

(D) England to Free Men

Ans: (B) The Island Pharisees

116. Choose one word from the options which describes the phrase most accurately Incapable of being redeemed from evil,  beyond correction

(A) Impregnable

(B) Ineffaceable

(C) Indelible

(D) Incorrigible

Ans: (B) Ineffaceable

117. Find out the most suitable preposition from the given options. It was very generous you to offer to help me.

(A) about

(B) from

(C) of

(D) for

Ans: (B) from

118. “Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea:

Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free,”

The above lines are written for

(A) John Galsworthy

(B) William Shakespeare

(C) John Milton

(D) William Wordsworth

Ans: (C) John Milton

Directions (Q.119 to 125): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four words are suggested one of which is the right answer. Find out the appropriate word in each case, Buildings do not make (119) university It is the teachers and (120) and their Pursuit of knowledge which (121) the soul of a university. The university is the Sanctuary of the (122) life of a country. The healthy roots of national life are to be found in the people (123) are the well springs of national awakening. They are the spirit behind  revolutionary (124) of society. When we give education, we start a ferment of debate and discussion of first (125)

(119. (A) any

(B) at

(C) they

(D) one

Ans: (C) they

120. (A) employees

(B) officers

(C) pupils

(D) the Vice Chancellor

Ans: (A) employees

121 (A) make

(B) forms

(C) creates

(D) makes

Ans: (D) makes

122. (A) social

(B) human

(C) national

(D) intellectual

Ans: (D) intellectual

123. (A) They

(B) You

(C) We

(D) Who

Ans: (C) We

124. (A) moments

(B) movements

(C) achievements

(D) people

Ans: (D) people

125. (A) principals

(B) principles

(C) issues

(D) questions

Ans: (A) principals

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