Trained Graduate Teacher UP TGT English Question Paper 2016

Here is the Trained Graduate Teacher UP TGT English question Paper 2016 solved for your preparation. All questions have been given with solutions.

1. The art of producing beautiful handwriting is known as

(a) carnage

(b) calligraphy

(c) choregraphy

(d) anaesthesia

Answer: (b) calligraphy

2. Much damage and misfortune caused by nature is known as

(a) calamity

(b) facade

(c) penury

(d) fertility

Answer: (a) calamity

Directions : Fill in the blanks with the antonym of the underlined word in each of the following sentences (3-6).

3. They give more importance to material rather than

…… advancement

(a) intellectual

(b) spiritual

(c) emotional

(d) wordly

Answer: (b) spiritual

4. Honour and …… arise from one’s own actions.

(a) pleasure

(b) reputation

(c) shame

(d) progress

Answer: (c) shame

5. Getting and …… we lay waste our powers.

(a) crying

(b) spending

(c) sleeping

(d) eating

Answer: (b) spending

6. There is both scarcity and ……In the modern world.

(a) deficit

(b) attraction

(c) plenty

(d) toleration

Answer: (c) plenty

Directions : In the following sentences, fill in the blank with appropriate option given below (7-12).

7. If he ……, I shall write to him.

(a) writing

 (b) writes

(c) wrote

(d) write

Answer: (b) writes

8. The child was ……blind.

(a) borne

(b) born

(c) birth

(d) None of these

Answer: (b) born

9. I will introduce you …… my boss this week.

(a) on

(b) to

(c) too

(d) for

Answer: (b) to

10. Art is not an activity associated …… leisure.

(a) by

(b) with

(c) in

(d) for

Answer: (b) with

11. These observations do not conform …… any law.

(a) on

(b) in

(c) to

(d) for

Answer: (c) to

12. The river flows …… the bridge.

(a) on

(b) above

(c) to

(d) under

Answer: (d) under

Directions : Fill in the blank with the correct tense(13-18).

13. I …… my car three weeks ago

(a) washing

(b) washed(d) under

(c) will wash

(d) shall wash

Answer: (b) washed

14. Jonathan insisted on …… out.

(a) go

(b) going

(c) gone

(d) having gone

Answer: (b) going

15. He was prevented from ……in the class.

(a) smoke

(b) smoking

(c) to smoke

(d) having smoked

Answer: (b) smoking

16. You better …… his permission.

(a) seeking

(b) seek

(c) to seek

(d) to have sought

Answer: (b) seek

17. She was seen …… the house.

(a) enter

(b) entered

(c) having entered

(d) entering

Answer: (d) entering

18. …… tigers is a dangerous sport.

(a) To be hunt

(b) Hunting

(c) A hunt of

(d) Having hunt

Directions : Choose the correct answer for the following questions (19-22).

Answer: (b) Hunting

19. In order to repair the leaking pipes we had to call the

(a) carpenter

(b) plumber

(c) electrician

(d) architect

Answer: (b) plumber

Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) Solved Paper Dated : 17-06-2016 Ist Shift

20. As I had hurt my eye, I had to go to ……

(a) a psychiatrist

(b) a cardiologist

(c) an oculist

(d) an acrchitect

Answer: (c) an oculist

21. The sudden running of a herd of inghtnened animals is

(a) stampede

(b) aloof

(c) fiesta

(d) idealize

Answer: (a) stampede

22. A nap after lunch is called

(a) idealize

(b) barrio

(c) siesta

(d) sleepwalking

Answer: (c) siesta

Directions : Change the following sentences into passive voice (23-26) :

23. They haven’t stamped the letter.

(a) The letter isn’t stamped

(b) They stamped not the letter

(c) The letter hasn’t been stamped

(d) The letter has been stamped

Answer: (c) The letter hasn’t been stamped

24. A Japanese firm makes these television sets.

(a) Television sets make these Japanese firm

(b) These television sets are made by a Japanese firm

(c) These are Japanese made television sets

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) These television sets are made by a Japanese firm

25. Nobody has used this room for ages.

(a) This room hasn’t been used for ages.

(b) This room has been used for ages.

(c) Nobody uses this room for ages.

(d) For ages nobody has used this room.

Answer: (b) This room has been used for ages.

26. We can’t repair this lock.

(a) We don’t know how to repair this lock.

(b) Nobody can repair this lock.

(c) Your lock can be repaired.

(d) Your lock can’t be repaired.

Answer: (d) Your lock can’t be repaired

Directions : Read the following sentences and indicate for each sentence the correct option (27-30).

.27. Although they are 250 miles apart, they keep in constant contact on the internet.

(a) Simple sentence

(b) Complex sentence

(c) Compound sentence

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Complex sentence

28. Rita loves to go to the beach and spend her days sunbathing.

(a) Simple sentence

(b) Complex sentence

(c) Compound sentence

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Simple sentence

29. Tom and Jerry have a big argument every summer over where they should spend their summer vacation.

(a) Compound sentence

(b) Complex sentence

(c) Simple sentence

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Complex sentence

30. John dislikes sitting on the roof; he always gets a headache.

(a) Compound sentence

(b) Complex sentence

(c) Simple sentence

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Complex sentence

31. The word that closely resembles “disagreement” in meaning is

(a) decent

(b) descent

(c) dissent

(d) descend

Answer: (c) dissent

32. The word “distinguished” closely resembles

(a) eminent

(b) iminent

(c) imminent

(d) immanent

Answer: (a) eminent

33. “Showing respect” is best indicated by

(a) respectable

(b) respectful

(c) respective

(d) reception

Answer: (a) respectable

34. A false idea or image is known as

(a) allusion

(b) imagery

(c) illusion

(d) None of these

Answer: (c) illusion

35. Which is the correct spelling?

(a) address

(b) adress

(c) adrres

(d) addres

Answer: (a) address

36. Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group

(a) My favorite teacher, who just happens to be my uncle, retired from the university last summer.

(b) My favorite teacher who just happens to be my uncle, retired from the university last summer.

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(c) My favorite teacher, who just happens to be my uncle retired from the university last summer.

(d) My favourite, teacher, who just happens to be my uncle, retired from the university last summer

Answer: (b) My favorite teacher who just happens to be my uncle, retired from the university last summer.

37. Select the correctly punctuated sentence in this group

(a) Mary has offered to coach the team this year, however, the competition for the job is intense.

(b) Mary has offered to coach the team this year, however, the competition for the job is intense.

(c) Mary has offered to coach the team this year, however the competition for the job is intense.

(d) Mary has offered to coach the team, this year, however, the competition for the job is intense.

Answer: (a) Mary has offered to coach the team this year, however, the competition for the job is intense.

38. The dictionary meaning of a word is called

(a) annotation

(b) connotation

(c) denotation

(d) digression

Answer: (a) annotation

39. Ellipsis refers to

(a) omission of words

(b) addition of words

(c) mixing of words

(d) None of these

Answer: (a) omission of words

40. Using softer sounding words to avoid bluntness

(a) euphemism

(b) euphuism

(c) assonance

(d) resonance

Answer: (a) euphemism

41. The seven-line stanza used by medival poets is known as

(a) terza rima

(b) rhyme royal

(c) tetra meter

(d) internal rhyme

Answer: (b) rhyme royal

42. Elegies and sonnets are two types of

(a) essays

(b) fiction

(c) biographies

(d) poems

Answer: (d) poems

43. In literature, “point of view” refers to

(a) who the main character is

(b) when and where the story takes place

(c) who is telling the story

(d) the obstacle the main character must overcome

Answer: (d) the obstacle the main character must overcome

44. In fiction, the author’s overall main idea or most important message is called the

(a) plot

(b) conflict

(c) setting

(d) theme

Answer: (d) theme

45. Repetition of the same or similar consonant sounds at the beginning of words is called

(a) assonance

(b) alliteration

(c) apostrophe

(d) simile

Answer: (b) alliteration

46. A statement that appears self-contradictory, but that reveals a kind of truth

(a) irony

(b) paradox

(c) onomatopoeia

(d) simile

Answer: (b) paradox

47. A story that ends with a happy resolution of conflicts faced by the main character or characters

(a) tragedy

(b) farce

(c) comedy

(d) satire

Answer: (c) comedy

48. The statement, “If I told you once, I’ve told you a million times……” is an example of

(a) understatement

(b) hyperbole

(c) tone

(d) satire

Answer: (b) hyperbole

49. A poem consisting of four lines, or four lines of a poem that can be considered as a unit

(a) couplet

(b) haiku

(c) quatrain

(d) lyric

Answer: (c) quatrain

50. “Father of our country” and “the great Emancipator” are examples of

(a) analogy

(b) epithet

(c) allegory

(d) foil

Answer: (b) epithet

51. A type of comedy in which ridiculous and often stereotyped characters are involved in silly,

far-fetched sitations

(a) farce

(b) parable

(c) fable

(d) sentimental comedy

Answer: (a) farce

52. The use of language to evoke a picture or a concrete sensation of a person, a thing, a place, or an


(a) symbol

(b) imagery

(c) aphorism

(d) simile

Answer: (b) imagery

53. A statement that says less than what is meant

(a) ambiguity

(b) oxymoron

(c) understatement

 (d) litote

Answer: (c) understatement

54. Breif story, told to illustrate a point or serve as an example of something, often showing character of

an individual

(a) personification

(b) anecdote

(c) aside

(d) interior monologue

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Answer: b) anecdote

55. Which of the following works is not one of Galsworthy’s plays?

(a) The Silver Box

(b) The Silver Spoon

(c) Strife

(d) Justice

Answer: (b) The Silver Spoon

56. ……… is the main theme of most of Galsworthy’s plays?

(a) family history

(b) fraternity

(c) social problems of his time

(d) romance

Answer: (c) social problems of his time

57. John Galsworthy style is remarkable for ………

(a) its strength and elasticity.

(b) its powerful sweep, brilliant illustrations.

(c) its deep psychological analysis.

(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

58. Which of the following does not belong to Galsworthy’s three triologies?

(a) The Man of Property

(b) The Forstyle Saga

(c) A Modren Comedy

(d) The End of the Chapter

Answer: (a) The Man of Property

59. Which of the following writers didn’t win the Nobel Prize for Literature?

(a) George Benard Shaw

(b) John Galsworthy

(c) William Butler Yeats

(d) James Joyce

Answer: (b) John Galsworthy

60. John Galsworthy was born in the year

(a) 1873

(b) 1867

(c) 1865

(d) 1890

Answer: (b) 1867

61. When was John Milton born?

(a) 22 April 1600

(b) 19 August 1604

(c) 6 June 1606

(d) 9 December 1608

Answer: (d) 9 December 1608

62. Where was John Milton born?

(a) Bristol

(b) Yorkshire

(c) Liverpool

(d) London

Answer: (d) London

63. In whose memory did John Milton write “Methought I saw my late espoused saint”?

(a) Oliver Cromwell

(b) Mary Powell

(c) Katherine Woodcock

(d) Charles I

Answer: (c) Katherine Woodcock

64. When was Paradise Lost published?

(a) 1660

(b) 1667

(c) 1658

(d) 1654

Answer: (b) 1667

65. In which of the following works did Milton promote freedom of speech and oppose licensing and


(a) Paradise Regained

(b) Areopagitica

(c) Eikonoklastes

(d) Samson Agonistes

Answer: (b) Areopagitica

66. Paradise Lost comprises …… books.

(a) 12

(b) 16

(c) 10

(d) 14

Answer: (a) 12

67. Paradise Lost is written in

(a) free verse

(b) blank verse

(c) rhymed verse

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) blank verse

68. The famous line “what thought the field be lost; all is not lost” is spoken by ……

(a) Adam

(b) Eve

(c) Satan

(d) Beelzebub

Answer: (c) Satan

69. Milton begins Paradise Lost book I with ……

(a) Lament

(b) Invocation

(c) Soliloquy

(d) Refrain

Answer: (b) Invocation

70. Milton is most famous for his ……

(a) Narrative style

(b) Dramatics style

(c) Grand style

(d) Aphoristic style

Answer: (c) Grand style

71. The word that completes the famous line “Better to reign in Hell than serve in ……“is……

(a) Sky

(b) Heaven

(c) Earth

(d) Moon

Answer: (b) Heaven

72. William Shakespeare belonged to the

(a) Restoration age

(b) Victorian age

(c) Elizabathen age

(d) Romantic age

Answer: (c) Elizabathen age

73. Who is known as the “melancholy man” in As You Like It?

(a) Touchstone

(b) Silvious

(c) Jaques

(d) Corin

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Answer: (c) Jaques

74. Which of the following is not a character in As You Like It?

(a) Rosalind

(b) Celia

(c) Orlando

(d) Portia

Answer: (d) Portia

75. Fortinbras is a character in Shakespeare’s

(a) King Lear

(b) Othello

(c) Hamlet

(d) Julius Ceaser

Answer: (c) Hamlet

76. The main theme of the Shakespearean sonnets is……

(a) Love

(b) Hatred

(c) Intrigue

(d) Envy

Answer: (a) Love

77. A Shakespearean sonnet ends with a ……

(a) quartet

 (b) octave

(c) couplet

(d) triplet

Answer: (c) couplet

78. The total number of sonnets written by Shakespeare is

(a) 174 

(b) 154

(c) 184

(d) 194

Answer: (b) 154

79. “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player” occurs in Shakespeare’s

(a) Twelfth Night

(b) Hamlet

(c) Macbeth

 (d) King Lear

Answer: (c) Macbeth

80. In Galsworthy’s Justice, “The Law is what it is-amajestic efidice, sheltering all of us, each stone of

which rests on another” has been said by

(a) Cashier

(b) Lawyer

(c) Manager

 (d) Judge

Answer: (d) Judge

81. By what age had Milton become totally blind?

(a) 34

(b) 46

(c) 44

(d) 56

Answer: (c) 44

82. A song of sorrow especially for the dead is called

(a) Satire

 (b) Epic

(c) Elegy

 (d) Ode

Answer: (c) Elegy

83. Octave in a sonnet consists of

(a) Eight lines

 (b) Six lines

(c) Four lines

(d) Ten lines

Answer: (a) Eight lines

84. Which of the following phrases best characterizes the late-nineteenth century aesthetic movement.

(a) art for intellect’s sake

(b) art for God’s sake

(c) art for the masses

(d) art for art’s sake

Answer: (d) art for art’s sake

85. Strophe, antistrophe and epode form a three-part structure in

(a) a classic ode

(b) a Greek chorus

(c) a medival ballad

(d) a Petrachan sonnet

Answer: (a) a classic ode

86. Who said that in Paradise Lost Book I “Milton belongs to the Devil’s party without knowing it.”

(a) Frank Kermode 

(b) William Empson

(c) C.S. Lewis

(d) William Blake

Answer: (d) William Blake

Directions : Identify the figures of speech in thefollowing statements (87-91).

87. It was the best of times, It was the worst of times.

(a) Simile

(b) Metaphor

(c) Antithesis

(d) Oxymoron

Answer: (c) Antithesis

88. Love is an ideal thing, marriage is a real thing.

(a) Oxymoron

(b) Metaphor

(c) Simile

(d) Antithesis

Answer: (d) Antithesis

89. Let’s go to bed now.

(a) Oxymoron

(b) Metonymy

(c) Personification

(d) Pun

Answer: (b) Metonymy

90. Humour is the shock absorber of life, it helps us take the blows.

(a) Understatement

(b) Metaphor

(c) Simile

(d) Personification

Answer: (b) Metaphor

91. Brrrrrrriiiiinng! An alarm clock clanged in the dark and silent room

(a) Oxymoron

(b) Apostrophe

(c) Onomatopoeia

(d) Simile

Answer: (c) Onomatopoeia

92. The quote “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind/ and therefore is wing’d cupid painted

blind.” occurs in

(a) A Midsummer’s, Night Dream

(b) Love’ Labour Lost

(c) Antony and Cleopatra

(d) The Merry Wives of Windosr

Answer: (a) A Midsummer’s, Night Dream

93. The quote, “The quality of mercy is not strained/ It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven,” occurs in

(a) Twelfth Night

(b) Cymbeline

(c) Mechant of Venice

(d) As You Like it

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Answer: (c) Mechant of Venice

94. Frailty, thy name is woman!” is taken from

(a) Julius Caeser

 (b) Hamlet

(c) Othello

(d) King Lear

Answer: (b) Hamlet

95. “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale/Her infinite variety”.

(a) All’s Well That Ends Well

(b) Othello

(c) Titus Andronicus

(d) Antony and Cleopatra

Answer: (d) Antony and Cleopatra

Directions : Read the following passage and answer the questions (96-99) that follow :In our approach to life, be it pragmatic or other a basic fact that confronts us squarely unmistakably isthe desire for peace, security happiness. Different forms of life at different I of existence make up teeming denizens of this of ours. And no matter whether they belong to higher groups such as human beings or to the I groups such as animals, all being primarily peace, comfort and security. Life is as dear mute creature as it is to a man. Even the love insect strives for protection against dangers threaten its life. Just as each one of us wants to and not to die, so do all other creatures.

96. The author’s main point is that

(a) different forms of life are found on earth

(b) different levels of existence are possible in nature

(c) peace and security are the chief goals of all living beings

 (d) even the weakest creature struggles to present its life

Answer: (c) peace and security are the chief goals of all living beings

97. Which one of the following assumptions or steps is essential in developing the author’s position?

(a) All forms of life have a single overriding goal

(b) The will to survive of a creature is identify with a desire for peace.

(c) All beings are divided into higher and lowergroups

(d) A parallel is drawn between happiness and pain and death

Answer: (b) The will to survive of a creature is identify witha desire for peace.

98. The word “denizens” in the passage implies

(a) aliens

(b) defectors

(c) inhabitants

(d) visitors

Answer: (c) inhabitants

99. The author presumes that animals are ……

(a) Superior to human beings

(b) Inferior to human beings

(c) Equal to human beings

(d) All of the above

Answer: (b) Inferior to human beings

Directions : Read the following passage and answer the questions (100-103) that follow :The martyrs who laid down their lives for the freedom of the country had a lofty vision of the future. They wanted the nation to be free from all slavery and bondage. They wanted an India in which all the communities would live in perfect harmony and in which there would be no high class and no low class of people, the curse of untouchability having been wiped out completely. Women would enjoy equal rights with men and contribute their fullest to the making of a great nation. Such a vision was in keeping with the ancient glory of the country renowned for its splendid achievements in literure, art and culture. We must now revitalise this ancient culture of ours with tolerance as it is masthead. If we forget or cease to take pride in our noble heritage, we shall have to face severe indictment in the court of history which is a ruthless judge and seldom spares the erring people.

100. The martyrs who died for the freedom of India wanted

(a) the country to be the strongest nation in the world

(b) the country to rule over the other nations

(c) the country to be free from slavery

(d) the people to give up their antiquated customs

Answer: (c) the country to be free from slavery

101. The martyrs wanted that

(a) there should be reservation in the jobs for the backward sections of the society

(b) there should be perfect communal love and peace in the country

(c) the old caste system should be retained in the future

(d) the women should look after their families only

Answer: (b) there should be perfect communal love and peace in the country

102. We must strive with total commitment to

(a) defeat and overcome the enemies of the nation.

(b) revitalise our rich past culture

(c) inject scientific temper into our past culture

(d) make scientific advancements

Answer: (b) revitalise our rich past culture

103. Our freedom fighters envisioned that in free India

(a) there should be an egalitarian society

(b) women would enjoy higher privileges and rights than others

(c) the country would be taken forward by some selected classes of society

(d) industrialization should occupy top priority

Answer: (a) there should be an egalitarian society

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Directions : Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option (104-113)

104. Bees……display distinct preferences of different colours, but are also sensitive to Ultraviolet light.

(a) only

(b) not only                        

(c) only do

(d) can only

Answer: (b) not only     

105. Jupiter ……The largest planet in the solar system.

(a) is

(b) which

(c) although

(d) being

Answer: (a) is

106. When sugar …… to yeast, fermentation takes place

(a) by adding

(b) adding

(c) it is added

(d) is added

Answer: (d) is added

107. The overall efficiency of a system can be …… that of its weakest element.

(a) no greater than

(b) less greater

(c) nothing as great as

(d) not the greater

Answer: (a) no greater than

108. At agricultural stations many types of grass are grown……various conditions.

(a) under

(b) underneath

(c) below

(d) beneath

Answer: (a) under

109. Nitric acid……Copper to give off brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide.

(a) on reacting with

(b) reacting to

(c) reacts with

(d) is reacting with

Answer: (c) reacts with

110. The saturated fat in dairy foods is thought……a factor in heart disease.

(a) it is

(b) to be

(c) they are

(d) as being

Answer: (b) to be

111. Robots are being used increasingly in industry as they can work on large jobs faster, are more precise and ……

(a) don’t as easily tire

(b) don’ tire more easily

(c) don’t tire easily

(d) don’t too easily tire

Answer: (c) don’t tire easily

112. Many plants can grow in water, without any soil……nutrients are added.

(a) as long as

(b) sure that

(c) above all

(d) of necesary

Answer: (a) as long as

113. Management……as the organisaton and coordination of an en terprise.

(a) to be defined

(b) it is defined

(c) definable

(d) can be defined

Answer: (d) can be defined

Directions : In the following sentences identify the one bold word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct (114-121) :

114. Although we are no longer/

(a) young, we still/

(b) enjoy/

(c) to study/

(d) languages.

Answer: /(d) languages.

115. Before/

(a) the 1920s, scientists use to/

(b) think an immobilized muscle would/

(c) become weaker/


Answer: (b) think an immobilized muscle would/

116. Nuclear waste has tradionally been stored/

(a) in steel drums what/

(b) are/

(c) subject to/

(d) rust.

Answer: /(b) are

117. The immune system is/

(a) the bodies/

(b) way of protecting itself/

(c) against/

(d) viruses.                                                                                

Answer: /(b) way of protecting itself

118. Originate/

(a) in Ethopia, coffee was drunk/

(b) in the Arab world before it/

(c) came/

(d) to Europe.

Answer: /(a) in Ethopia, coffee was drunk

119. Amsterdam is a town who/

(a) is sometimes referred/

(b) to as the “Venice of Northern/

(c) Europe” because of its/

(d) canals.

Answer: (a) is sometimes referred

120. The sea wasp releases/

(a) a poison that/

(b) kill/

(c) a person in/

(d) three minutes.

Answer: /(c) a person in

121. Halley’s comet approaches/

(a) the earth, close/

(b) to be visible/

(c), every/

(d) seventy-five years.

Answer: /(b) to be visible

Directions : Answer the following questions (122-125) :

122. The meaning of “euthanasia” is

(a) merey killing

 (b) murder

(c) assassination

 (d) atrocity

Answer: (a) merey killing

123. “Accomplice” means

(a) associate in crime

(b) leader

(c) skilled worker

(d) enemy

Answer: (a) associate in crime

124. The condition of self-government is called

(a) autocracy

(b) automation

(c) autonomy

(d) autogamy

Answer: (a) autocracy

125. One who abstains completely from alcohol is called

(a) atheist

(b) kleptomaniac

(c) teetotaler

(d) totalitarian

Answers (c) teetotaler

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