Verbs Definition, Types, Uses, Rules, Examples and Exercise

Here are definitions of verbs, types of verbs, transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, uses of verbs, rules of verbs, examples of verbs, and exercises of verbs.

Verbs (Action Word)

Definition:  A verb is a word that represents any action so a verb is also called an action word.

A sentence can never be complete without a verb.

Types of verb:

On the basis of the action of the verb in a sentence, Verbs are divided into two types.

Main verb: Main verb plays the dominant role in representing the action.

Ex.  1. He is writing a letter.

2. He smiles.

Types of main verb

Main verbs are divided into two types.

(a)Transitive verb: Transitive verbs are used with their object. Each transitive verb carries an action of a subject and applies it to an object. These verbs tell us what the subject does.

Ex.1. He is writing a letter.

2. He is throwing a ball.

3. You have completed your work.

4. The peon rings the bell.

(b) Intransitive verb: Intransitive verb are used without objects. Intransitive verbs denote action of the subject but they do not apply it on object.

EX. 1. He smiles.

2. Birds fly.

3. The wind blows.

4. We sleep at night.

5. Triyank speaks loudly.

Helping or Auxiliaries verb:

Auxiliary verbs support main verbs to complete their sense. These helping verbs or auxiliary verbs are also divided into two types. 

(a)Primary auxiliary verbs: Primary helping verbs are used in present and past tenses.

Present indefinite: Do, Does

Present continuous: Is, are, am

Present prefect: Has, have

Present perfect continuous: has been, have been

Past indefinite: Did

Past continuous: Was, were

Past perfect: Had

Past perfect continuous: Had been

NOTE (1): Is, are, am, was, were, be, been are called the verbs of “Be”.

(2): Has, have, had are called verbs of “Have”.

(3): Do, does, Did are called the verbs of “Do”.

Ex. 1.Your brother is not going to school.

2. You were making a noise.

3. I have done my work.

4.  He had bought several good chances.

5. Do you know how to read Urdu?

(b) Modal Auxiliaries: There are ten modal verbs used in many ways.

  1. Can,
  2. could
  3. may
  4. might
  5. must
  6. shall
  7. should
  8. will
  9. would
  10. ought to

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