Adverb Definition, Types, Degrees, Examples, and Exercise

Here are Adverb Definition, Types, Degrees of Adverb, Positive Degree, Comparative Degree, Superlative Degree, Examples, and Exercises in detail. 

Definition: An adverb is a word that modifies the meaning of a verb, adjective, and another adverb.

Ex:1. Manish runs fast.              Manish runs very fast.

2. Manu speaks loudly.             Manu speaks very loudly.

3. Mango is a very sweet fruit.

                                     Kinds of adverb

According to their meaning, adverbs are divided into the following kinds.

1. Adverb of Place: The adverb of the place tells us where the action is happening.

Ex. 1. I have lost my pen here. 

2. You can go everywhere.

 2. Adverb of time: An adverb of time tells us when an action takes place.

Ex. 1. My friend came to me yesterday.

2. You come here daily.

3. Adverb of degree or quantity: Adverb of degree or quantity tells us “how much or to what degree.”

Ex. 1. He almost is tired.

2. This mango is almost ripe.

3. I have enough money to buy a car.

4. Adverb of frequency: Adverb of frequency tells us how often an action takes place.

Ex- 1. I have taken tea twice today.

2. I invited him many times but he didn’t come.

3. She seldom makes mistakes.                                                                                                                                                                 

5. Adverb of reason: Adverb of reason tells us why an action takes place.

Ex- 1. He is ill, he, therefore, will not go to school.

2. He is hence unable to complete the work.

6. Adverb of manner: Adverb of manner tells us how an action takes place.

Ex-  1. Our players played well.

2. They came down the stairs slowly.

3. His brother runs fast.

4. Indian Army fought bravely.

6. Adverb of affirmation and negation: This adverb tells us whether an action is done or not.

Ex- 1. He certainly hit the ball.

2. I did not see him yesterday.

Uses of some important adverbs

1. Late and lately:

Late: “At the end of the period”.

EX–  1. He came late here

2. He went to bed late at night

Lately: Recently.

Ex- 1. I have heard this news lately.

2. PM Narendra Modi has returned from America lately.

2. Still and Yet:

Still: “In a positive sense.”

Ex- 1. He was ill still he was going to school.

2 . He was punished still he was happy.

Yet: “In a negative sense.”

1. I requested him yet he did not help me.

2. Though he was my friend yet he did not follow my advice.

Hard and hardly:

3. Hard (difficult or solid): The “word” hard is used as an adverb as well as an adjective.

Ex. 1. Learning French is very hard.

2. Lead is a hard metal.

Hardly: Hardly is used as an adverb. It means almost not.

Ex . 1. He can hardly pass the exams.

2. There is hardly any money in his account

4. Too and very:

Very: Very means to a great degree. It is used before pleasant/ unpleasant adjectives.

Ex. 1. I am very happy today.

2. He had a very bad experience that day.

Too: Too means more than required. It is usually used before unpleasant adjectives.

Ex. 1. His behavior gave his father too much pain.

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