Indian and Chinese Navies Together Rescued Hijacked Merchant Ship in Gulf of Aden

Indian and Chinese Navies Together Rescued Hijacked Merchant Ship in the Gulf of Aden

Last night a merchant Ship OS 35, a bulk carrier, was hijacked by pirates in the Gulf of Aden. After getting a distress call from the hijacked ship, the Indian Navy deployed two warships.

The best thing is that the Chinese Navy also came to the help of the hijacked ship while the Indian Navy provided air cover. A senior Navy officer said that the PLA positioned 18 of its personnel to sanitize the hijacked ship.

Both the Indian and Chinese navies became successful to rescue the merchant ship in the Gulf of Aden in their efforts done together.

The incident has been taken to be a great work in collaboration. That is why both the navies deserve a great congratulation and thanks for the herculean task.

This incident has proved that if both the countries-India and China come together to work in development and progress, then it will be a sound blend of the energy to show desirable positive results on the International surface.

They can together be a great power stood against anti-human activities like terrorism. Such work done by both the countries would be considered a great achievement which is really needed in today’s environment.

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