Post Graduate Teacher(UP PGT) English Exam paper, 2013

  1. The Terza Rima is a stanza of

(1) 4 lines

(2) 5 lines

(3) 3 lines

(4) 2 lines

Sol. (3) 3 lines

Terza Rima, It is a variation of the tercet and its rhyme scheme is ab, bcb, cdc, ded, It has been used by Shelley, Byron, and Browning. The following lines from Shelley’s The Triumph of life are on example of Terza Rima.

  1. ‘Black Sheep’ means

(1) a bad character

(2) Sheep of black colour

(3) a humble person

(4) a natural creature

Sol. (1)  A bad character Black Sheep-an undesirable member of a group.

  1. Rahim is the black sheep of my class.
  2. No one likes the black sheep with soul
  3. What does ‘to carry something out’ mean?

(1) to do something

(2) to bear something

(3) to continue doing something

(4) to dealy something

Sol. (1) To do something

`To carry something Out’ To do 5th that you have said you will do or have been asked to do. Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.

  1. Which of the following was Charles Lamb’s very good friend?

(1) Wordsworth

(2) Coleridge

(3) Shelley

(4) Keats

Sol. (2) S.T. Coleridge

Lamb was a lifelong friend of Coleridge, and an admirer and defender, of the poetic creed of words worth; but while the latter lived apart from men, Content with nature and with reading an occasional moral lesson to Society Lamb was born and lived in the midst of the London streets. The city crowd, with its pleasures and occupations, its endless little comedies and tragedies, alone interested him. According to his own account, when he paused in the crowded street tears would spring to his eyes-tears of pure pleasure at the abundance of so much good life; and when he wrote, he simply interpreted that crowded human life of joy and sorrow, as words worth interpreted the woods and waters, without any desire to change or to reform them.

(5) To Epic is usually divided into ………..books

(1) 12

(2) 24

(3) 10

(4) 15

Sol. (1) 12

It is a long narrative poem generally divided into twelve books homer’s epics are divided into twelve books each, and Milton also, divided his Paradise Lost into twelve books each. It deals with the military exploits, deeds of valour, of some national hero or of the same person of national, even international importance. An epic hero is a man of heroic bulk and dimensions. He is a giant among men and extra-ordinary physical prowess poem. Thus Homer’s Iliad narrates the heroic deeds of the Greeks during the war of Troy, and odyssey those of king Odysseus or Ulysses. Milton’s Paradise Lost has a cosmic sweep and range and deals with events of interest to all mankind. In this respect it stands unique among the epics of the world.

  1. The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent words is

(1) alliteration

(2) assonace

(3) half-rhyme

(4) rhythm

Sol. (1) Alliteration

Alliteration (Noun): The use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words that are close together, as in sing a song of sixpense Alliteration. also called head rhyme, is one of the devices of repetition. It was a great feature of Anglo-Saxon poetry and alliteration was in favour of Langland, the Elizabethans, and the Victorians. Only in the Augustan Age, when the French influence was dominant, it was largely avoided and despised. Yet, If it is skilfully used. If creates a pleasing and soothing effect, as.

Alone, alone, all all alone

Alone on a wide wide sea.

(7). T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land was published in

(1) 1920

(2) 1921

(3) 1922

(4) 1923

Sol. (3) 1922

T.S. Eliot was born in 1888 in St. Louis

(U.S.A.). His Family was of Devonshire origin was Traditionally interested in Trade commerce and academic studies.

He was an undergraduate at Harvard during 1906-1909. Here he came under the influence of the Symbolists and Laforgue. During 1909-12 a  was a graduate student at Harvard and completed his early poems including “portrait of a lady” and began “Prufrock” in the years 1910 and 1911 he went to France. T.S. Eliot was the London correspondent for the Dial during (1921-22)and for La Nouvelle Revue Trancaise during 1922-23 in actor 1922 his epoch-making poem “The Waste Land” appeared in the criterion. It is a discussed poem with five moments. It won for him the Dial award in 1925.

  1. Who describes the ideal ‘Commonwealth’ in The Tempest?

(1) Ferdinand

(2) Prospero

(3) Miranda

(4) Gonzalo

Sol. (4) Gonzalo

Shakespeare took this story-which caused as much popular interests as that later Shipwreck which gave us Robinson Crusoe and wove it into The Tempest In the same year (1611), he probably sold his interest in the Globe and Black friars theaters, and his dramatic work was ended.

(9). In which magazine did Lamb’s essays first time appear:

(1) Blackwood’s Magazine

(2) London Magazine

(3 )Quarterly Review

(4) Ariel

Sol. (2) London Magazine

The third period includes Lamb’s Criticisms of life, Which are gathered together in his essays of Elia (1823). and his Last Essays of Elia, which were published ten years later. These famous essays began in 1820 with the appearance of the new London Magazine and were continued for many years. Such subjects as the “Dissertation on Roast Pig” old china “praise of Chimney Sweepers.” imperfect sympathies chapter of ears, “Mrs. Battle’s Opinions on whist:” “Mackery end” “Grace Before Meat.” Dream children.

(10).Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra is

(1) Roman Play

(2) Comedy

(3) Farce

(4) Melodrama

Sol. (1) Roman Play

This third period shows a marked change of mood

and atmosphere. The light spirit of the comedy of the

the second period does not appear here. Here we find

tragic events and a grave and serious outlook. To this period belong his most important plays like Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth along with All’s Well that ends well, Troilus and Cressida, Measure for Measure, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus and Timon of Athens

  1. The Old Man and the Sea is a novel written by

(1) Ernest Hemingway

(2) William Faulkner

(3) Mark Twain

(4) Mulk Raj Anand

Sol. (1) Ernest Hemingway

The Old Man and the Sea furnished such an example of integrated experience in which with the help of his powerful style and mastery of the art of narration, he has been able to convey an intensely felt personal vision. In raising his edifice of fiction. Hemingway is a dedicated artist, an architect rather than a manipulator and he looked upon each of his books as a challenge to his creativity and craftsmanship. Prose for him is architecture and not interior decoration and it has to acquire the fourth and fifth dimension in order to convey the impact of his intensity.

  1. Fill in the blank with a suitable alternative: The dinner smells……….

(1) Well

(2) Good

(3) Better

(4) Best

Sol. (2) good

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions 13-17 that follow it.

“The suffragette movement in the early twentieth century in Britain aimed at securing voting rights for women. The leader of the movement was Emmeline Pankhurst, whose aggressive leadership led the “Daily Mail” to give the titles suffragette to distinguish this group from other moderate feminists. In order to draw the attention of the media as well as the public, the suffragettes disrupted public meetings and threw stones at shop windows, The movement reached a crisis point in 1913 when Emily Davison died a painful death by throwing herself in front of the king’s horse during the Derby”.

13. The aim of the Suffragette movement was to get women

(1) Freedom

(2) education

(3) Property

(4) franchise

Sol. (4)

14. The suffragette movement was most active in the

(1) Early 20th century

(2) mid 20th century

(3) Late 20th century

(4) none of these

Sol. (1)

15.The leader of the suffragette movement was

(1) Emmeline Pankurst

(2) Ernmelline Pankhurst

(3) Emmeline Pankhurst

(4) Emmeline Pankhrust

Sol. (3)

  1. This year was very bad for the suffragettes





Sol. (2)

  1. Derby is the name of a

(1) Fair

(2) Festival

(3) Horse race

(4) Cricket match

SOI. (3)

18. Which of the following works is not authored by Shelley?

(1) Queen Mab

(2) Hyperion

(3) Alastor

(4) The Cenci

Sol. (2) Hyperion

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

Shelley’s famous works

The Necessity of Atheism,

Queen Mab, Alaster, the Mask of Anarchy Prometheus Unbound (1818-19),

The Mask of Anarchy, The Revolt of Islam, Epipsychidion (1821), The Triumph of life Adonais (1821), Ode to the west wind, the cloud, Ode to a skylark, To Night Music, When Soft Voices Die,

0 world ! 0 life ! 0 Time !

When the Lamp is Shattered, Hellas, Lines to an Indian Air, England in (1819), Defence of poetry (1821) (prose), The Cenci (1819),

Julian and Maddalo( 1818),

The Witch of Alias (1820),

The Indian Serenade, Ozymandias of Egypt.

  1. Which of the following poets was of the opinion that is, like trees and shrubs, had a natural growth?

(1) Wordsworth

(2) Shelley

(3) Forst

(4) Whitman

Sol. (4) Whitman

Whitman was born on May 31, 1819, in West Hills, Long Island. The Poet’s Childhood was lived in alternation between the farm on Long Island and the streets of the neighboring city of Brooklyn. His dreaminess, his restlessness made it difficult for him to stick to any one place for any length of time. He left school at the age of eleven and worked at a variety of jobs-an an office boy, as a printer, as a rural school teacher clearly he was unqualified for school teaching not only because of the meagreness of his academic background but also because of his dreamy and Speculative temperament.

(20). The father of the English essay is

(1) Montaigne

(2) Bacon

(3) Charles Lamb

(4) Richard Steele

Sol. (2) Bacon

Bacon’s philosophic works, the advancement of Learning and, the Novum Organum, will be best understood in connection with the Instauratio Magna or the Great Institution of True Philosophy of which they were parts. The Instauratio was never Completed, but the very idea of the work was magnificent to sweep away the involved philosophy of the schoolmen and the educational systems of the universities, and to Substitute a single great work which should be a complete education, “a rich storehouse for the glory of the Creator and for the glory of the creator and for the relief of man’s estate.” The object of this education was to bring practical results to all the people. Instead of a little selfish culture and much useless speculation, which he conceived, were the only products of the universities.

  1. Shelley’s poem, ‘Adonais’ is

(1) A ballad

(2) An ode

(3) An idyll

(4) An elegy

Sol. (4) An elegy

Adonais (1821), the best known of all Shelley’s longer poems, Adonais is a wonderful threnody or a song of over the death of the poet Keats. Even in his grief Shelley still preserves a sense of Unreality and calls in many shadowy allegorical figures-sad spring, Weeping Hours. Glooms, splendors, Destinies-all uniting in bewailing the loss of a loved one. The wailing the loss of the loved one. The whole poem is a succession of dream pictures exquisitely beautiful such as only Shelley could imagine, and it holds its place with Milton’s Lycidas and Tennyson’s in memoriam as .one of the three greatest elegies in our language.

  1. Thomas hardy started his literary career as

(1) Novelist

(2) short-story writer

(3) Poet

(4) dramatist

Sol. (1) Hardy makes the man an insignificant Part of the world, Struggling against powers greater than himself Sometimes against systems which he cannot reach or influence, sometimes against a kind of grim world spirit who delights in making human affairs go wrong. He is, therefore Hardy a realist but rather a man blinded by pessimism; and his novels, though generally powerful and sometimes fascinating, are not pleasant or wholesome reading. From the reader’s viewpoint some of his earlier works, like the idyllic love story under the Greenwood Tree (1872) and A Pair of Blue eyes (1873), are the most interesting.

(23). Shakespeare’s The Tempest is a

(1) Tragedy

(2) comedy

(3) Tragi-comedy

(4) history play

Sol. (3) Tragi-Comedy

In the case of a modern author information to answer questions of this kind is readily accessible; in Shakespeare’s Case it is almost wholly lacking. The Traditional order of the First Folio, which classifies the plays as comedies, Histories, and tragedies and place the Tempest first and Cymbeline last, is still adhered to in many modern

Editions, but scholars universally reject .3r1 arrangement as having no chronological loasis.

  1. The noun form of the verb ‘experience’ is

(1) expirience

(2) expereince

(3) Experience

(4) expireince

Sol. (3)

  1. The specific word for the loud noise made by an elephant is

(1) Roar

(2) trumpet

(3) Bray

(4) neigh

Sol. (2)

(26).The Spenserian Stanza has

(1) 4 lines

(2) 6 lines

(3) 8 lines

(4) 9 lines

Sol. (4) 9 lines

The Spenserian stanza was invented by Edmund Spenser. It is a stanza of nine lines. It consists of dim linked quatrains in iambic pentameters and at last line is an iambic hexametro or Alexandrine. Its rhyme is ab ab bc bcc. Spenser used it for the far time in the Faerie Queene. Thomson’s Castle it Indolence, Byron’s childe Harold’s pilgrimage Keats The Eva of St. Agnes, Shelley’s Adonais art Tennyson’s. The Lotos Eaters have been written in the Spenserian stanza.

(27).Tennyson’s friend, Arthur Henry Hallam, died at

(1) Rome

(2) Vienna

(3) Paris

(4) London

Sol. (2) Vienna

The only thing lacking is the dramatic power of are Elizabethans. In reflecting the restless spirit of 311Ik progressive age Tennyson is as remarkable as Pair was invoicing the artificiality of the early eighteenth century. As a poet, therefore, who expresses act E. much a personal as a national spirit, he is probably the most representative literary man of tor Victorian era.

  1. 28. The word `camarderie means a

(1) Feeling of envy

(2) feeling of anger

(3) Feeling of friendship

(4) feeling of enmity


(29).  Shakespeare’s history plays altogether deal with a period of:

(1) 1000 years

(2) 700 years

(3) 450 years

(4) 350 years

Sol. (4)

(30).John Keats died of

(1) Cholera

(2) Consumption

(3) Typhoid

(4) Renal failure

Sol. (2) Consumption

Keats lived apart from men and from all political measures, worshiping beauty like devotee perfectly content to write what was in his own heart or at reflect some splendor of the natural worlds as he saw or dreamed it to be. He had moreover the novel idea that poetry exists for its own sake and suffers loss by being devoted to philosophy or Politics or, indeed to any cause, however great or small when we remember that all his work was published in three short years from 1817 to 1820 and that he died when only twenty five years old. We must judge him to be the most promising figure of the early nineteenth century and one of the most remarkable in the history of literature.

  1. Choose the option to make the following jumbled up words into a meaningful sentence:

And  she does         my work         hers       I- do

1                            2                    3             4

(1) 1       2       3        4

(2) 4        2      1      3

(3) 4       3       1        2

(4) 1        3        4     2

Sol. (3)

  1. Mulk Raj Anand’s father was a clerk in

(1) A post office

(2) A bank

(3) The army

(4) The navy

  1. (3) The army

Mulk Raj Anand was born on December 12, 1905 in Peshawar. His literary career was launched by a family tragedy. Instigated by the rigidity of the caste system. His first Prose-essay was a response to the Suicide of an aunt who had been excommunicated by his family for sharing a meal with a Muslim. His first novel was ‘Untouchable’ which was published in 1935. During his tenure as chairman of Lalit Kala Academy. Anand remained a controversial figure. He was also Secretary of progressive writer’s Association.

  1. A person who believes that the world can be made better by human effort is known as

(1) An optimist

(2) A philanthropist

(3) A Meliorist

(4) A visionary

Sol. (3)

  1. The line “And miles to go before I sleep”, occurs in Robert Frost’s poem

(1) The Road not Taken

(2) Stopping by woods on a snowy evening

(3) The Onset

(4) Once by the Pacific

Sol. (2) Stopping by woods on a snowy evening.

Robert Frost is one of the greatest American poets. He was born in San Francisco, California on March 26, 1875 His father was a New Englander New England is the name given to certain states in the U.S.A. These states are Maine. New Hampshire, Vermont. Massachusetts. Rhode Island and Connecticut. The inhabitants of these State are familiarly described as “Yankees” and his mother,

Isabelle Moodie: was a scot who had come to America from Edinburgh.

  1. What change is required in the verb ‘rotates’ if the following sentence is converted into indirect speech? The teacher said, “The earth rotates on its own axis”

(1) Rotated

(2) Rotate

(3) Rotating

(4) No change is required

Sol. (4) No change is required due to universal truth.

  1. The correctly punctuated version is

(1) He asked me, “whether I had written my exercise”.

(2) He asked me, “whether I had written my exercise”?

(3) He asked me, whether I had written my exercise.

(4) He asked me whether I had written my exercise.

Sol. (4)

  1. The figure of speech in “all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand” is

(1) Simile

(2) Metaphor

(3) Personification

(4) Hyperbole

Sol. (4) In Hyperbole a statement is made emphatic by overstatement.

Examples :

  1. I have not seen her for ages.
  2. They were swifter than eagles and stronger than lions
  3. The man in the cave had the strength of a thousand elephants.
  4. Ten thousand saw I at a glance.
  5. They build the nation’s pillars deep and live them to the sky.
  6. Belinda smiled and all world was gay.
  7. The Novels of Thomas Hardy are set in

(1) Wessex

(2) Sussex

(3) The Lakes

(4) Waverley

Sol. (1) Wessex

Thomas hardy was not a philosophical poet as was Meredith, though a settled belief in the cruelty of life and in the pathos of men and women who are tormented by it, seems to lurk behind all his work. As in his novels, So in his many Short lyrics, he showed men and women, caught in the tragic irony of circumstances inflicting cruelty on one another or pursued by a hostile destiny. In the years when his work as a novelist was over. He composed his epic drama of the Napoleonic Wars, The Dynasts (1904) The only other poem of similar ambition in Robert Bridge’s The Testament on Beauty in which he defined his faith in Reason and Beauty.

  1. Give the right suffix for the word ‘king’ to make it an abstract noun

(1) Ly

(2) Dom

(3) Ness

(4) Ance

Sol. (2)

(40) Who considered Wordsworth as a “high priest of nature”?

(1) De Quincey

(2) Coleridge

(3) Shelley

(4) Matthew. Arnold

Sol. (4)

  1. Robert Frost’s favorite figure of speech was

(1) Simile

(2) metonymy

(3) Oxymoron

(4) synecdoche

Sol. (4) Synecdoche

It was in 1912, that Frost, decided to make poetry his vocation in life the sold his farm and with his wife and four children went to England where they settled in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. He was eminently successful as a poet. His first volume of lyrics, A Boy’s will (1913) was accepted for whom he offered it, and his second book of dramatic dialogues North of Bostan (1914) attracted so much attention that it was also published in America Soon after.

  1. In the novel, Untouchable, Bakha’s sister is

(1) Mohini

(2) Sohini

(3) Sajani

(4) Gulabo

Sol. (2) Sohini

Mulk Raj Anand’s main novel was ‘Untouchable’ which was published in 1935. This simple book, which captured the puissance of the Punjab and Hindi idiom in English was widely acclaimed and he won the reputation of being India’s Charles Dickens Coolie (1936), Two leaves and a bud (1937). The Village (1939), Across the black waters (1940), The Sword and the sickle (1942), The Private life of an Indian Prince (1953).

  1. Wordsworth and Coleridge published Lyrical Ballads in

(1) 1788

(2) 1798

(3) 1805

(4) 1819

Sol. (2) 1798

The Lyrical Ballads, Containing such remarkable poem as lines written in Early spring, Michael, Fountain, and ending with the famous Tintern Abbey. In these poems Wordsworth struck a new note in English poetry which was received with mixed feeling. The famous Lucy Poems-most of them composed while Wordsworth was on his Germany tour. About the poems of his certain qualities that were to become more and more common in Words worth’s later poems.

44. The masculine form of ‘duck’ is

(1) Drone

(2) Gander

(3) Goose

(4) drake

Sol. (4)

  1. Which of the following will be the correct indirect speech if the statement given below is changed into it? He said, “I shall leave tom, s papers here”

(1) He said that he should leave those papers there.

(2) He said that he should leave those papers here.

(3) He said that he would leave these papers there

(4) He said that he would leave those papers here

Sol. (1) He said that he should leave those papers there.

  1. Charles Dickens is -a -novelist of-the

(1) Elizabethan age

(2) Jacobean age

(3) Augustan age

(4) Victorian age

Sol. (4) Victorian age

When we consider Dickens’s life and work in comparison with that of the two great poets we have been studying the contrast is startling while Tennyson and Browning were being educated for the life of literature and shielded most tenderly from the hardships of the world. Dickens, a poet obscure and suffering child, was helping to support a chiffless family by pasting labels on blacking bottles, sleeping under a counter like a homeless cur and once a week timidly approaching the big prison where his father was confined for debt.

  1. Who called Shakespeare an “upstart Crowe”?

(1) Ben Jonson

(2) Christopher Marlowe

(3) Robert Green

(4 Thomas lodge

Sol. (3)

  1. Which of the following sentences is correct?

(1) Tell me where do you live?

(2) Tell me where you live?

(3) Tell me you live where?

(4) Tell me where you live

Sol. (4)

  1. The central theme of Nissim Ezekiel’s work is

(1) Social reform

(2) Patriotism

(3) Nostalgia

(4) Alienation

Sol. (4) Alienation

Nissim Ezekiel, one of the leading Indian poets was a Bene Israel jew from Mumbai. He was the father of post-independence Indian verse in English. He was raised in a Secular Milieu by his Botany professor father and school Principal mother. Even as a schoolboy he preferred T.S. Eliot. W.B. Yeats. Ezra Pound, etc.

  1. The year…….. was the culminating point in Keat’s career

(1) 1817

(2) 1818

(3) 1819

(4) 1821

Sol. (3) (1819)

The poem composed in 1819 is highly romantic and emotional in its content and style. It has the element of love in it and narrates the charming tale of a mortal’s love with a fairy. But the love goes unrequited due to the freakish nature of that fairy scholar, have marked a deep personal touch in the poem. They point out, that leats describe his own disappointed love for his beloved fanny Brawne through the knight’s for the fairy.

  1. The noun form of the adjective ‘rare’ is

(1) rareness

(2) rarement

(3) rarely

(4) rarity

Sol. (4)

  1. Choose the correctly punctuated version :

(1) He will succeed you, never

(2) He will succeed, you never

(3) He will succeed; you. never

(4) He will succeed: you, never

Sol. (2) He will succeed, you never

  1. ………said about Shelley “He was alone the perfect singing God”

(1) Swinburne

(2) Matthew Arnold

(3) Tennyson

(4) Charles Lamb

Sol. (1)

  1. Faulkner’s works deal with the history and legends of the

(1) American North

(2) American South

(3) American East

(4) American West

Sol. (2)

  1. Kamal Das died in the year

(1) 2009

(2) 2008

(3) 2004

(4) 2005

Sol. (1) 2009

Kamal Das is one the best and most Sensitive writers of short fiction in India, today. She is one of the greatest literary figures in Malayalm she was born in the year 1934 in Punnyurkulum, in South Malabar Kerala. She got most of her education at home. She started writing in early youth and has been writing verses and Prose secure a permanent place for herself in modern Malayalam Literature

Her famous volumes of verses are.

  1. Summer in Calcutta
  2. The Descendants
  3. The old playhouse etc.
  4. Faulkner was awarded Nobel prize in

(1) 1946

(2) 1947

(3) 1948

(4) 1949

Sol. (4) 1949

In the realm of American literature William Faulkner is a giant. ‘The Marble Faun’, his first book which was however, not published until 1924 In February 1926, Faulkner’s first novel called `Soldiers Pay was published and received generally favorable reviews. The novel the Reivers which he had begun in 1940, Saw the light of the day in June, 1962 It is an autobiographical novel and Faulkner’s 1st work.

  1. The birthplace of the Sonnet is

(1) England

(2) Italy

(3) France.

(4) Greece

Sol. (2) The word “Sonnet” is derived from the Greek word “Sonnet” meaning a Sound. It is a short lyric of fourteen lines and the Italian poet Petrarch was the first to use this form of the lyric to express his love for his beloved Laura and its use became the mark-of Petrarch love poetry all over Europe in the 16th century. Petrarch had divided his sonnets into two parts, the octave of eight lines and the sestet of six lines with a pause or caesura after the eight-line.

  1. Night of the Scorpion’ is a poem by

(1) Kamala Das

(2) Nissim Ezekiel

(3) Dom Moraes

(4) A. K. Ramanujan

Sol. (2) Nissim Ezekiel

Nissim Ezekiel is an Indian English poet Born in a Jewish family he studied English at Wilson college Bombay. He was visiting professor at the University of Leeds in 1964 and in 1978. He received the Sahitya Academy Award in 1983. His poetry is both the instrument and the outcome of his attempt as a man to come to terms with himself. ‘The Unfinished Man’ and The Exact Name represent with A.K. Ramanujam, Ezekiel invented the idiom and metric of Post-independence Indian English poet.

  1. Spot the correct passive form of the following sentence: They asked me my name.

(1)  My mile was asked me by them

(2) I was asked my name

(3)  Me was asked my name by them

(4) My name was asked from me by them

Sol. (2)

  1. Which of the following is not Hemingway’s work

(1) The sun also rises

(2)  Moby Dick

(3) For Whom the Bell Tolls

(4) A Farewell to Arms

Sol. (2) Moby Dick

Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1898 in a prominent family in the wealthy conservative suburb of Chicago known as Oak Park. His father was a well-known physician and amateur sportsman. His mother had talent both in music and in painting. In 1917 he graduated from Oak Park High School. During his last year at the school. During his last year at the school he had played on the Football team, he conducted a weekly ‘Column’ in the school paper. The Trapeze, and taken part in a number of their activities. At this time, Heming way was a handsome, friendly, and courteous boy who seemed equally enthusiastic about the Sermons of the famous Dr. William E. Barton and the performance of the Chester Wallace players at the Warrington theatre.

  1. Which of the following Indian English poets was a professor of English at Bombay University ?

(1) Jayant Mahapatra

(2) A.K. Ramanujan

(3) Nissim Ezekiel

(4). Keki N. Daruwalla

Sol. (3)

(62). The principal object of Satire is

(1) to mourn _

(2)”to arouse pity –

(3) to praise

(4) To ridicule folly or vice

SoI.(4) To ridicule folly or vice _

  1. Tennyson was appointed poet Laureate in

(1) 1850

(2) 1854

(3) 1849

(4) 1860

Sol. (1) 1850

Not in vain was he appointed Laureate at the death of Wordsworth, in 1850, for almost alone among those who have held the office, he felt the importance of his place and filled and honored it. For nearly half a century Tennyson was not only a man and a poet; he was a voice, the voice of a whole people, expressing in exquisite melody their doubts and their faith, their griefs, and their triumphs. In the wonderful variety of his verse he suggests all the qualities of England’s greatest poets.

  1. “To deal in Something” means

1) to distribute something

(2) to trade in something

(3) to be about something

(4) to handle something

Sol. (2)

65 The protagonist riot Mulk Raj Anand’s Coolie is

(1) Munro

(2) Gangu

(3) Ratan

(4)  Ramcharan

Sol. (1)

  1. The line, “Thou was not born for death, immortal Bird! occurs in”

(1) To skylark

(2) The nightingale

(3) Ode to a nightingale

(4) Darkling thrush

Sol. (3)

  1. The proper word for a ‘group’ of elephants is

(1) herd

(2) cattle

(3) flock

(4) bunch


  1. Absalom! Absalom! is work by

(1) John Dryden

(2) Robert Frost

(3) Walt Whitman

(4) William Faulkner

Sol. (4) William Faulkner

In the realm of American literature William Faulkner is a giant. ‘the Marble Faun’ his first book, which was however not published until 1924. In February 1926, Faulkner’s first novel called soldiers Pay was published and received generally favorable reviews. The Reivers which he had begun in 1940. Saw the light of the day in June_ 1962. It is an autobiographical novel and Faulkner 5 last work.

  1. Identify the part which contains an error in the following sentence:

Hari is good at studies.     does not he?

1                    2                          3

(1) 1

(2) 2

(3) 3

(4) no error

Sol. (3)3

  1. The mother tongue of Kamala Das was

(1) Konkani

(2) Bengali

(3) Malayalam

(4) Tamil

Sol. (2)

  1. The line, “Earth’s the right place for love” is written by

(1) William Wordsworth

(2) Walt Whitman

(3) Robert Frost

(4) Aired Tennyson

Sol. (3)

  1. The figure of speech in “O my love is like a red, red rose”

(1) simile

(2) metaphor

(4) hyperbole

(3) Personification

Sol. (4)

  1. The number of paragraphs in Tennyson’s In Memoriam is

(1) 111

(2) 121

(3) 125

(4) 131

Sol. (1)

  1. Which of the following poets wrote his finest poetry in the form of the Dramatic monologue?

(1) Shelley

(2) Browning

(3) Swinburne

(4) Hopkins

Sol. (2) Browning

Robert Browning and the form of poetry known as dramatic monologue inevitably go together. He made the form especially his own even though he did not invent it. Browning had a dramatic bent of mind. Before attempting and succeeding so well at the dramatic monologue. He had tried his hand at drama proper for the stage. His theatrical the article trials, however, failed. Mainly because he was unable to present sustained physical action as a plot—a basic essential for drama.

  1. ‘Red-letter day’ means

(1) a dangerous day

(2) a rosy day

(3) an important day

(4) a bloody day

Sol. (3) an important day

  1. Blank verse is

(1) rhymed iambic pentameter

(2) unrhymed iambic pentameter

(3) ductyhlic tetrameter

(4) anapaesti chexameter

Sol. (2) unrhymed iambic pentameter

  1. Choose the correct antonym of the word, ‘inferior’

(1) low

(2) superb

(3) good

(4) superior

Sol. (4)

  1. Walt Whitman is a poet of the

(1) 19th century

(2) 20th century

(3) 17th century

(4) 18th century

Sol. (1)

  1. Who is known as the poet of the Lakes?

(1) Byron

(2) Coleridge

(3) Wordsworth

(4) Keats

Sol. (3)

  1. The English novel acquired its modem form in the

(1) 14th century

(2) 16th century

(3) 17th century

(4) 18th century

Sol. (4)

  1. Identify the part which contains an error in the following sentence:

Ten miles are not a long distance

(1) ten miles

(2) are not

(3) a long-distance

(4) no error

Sol. (2)

82. Fill in the blank with a suitable adverb:

 My hat blew………         

(1) on

(2) off

(3) away

(4) over

Sol. (2)

  1. The word “invade” has the noun form

(1) imvadion

(2) invation

(3) invasion

(4) invadement

Sol. (3)

  1. Kamla Das’s poetry can be best described as

(2) political

(1) social

(4) confessional

(3) religious

Sol. (4)

  1. Spot the correct modal to fill in the blank:

………………you live happily and long!

(1) will

(2) shall

(3) may

(4) can

Sol. (3)

  1. T. S. Eliot was born in

(1) The United States

(2) England

(3) France

(4) Germany

Sol. (1) The United States

T.S. Eliot was one of the greatest Englishmen of letters and poets of the Modern Age. No other English poet of the 20th century has shown such versatility and originality. His poetry is a curious mixture of tradition and individual talent. His poetry of revolt against the decadence and exhaustion. It marks a complete break from the thinned out romantic .tradition.

  1. Matthew Arnold studies at……….University.

(1) Cambridge

(2) Oxford

(3) London

(4) Glasgow

Sol. (2) Oxford

In 1841, Matthew Arnold joined Balliol College. Oxford as a classical scholar. Soon he showed excellence in classics and won a prize in poetry composition. Fond of outward found activities, he boasted in Isis and wandered in the Cummer hills in the company of other Oxonians.

  1. The young one of a cat is

(1) puppy

(2) kid

(3) kitten

(4) calf

Sol. (3)

  1. The protagonist of Great expectations is

(1) Boz

(2) Pip

(3) David

(4) Oliver

Sol. (2) Pip

We find, therefore, in most of Dicken’s novels three or four widely different types of character: First, the innocent little Child, like Oliver, Joe, Paul, Tiny Tim, and little Nell appealing powerfully to the child love in every human heart; Second, the horrible or grotesque foil-like Squeers, Fagin guilp, Uriah Heep and Bill sykes; third, the grandiloquent or broadly humorous fellow, the fun maker, like Micawber and Sam weller; and fourth, a tenderly or powerfully drawn figure, like lady badlock of bleak House, and Sydney carter of A Tale of two cities, which rise to the dignity of true characters.

  1. An iambus consists of

(1) One unaccented syllable followed by an accented one            •             .

(2) One accented syllable followed by an unaccented one

(3) Two unaccented syllables followed by an accented one

(4) To accented syllable followed by a unaccented one

Sol. (1)

  1. What is the suitable prefix for the word, “bitter”?


(2) In

(3) un

(4) Em

Sol. (4)

  1. The plural of ‘alumnus’ is

(1) alumnuses


(3) alumnae

(4) alumni

Sal. (4)

  1. ‘Alma Mater’ is the place where one

(1) studied

(2) married

(3) died

(4) was born

Sol. (1)

Directions (Q. 94-98) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it :

“As a term in English literary history Augustanism refers to the dominant condition prevailing in the area of cultural production in the first half of the eighteenth century. Politically, Augustanism refers to the parallels drawn between the emerging structures of English society and those existing in the period of Emperor Augustus (63 BC-14AD) in ancient Rome. In fact, the process of finding similarities between the Augustan period in ancient Rome and English society began in the early seventeenth century, when writers like Ben Jonson alluded to the possibility. The immediate similarity was seen in the ‘restoration’ of political order by both Augustus and Charles II after periods of political Turmoil. The concept of Pax Britannica was developed to encompass the process of peaceful political and social order in line with the More famous idea of Pax Romana”.

  1. The term “Augustanism” is used to describe

(1) cultural production

(2) political situation

(3) both of these

(4) none of these

Sol. (3)

  1. Augustus was emperor of

(1) England

(2) France

(3) Germany

(4) Rome

Sol. (4)

  1. Augustus lived for……. years

(1) 63

(2) 77

(3) 14

(4) 59

Sol. (2)

  1. Ben Jonson died in

(1) The first half of the 17th century

(2) The second half of the 17th century

(3) the first half of the 18th century

(4) the second half of the 17th century

Sol. (1)

  1. Pax in Roman mythology is the goddess of

(1) politics

(2) peace

(3) social order

(4) none of these

Sol. (2)

  1. The central theme of Murder in Cathedral is

(1) Martyrdom

(2) civil strife

(3) political crisis

(4) family feud

Sol. (1) Martyrdom

T.S. Eliot (1888-1965), His famous works: Gerontion, Prufrock and other observations (1917), The Waste Land (1922), The Hollow Men (1925), Ash Wednesday (1930), Four Quartets (1994), Sweeney Agonister (1927), a drama Murder in Cathedral (1935), a drama The Family Reunion (1939), a drama The Cocktail Party (1949), a drama The confidential clerk (1953), a drama T. Elder Statesman (1958), a drama The Sacred wood (1920), essays.

100. Charles Lamb started his literary career as

(1) a poet

(2) a critic

(3) an essayist

(4) a dramatist

Sol. (1) a poet

Of all our English essayists he is the most lovably partly because of his delicate. Old fashioned sty’..= and humor, but more because of that cheery and heroic struggle against misfortune which shines like a subdued light in all his writings.

101. Charles Dickens’s father was a

(1) Businessman

(2) Peasant

(3) Writer

(4) Clerk

Sol. (4)

102. Who called Hamlet “an artistic failure” ?

(1) I. A. Richards

(2) F.R Leavis

(3) T. S. Eliot

(4) Charles Lamb

SO I. (3)

103. The odes of Keats are

(1) regular

(2) irregular

(3) both regular and irregular

(4) neither regular nor irregular

Sol. (1) Regular

In March 1817, he was persuaded to bring out some of his poems in a small volume. Some of the poems in this volume were: “A Hymn to a pallo” “Imitation  of Spenser” “Sleep and poetry.” “I stood to tiptoe”, and  On First looking into Chapman’s Homers”. A year later, Keats published Endymion which was savagely criticized by the Blackwood Magazine and Euarterly review.

  1. The ‘gaoler’ is a person in charge of a

(1) hospital’

(2) prison

(3) school

(4) football-field

Sol. (2)

105. The best poems of Matthew Arnold are

(1) Lyrics

(2) Odes

(3) Elegies

(4) Sonnets

Sol. (3)

106. The Essential Shakespeare is a work by

(1) J. Dover Wilson’

(2) Middleton Murry

(3) A.C. Bradley

(4) G. Wilson Knight

Sol. (1)

  1. Keat’s poem “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” is

(1) a ballad

(2) a sonnet

(3) an ode

(4) an elegy

Sol. (1) A ballad

La Belle Dame Sans Merci is a famous ballad of Keats. It is a pure poem of romance and mystery. It has a depth of passion. Intense lyrical feeling weird landscape painted with exquisite art and Subtle musical cadence. The overall effect of this lovely poem is almost unequalled in the poetry of romance.

  1. Fill in the blank with correct preposition :

I bought this pen………..  five rupees

(1) in

(2) with

(3) for

(4) from

Sol. (3)

  1. An Alexandring is the last line of the

(1) ottava rima

(2) spenserian stanza

(3) rhyme royal

(4) terza rima

Sol. (3)

  1. Song of Myself is a poem by

(1) Shelley

(2) Wordsworth

(3) Whitman

(4) Tennyson

Sol. (3) Whitman

God, in this context is the “Seething Principle” and human society is a flow of “Shapes ever projecting other Shapes”.

The great and famous “Song of Myself’ though if claims to express the self of the poet, makes sense only when it is taken to symbolize, “the procreant urge of the world”.

  1. Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition Some trains are run………. electricity

(1) from

(2) on

(3) with

(4) by

Sol. (4)

  1. The scientific study of the development of language is known as

(1) Morphology

(2) Bibliography

(3) Paleontology

(4) Philology

Sol. (4)

  1. The figure of speech in “Life is a dream” is

(1) personification

(2) simile

(3) metaphor

(4) metonymy

Sol. (3) Metaphor

Metaphor : A metaphor is an implied simile. It does not like a simile. State that one thing is like another or acts as another but takes that for granted and proceeds as if the two things were one.


  1. Life is a dream
  2. The camel is the ship of the desert
  3. The news was a dagger to his heart
  4. Revenge is a kind of wild justice.
  5. Fill in the blank with suitable conjunction: Look……. you leap.

(1) before

(2) after

(3) and

(4) if

Sol. (*) According to Chyan Board Rewise Ans is (F)

115: Spot the correct spelling

(1) pussilanimous             (2) pusilannimous

(3) pusillanimous              (4) pusilanimous

Sol. (3)

  1. An ‘El Dorado’ is

(1)Place of abundance

(2) place of scarcity

(3) Place of misery

(4) place of suffering

Sol. (1)

  1. Complete the sentence with the suitable adverb clause: play cricket

I used to play cricket………….

(1) when I had been young

(2) when I was being young

(3) when I am young

(4) when I was young

Sol. (4)

(118). Which of the following sentences is correct?

( 1) I have had no news of him since he left for Mumbai

(2) I have had no news of him since he has left for Mumbai.

(3) I have had no news of him since he had left for Mumbai.

(4) I had no news of him since he left for Mumbai.

Sol. (1)

(119). Matthew Arnold as a poet was most influenced by

(1) Wordsworth

(2) Shelley

(3) Keats

(4) Byron

SoI. (1)

  1. Who wrote “The Necessity of Atheism”?

(1) Christopher Marlowe

(2) Oscar Wilde

(3) Byron

(4) Shelley

Sol. (4) Shelley

In religious matters, both Shelley and Hogg were sceptics. This religious skepticism beds them to publish anonymously a pamphlet entitled. The Necessity of Atheism (1811), Which Shelly sent round to all sorts of people, an invitation to discussion. The upshot of this adventure was that both Shelley and Hogg were expelled from the university.

  1. Spot the correct Spelling

(1) Denouement

(2) Dinouement

(3) Denument

(4) Dinoument

Sol. (1)

  1. The sub-title of Tess of the D’Urbervilles is

(1) A novel of Experiment

(2) Pure Women

(3) The story of a woman of character

(4) The story of a man of character

Sol. (2) A pure women

  1. The synonyms for ‘innate’ is

(1) unfeeling

(2) yearly

(3) clever

(4) inborn

Sol. (4)

124; The Synonym for `bona fide’ is

(1) honourable

(2) genuine

(3) well made

(4) remunerative

Sol. (2)

  1. The figure of speech in “Death lays his icy hands on kings” is

(1) simile

(2) metaphor

(3) personification

(4) hyperbole

Sol. (3) Personification

Personification: In personification mint objects and obstruct notions are spoken of as having life and intelligence.


  1. Laughter holding both her sides
  2. In Saxon strength that abbey frowned.
  3. pride goeth forth on horseback, grand and gay. But cometh back on foot, and begs its way


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