Postgraduate Teacher UP PGT English Exams Paper 2016

1. “…for the world which seems to lie before us like a land of dreams.” Is taken from a poem by

(A) Mathew Arnold

(B) A L Tennyson

(C) John Keats

(D)  P B Shelley

Ans: (A) Mathew Arnold

2. Which of the following works by Thomas Hardy appeared anonymously in 1871?

(A) Satires of circumstances

(B) Under the Greenwood Tree

(C) Desperate Remedies

(D) None of the Above

 Ans: (C) Desperate Remedies

3. Which of the following work is not written by Kamala Das?

(A) The Descendant

(B)The Old Play house and other Poems

(C) Summer in Calcutta

(D) The Unfinished Man

Ans: (D) The Unfinished Man

4. A Boy’s Will is written by

(A) Robert Frost

(B) Walt Whitman

(C)William Faulkner

(D) None of the above

Ans: (A) Robert Frost

5 Which of the following works is written by Ernest Hemingway?

(A) A Fable

(B) Across the Black Water

(C) Fiesta

(D) None of the above

Ans: (C) Fiesta

6. The meaning of “To give a wide berth” is

(A) To keep one at a distance

(B) To take under advantage

(C) To know the real feeling

(D) None of the above

Ans: (A) To keep one at a distance

7 Find out the figure of speech in the following statement: “I see you coming out of a light blue car tomorrow.”

(A) Litotes

(B) Pun

(C) Pathetic Fallacy

(D) Innuendo  

Ans: (D) Innuendo

8 The correct spelling is:

(A) Accumulate

(B) Accummulate

(C) Acummulate

(D) Accumullate

Ans: (A) Accumulate

9 “To Buckle down” means

(A) Work seriously

(B) Take it easy

(C) Drop a subject

(D) Go for a vacation

Ans: (A) Work seriously

10. Mulak Raj Anand is the recipient of

(A) Padam Bhushan

(B) Padamshree

(C) Yash Bharti

(D) Padam Vibhushan

Ans: (A) Padam Bhushan

11.  Which of the following is an exact extract from William Faulkner’s Noble Prize citation?

(A) “An authentic contribution to post novel”

(B) Powerful and unique contribution to the modern American novel”

(C) “Globalizing American Novel”

(D) Powerful and authentic output in American short fiction”

Ans: (B) Powerful and unique contribution to the modern American novel”

Directions: (Q.12 to 16)- Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions given below it:

Our chief element of poetry is its revealing power. It opens our eyes to sensuous beauties and spiritual meanings in the worlds of human experience and of nature to which otherwise we should remain blind. There are few of us who have not some endowment of poetic insight and feeling, some measure of “The vision and the faculty divine.” But in the large majority of cases such poetic capacity as we possess, slight as it probably is at the best, is cramped by the ordinary conditions of existence, crippled by the mere material interests which fill so vast a place in our daily routine, and sometimes, even consciously or unconsciously repressed. The true poet, whatever his range and quality, is one in whom the power of seeing and feeling the sensuous beauty and spiritual meaning of things exists in a pre-eminent degree, and to whom, moreover, another special power has been granted- the power of so expressing and interpreting what he sees and feels as to quicken our own imaginations and sympathies, and to make us see and feel with him.

12. What does the author mean by “revealing power” of poetry?

(A) Poetry helps us attain knowledge

(B) Poetry allows us to see and know- what has been unknown

(C) Poetry gives us the power to communicate

(D) Poetry has the power to awaken us

Ans: (B) Poetry allows us to see and know- what has been unknown

13. In the sentences-“There are few of us who have not some endowment….”, What does “few of us” mean?

(A)Many of us

(B)None of us

(C)Hardly any of us

(D) Most of us

Ans: (C)Hardly any of us

14. Which of the statement is not true?

(A) The true poet can compose poems of greater variety.

(B) He has the power of seeing and feeling pre-eminently.

(C) He has a special power of expression and interpretation.

(D) He can quicken our own imaginations and sympathies.

Ans: (A) The true poet can compose poems of greater variety.

15. Which of the following statement is not true?

(A) Poetry enlightens us by means of sensuous beauties and spiritual meanings

(B) Poetry teaches us worldly wisdom

(C) Poetry unveils the secrets of nature

(D) The poet has the special power of expression and interpretation

Ans: (B) Poetry teaches us worldly wisdom

16. Which of the following factors is not responsible for suppression of poetic capacity in the large majority of cases?

(A) Lack of awareness

(B)Ordinary conditions of existence

(C) Material interests

(D) Certain conscious and unconscious repressions

 Ans: (A) Lack of awareness

17. Torpor means

(A) A great favour

(B) Extreme mental and physical sluggishness

(C) Spotless

(D) Brisk and cheerful readiness

Ans: (B) Extreme mental and physical sluggishness

Directions: (Q.18 to21)-Given below are the sentences which have been changed either from indirect to direct or from direct to indirect narration. Choose the correct option.

18. I asked him if he would lend me his book. (Direct narration)

(A)I said to him, “Kindly lend me your book.”

(B) I said to him, “You should lend me your book.”

(C) I asked him, “Will you lend me your book?”

(D) I told him, “Would he lend me his book to me?

Ans: (C) I asked him, “Will you lend me your book?”

19. He said, “Good-bye, my friends!” (Indirect narration)

(A) He said to his friends good-bye

(B) He bade good bye to his friends

(C)He addressed his friends to bid good bye

(D) None of the above

Ans: (B) He bade good bye to his friends

20 She asked us if we had anything to say. (Direct narration)

(A) She asked us, “What did we have to say?”

(B) She said to us, “Have you anything to say?”

(C) She asked us, “What have we to say?

(D) She said to us, “Do you have anything to say?”

Ans: (D) She said to us, “Do you have anything to say?” (F in Merit)

21. He said to me, you are unlucky and I am unlucky.” (Indirect narration)

(A) He told me that I was lucky and he was unlucky

(B) He said to me that I am lucky and he is unlucky

(C) He told me if I am lucky and he was unlucky

(D) None of the above

Ans: (A) He told me that I was lucky and he was unlucky

22. Which of the following is not a closet drama?

(A) All for Love

(B) Prometheus Unbound

(C) The Dynasts

(D) Samson Agonistes

Ans: (A) All for Love

23. Among the following, which does not consist of lines of Iambic Pentameter without rhyming?

(A)Free verse

(B) Blank Verse

(C) Heroic Couplet

(D) Terza Rhyma

Ans: (B) Blank Verse

24. There are some statements in reference with John Keats and his life. Find the correct option given below:

1John Keats is romantic in his relish of sensation, his feelings, his middle ages and Hellenish.

2. He has been associated with “the Cockney school of poetry.”

3. In his powerful lyric “La Belle Dame Sans Merci”, He develops a tribal theme.

4. ‘Ode to Autumn’ is not written by Keats.

(A)1and2                                                                                                                          (B) 3 and 4

(C) Only 1

(D) Only 2

Ans: (A)1and2    

25. “Thyrsis” was written by Arnold to commemorate his friend Aurther Hugh Clough who had died in 1861at the age of

(A) 43

(B) 40


(D)  44

Ans: (C)42

26. “His story requires Romans and kings, but he thinks only on men.” Who remarked it for William Shakespeare?

(A) Ben Johnson

(B) Dryden

(C) Dr. Samuel Johnson

(D) Matthew Arnold

Ans: (C) Dr. Samuel Johnson

27. Who called Shakespeare, “The largest and most comprehensive soul”?

(A) Dr. Johnson

(B) Dryden

(C)  T.S. Eliot

(D) I.A. Richards

 Ans: (B) Dryden

28. Which of the following is not a revenge tragedy?


(B) The duchess of Malfi

(C ) Volpone

(D) Gorboduc

 Ans: (C ) Volpone

29. Which of the following terms is applied to a dramatic representation of serious and important actions?

(A) Comedy

(B) Tragic- comedy

(C) Satire

(D) Tragedy

 Ans: (D) Tragedy

30. Which of the following statement is not correct about William Wordsworth?

(A) Wordsworth records that his earliest verses were a tame imitation of Pope’s versification.

(B) Throughout his life, he never wavered in his faith in himself and his immortality as a poet.

(C) Lyrical Ballads was published at Cocurmouth.

(D) The Prelude was completed in 1805.

Ans: (C) Lyrical Ballads was published at Cocurmouth.

31. Which of the following statement is not correct with reference to P.B. Shelley?

(A) The unfinished work The Triumph of life derived metrically and thematically from Dante and Petrarch.

(B) The subtitle of Adonais is The Spirit of Solitude.

(C) Hellas inspired by the Greek rebellion against the Ottoman rulers, prophesies ‘upon the curtain of futurity.’

(D) In Alastor, Shelley had presented an account of the quest of a young poet.

Ans: (B) The subtitle of Adonais is The Spirit of Solitude

32. Which of the following characters does not appear in Devid Copperfield?

(A) Ham

(B) Tommy Traddles

(C) Doctor Strong

(D) Doctor Rank

Ans: (D) Doctor Rank

33. Which of the following rules is incorrect with reference to grammar?

(A). Two main clauses separated only by a comma cannot stand in English

(B).When ‘and’ is added to pronoun governed by a preposition; the latter governs and precedes the relative pronoun also

(C). ‘Should’ with the second and third persons means ‘ought to’

(D). ‘Would’ with the subject in the first person gives the meaning of ‘ought to’

 Ans: (D). ‘Would’ with the subject in the first person gives the meaning of ‘ought to’

34. The prelude consists of ______ books.

(A) 10

(B) 12

(C) 14

(D) 16

 Ans. (C) 14

35. Which character of Dickens keeps on hoping that “something will turn up”?

(A) Barkis

(B) Micawber

(C) Uria Heep

(D) Miss Havisham

Ans: (B) Micawber

36. Which of the following authors wrote the essay “Naipol’s India and Mine”?

(A) Kamla Das

(B) A K Ramanujan

(C) Rohintan Mistry

(D) Nissim Ezekiel

Ans: (D) Nissim Ezekiel

37. Which of the following pairs is mismatched in a series of singular to plural?

(A) Criteria-Criterion

(B) Bureau-Bureaus

(C) Medium-Media

(D) Radius- Radii

Ans: (A) Criteria-Criterion

Directions: (Q. 38 to 42)-Read each sentence carefully to find error in it. Error lies in any one part of the sentence numbered as (A) (B) (C) (D). You have to identify:

38. This car is superior and more costly than the one I have.

         (A)          (B)                   (C)                             (D)           

Ans: (B) 

39. You will either have to improve your work or I shall have to dismiss you from school.

                    (A)                          (B)                                     (C)                             (D)           

Ans: (A)  

40. He had been to school but he has learn nothing there.

          (A)                    (B)                  (C)                  (D)    

Ans: C

41.His failing to answer the question made the police suspect him.

         (A)                 (B)                                             (C)                          (D)

Ans: (A)  

42.There is always danger of panic when a fire break up in a croweded city.

               (A)                          (B)                                     (C)                         (D)           

 Ans: (C)     

43. The opposite of supercilious is

(A) Snobbish

(B) Meek and humble

(C) Arrogant

(D) Superficial

Ans: (B) Meek and humble

44. Which of the following is written incorrectly?

(A) Percent

(B) Some time

(C) All right

(D) Atleast

Ans: (D) Atleast (F in Merit)

45. Which of the following is mismatched?

(A) Trueman Capote’s The Cold Blood: Nonfictional Novel

(B) E. L. Doctorow’s Ragtime: Documentary Fiction

(C)  S. W. Scott’s Ivanhoe: Historical Novel

(D) V.Sinclair’s The jungle: Kunstlerroman

Ans: (D) V.Sinclair’s The jungle: Kunstlerroman

46. Which is not correct statement for metonymy figure of speech?

(A) The Greek language ‘Metonymy’ denotes “a change of name”

(B) “Metonymy” occurs where one thing is applied to another with which it has become closely associated.

(C) In “Metonymy” a part of something is used to signify the whole

(D) ‘The Scepter’ can be used to stand for a king in “Metonymy”

Ans: (C) In “Metonymy” a part of something is used to signify the whole

47. The character Fog appears in Dickens novel

(A)  Oliver Twist

(B) Old Curiosity Shop

(C) Pickwick Papers

(D) Barnaby Budge

 Ans: (C) Pickwick Papers

48. Which poem of Tennyson does start with the heroic line, Courage! He said and pointed towards the land?

(A) Morte D’ Arthur

(B) Ulysses

(C)  Break, Break, Break

(D) The Lotus Eaters

 Ans: (D) The Lotus Eaters

49. Tennyson was appointed the poet laureate in the year

(A) 1846

(B) 1850

(C) 1854

(D) 1858

 Ans: (B) 1850

50. It rained all Monday and stopped raining ________ that night.

(A) in

(B) during

(C) from

(D) at

 Ans: (B) during

51.You______ have watered the flower  for it is going to rain.

(A) should

(B) must

(C) couldn’t


 Ans: (D)needn’t

52. He was angry_______ he listened to me patiently.

(A)  though

(B)  but

(C) so

(D)  therefore

 Ans: (A)  though

53. There are_________ any flower in the garden.

(A) few

(B) a few

(C) scarcely

(D) at all

 Ans: (C) scarcely

54. John Dryden’s All for Love is an example of

(A) Romantic Comedy

(B) Heroic Tragedy

(C) History Play

(D) Comedy of Humours

 Ans: (B) Heroic Tragedy

55. Who among the following said, the child is father of the man”?

(A) P. B. Shelley

(B) Tennyson

(C) John Keats

(D) William Wordsworth

  Ans: (D) William Wordsworth

56. Which of the following periodicals brutally assailed Keats’ second volume of verse published in 1818?

(A)The Quarterly Review

(B) The Bee

(C) The Rambler

(D) The Guardian

Ans: (A)The Quarterly Review

57. Which of the following is written by Charles Lamb?

(A) Liber Amoris

(B) Essays on men and manners

(C) Character of Shakespeare

(D) Rosamond Gray

Ans: (D) Rosamond Gray

58. Which of the following statement is not correct about Charles Dickens?

(A) Melodramatic element is chiefly noticeable in his early works- Oliver twist and Nicholas Nickleby.

(B) The illustration of Harley street appears in little Dorrit.

(C)The strength and weakness of Dickens’ humour and pathos lie in the hypersensitive imagination.

(D) The terms ‘new gate novel’ is inspired by Dickens’ novel New Gate.

Ans: (D) The terms ‘new gate novel’ is inspired by Dickens’ novel New Gate.

59. Which of the following rules is incorrect with reference to changing direct speech into indirect?

(A) If the introducing verb is in the past tenses, the verbs in the sentences will not change their tenses In indirect speech

(B) Verbs in the infinitive mood never change

(C) A pronoun in the indirect sentences, which refers to yhe person speaking the sentences, will be put in the first person

(D) In a direct questions, the auxiliary part of the verb follows the subject

Ans: (D) In a direct questions, the auxiliary part of the verb follows the subject (F in Merit)

60. In black and white means

(A) In short


(C) In writing

(D)In full swing

Ans: (C) In writing

61. The “touch stone method” is given by

(A) William Wordsworth

(B) Matthew Arnold

(C) T. S. Eliot

(D) Robert Frost

 Ans: (B) Matthew Arnold

62. Nissim Ezekiel was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award for his poetry collection 

(A) Time to Change

(B) The Exact Name

(C) Hymns in Darkness

(D) Latter –Day Psalms

 Ans: (D) Latter –Day Psalms

63. Find out grammatically incorrect sentence.     

(A) Each of them followed his plan

(B) Neither of the experts were paid for

(C) I have ordered the coffee

(D) I fear he will fail

 Ans: (B) Neither of the experts were paid for

64. The correct spelling is

(A) chlorophil

(B) Chlorophyll

(C) Chlolorophyll

(D) Chllorophil

Ans: (B) Chlorophyll

. Directions: (Q.65 to 67)- Choose the word which is closest in meaning to the word given in CAPITALS:


(A)  Ample use of simile and metaphor

(B) Indirect way of saying something embarrassing or unpleasant

(C) A speech or writing glorifying something or someone.

 (D) Short phrase that says something true and wise  

Ans: (D) Short phrase that says something true and wise  


(A)Strong felling of hatred

(B) Divergent opinion

(C) Indifference

(D) Apathy

Ans: (A)Strong felling of hatred


(A) Doctrine of treating all human beings equal

(B) Belief that endorses greater happiness of the greatest number of people

(C) Act of using everything of one’s own benefit

(D) Act of seeking pleasure in material attainment

 Ans: (B) Belief that endorses greater happiness of the greatest number of people

68. If in a ballad a line or stanza is repeated but with an addition that advances the story it is called

(A)Referential repetition

(B)Incremental repetition

(C)Just repetition

(D)None of the above

Ans: (B)Incremental repetition

69. Which of the following statements is not correct with reference to Ode?

(A) Pindar’s odes are encomiastic

(B) In contrast to the passion, visionary boldness and formal language of Pindar’s ode, many Horatian odes are calm meditative and colloquial 

(C)The irregular ode was introduce by Thomas Gray

(D) Pindar’s odes were written to praise and glorify someone

Ans: (C)The irregular ode was introduce by Thomas Gray

70. Which work of Wordsworth has been called, the fine flower of eighteenth century meditative poetry”?

(A) Lyrical Ballads

(B)Immorality ode

(C)The recluse

(D)Tintern Abbey

Ans: (D)Tintern Abbey

71. What is the name of Greek tragedy written by Matthew Arnold?

(A) Mycerinus

(B) Sohrab and Rustom

(C) Merope

(D) Thyrsis

Ans: (C) Merope

72. The famous character- Grace Melbury and Giles Winterbourne appear in Hardy’s novel

(A) The return of the Native

(B) The Woodlanders

(C) Judge the Obscure

(D) Under the Greenwood tree

 Ans: (B) The Woodlanders

73. The protagonist writes a letter of confession, but it gets lost under the carpet only to be found on The wedding day. Who is the protagonist?

(A) Bathsheba                                                                                                     

(B) Lucetta

(C) Sue

(D) Tess

Ans: (D) Tess

74. Four alternative of converting the direct speech into indirect speech are suggested for the following Sentences.

“Need I finish my breakfast?”asked the boy.

(A) The boy asked whether he needed to finish the breakfast

(B) The boys proposed that he should finish his breakfast

(C) The boys asked if he had to finish his breakfast

(D) The boy asked why he should finish his breakfast

 Ans: (A) The boy asked whether he needed to finish the breakfast (F in Merit)

75. A fourteen lines poem in ‘iambic pentametres’ consisting of three quatrains and a concluding Couplet is known as

(A) Balled

(B) Shakespearean Sonnet

(C) Elegy

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (B) Shakespearean Sonnet

76.John Keats’ ‘ode to autumn’ is an example of

(A) Horatian ode

(B) Pindaric ode

(C) Irregular ode


Ans: (A) Horatian ode

77. Which of the following works of John Keats is a version of a tale from Boccaccio?

(A) On first looking into Chapman’s Homer

(B) Isabella or ‘the pot of Basil’

(C) Endymion

(D) None of the above 

Ans: (B) Isabella or ‘the pot of Basil’

78. Lamb’s essays are a sort of fragmentary autobiography. Out of the following pairs find out which is mismatched?

(A) Christ’s hospital: Lamb’s old school days 

(B) Blakesmoor: lamb’s boyhood

(C) Lovel of ‘old Bencher’: lamb’s brother

(D) Old china: Mary lamb

Ans: (C) Lovel of ‘old Bencher’: lamb’s brother

79. “There was a birth, certainly, we had evidence and no doubt..” These lines are taken from

(A) Tennysion’s ‘Ulysses’

(B) Milton’s Paradise Regained

(C) Milton’s Paradise Regained

(D)T.S. Eliot’s ‘Journey of the Magi’

 Ans: (D)T.S. Eliot’s ‘Journey of the Magi’

80. Which of the following expressions does not appear in the Introduction to Tennyson’sIn Memoriam?

(A) Let knowledge grow from more to more

(B) Strong son of God, immoral love

(C) Our wills are ours, to make them thine

(D) Thy roots are wraft about the bones

 Ans: (D) Thy roots are wraft about the bones

81. Which of the following lines is written by Walt Whitman?

(A) If anything is sacred, human body is sacred

(B) Unit we hardly see, we feel that it is there

(C) To symphony with hopes and fears it heeded not

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (A) If anything is sacred, human body is sacred

82. As an editor, Nissim Ezekiel was not associated with which of the following periodicals?

(A) Quest

(B) Imprint

(C) Poetry India

(D) Opinion

 Ans: (D) Opinion

83. The following lines occur in which of the poem mentioned below? “To evil, no important triumph won more than if life had never been begun.”

(A) Mending Wall

(B) One’s- self I sing

(C) Design

(D) The Onset

 Ans: (D) The Onset

84. The meaning of the idiom – “to throw up the sponge” is

(A) To oppose resolutely

(B) To undo

(C) To go to destruction

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (D) None of the above

85. A collection of small, coloured  flags is called

(A) Troupe

(B)  Voluptuary

(C) Bunting

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (C) Bunting

86. Which of the following references does not appear in Tennyson’s Ulysses?

(A) Hydes

(B) Dim sea

(C) Old yew

(D)  Happy isles

 Ans: (C) Old yew

87.  In which of the following texts, the petty delusions and ambitions of human kind are watched over by choric forces?

(A) The Dynasts

(B)  The Tempest

(C) A Doll’s House

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (A) The Dynasts

88. In Night of the Scorpion the narrator’s father is mentioned not as someone


(B) Rationalist

(C) Trying every curse and blessing

(D) Analysing Karma explicitly

 Ans: (D) Analysing Karma explicitly

89. The expression  _ ‘’ I Do not love I cannot love, it is not / in my nature of love.” appears in:

(A)  ‘The Sunshine Cat’

(B) ‘A Hot Noon in Malabar’

(C) ‘Philosophy’

(D)  ‘Enterprise’

 Ans: (A)  ‘The Sunshine Cat’

90. In Hemingway’s short story ‘The capital of the world’, Paco is diminutive of

(A) Picacco

(B) Picachaeu

(C) Francisco

(D) Patrick

 Ans: (C) Francisco

91. The meaning of ‘’to mince matters’’ is

(A) To speak indirectly

(B) To speak loudly

(C) To gloss over

(D) None of the above 

 Ans: (C) To gloss over

92. Find out the figure of speech in- ‘’He received a mortal wound.’’

(A) Synecdoche

(B) Transferred epithet

(C) Metonymy

(D) Enterprise

 Ans: (B) Transferred epithet

93. Which of the following spelling rules is incorrect?

(A) If the accent does fall on the last syllable, the consonant is doubled

(B) If the final consonant is ‘’I’’, it is always doubled with only one exception

(C) Short monosyllables never double their final consonant

(D) When followed by “ing’’, the ‘’e’’ is always dropped except when the final ‘’ e’’ is preceded by a vowel with it forms one sound  

 Ans: (C) Short monosyllables never double their final consonant

94. ‘’To tack the bull by horns’’ means

(A) Face a difficulty with less confidence

(B) Run away from difficulty

(C)Pull the bull’s horns 

(D) Face difficulty boldly  

 Ans: (D) Face difficulty boldly  

95. The Waste Land was published in the year

(A) 1920

(B) 1922

(C) 1924

(D) 1926 

 Ans: (B) 1922

96. Which American poet/poetess won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry four times in his/her life?

(A) Robert frost

(B) Walt Whitman

(C) Emily Dickinson

(D) Kamala Das

 Ans: (A) Robert frost

Direction (Q.97 to 101)-Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The other day we heard someone smilingly refer to poet as dreamers. Now it is accurate to refer to poet as dreamers but it is not discerning to infer ,as this person did ,that the dream of poet have no practical value beyond the realm of literary diversion; the truth is that poet are just as practical as people who build  bridges or look into microscopes; and just as close to reality and truth ,where they differs from the logician and the scientist is in the temporal  sense alone ; they are ahead of their time whereas logician and scientists are abreast of their time. We must not be so superficial that we fail to discern the practicableness of dream. Dreams are the sunrise streamers heralding a new day of scientific progress, another forward surge .Every forward step man take in any field or life, is first taken along the dreamy paths of imagination. Robert Fulton did not discover his steamboat with full steam up, straining at a hawser at some Hudson River docks; first he dreamed the steamboat he and other dreamers, and then Scientific wisdom converted a picture in the mind into a reality of steel and wood. The automobile and afterward, long afterward, the practical minded engineer’s caught up with what had been created by winging fantasy. He who looks deeply and with a seeing eye into the poetry of yesterday finds there all the cold scientific magic of today and much which we shall not enjoy until some tomorrow .If the poet does not dream so clearly that blueprints of this vision can immediately be drawn and the practical conversion immediately effected; he must not for that reason be smiled upon as merely the mental host for a sort of harmless madness. For the poet, like the engineer ,is a specialist. His being turn to the life of tomorrow ,cannot be turned simultaneously to the life of today .To the scientist, he says , Here ,I give you a flash of the future ’’.The wise scientist thanks him, and takes that flash  of the future and makes it over into a fibre of today. 

97. Who are abreast of their time?

(A) Scientists and poets

(B) Logicians and scientists

(C) Logicians and poets

(D) Poets, logicians, soothsayers and scientists

 Ans: (B) Logicians and scientists

98. If the poet did dream, what would happen?

  (A) There would perhaps be squint flashes 

(B) There would be no future

(C) There would perhaps be no advancement in any field    

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (C) There would perhaps be no advancement in any field    

99. Are the poets dreamers?

(A) Yes, but upto the level of self esteem

(B) Yes, poets are dreamers

(C) Yes, they build rationality and dream

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (B) Yes, poets are dreamers

100. In what way is the poet a specialist?

(A) He is dreamers and the dreamers are taken up as agenda

(B) He is a soothsayer of the tricks and these are used by scientist to make over

(C) He gives the scientist takes and makes over into fibre of today

(D) He overcomes the melancholy of the scientist

 Ans: (C) He gives the scientist takes and makes over into fibre of today

101. According to the author, dreams are useful to the world because

(A) It is a psychological theory

(B) It is a cultural fact

(C) The artist enables us to see the beauty of the world

(D) Every forward step in any field of life is first taken along the dreamy path of imagination 

 Ans: (D) Every forward step in any field of life is first taken along the dreamy path of imagination 

102. The correct spelling is

(A) Pharmaceutical

(B) Pharmaseutical

(C) Pharmacerical

(D) Phermaceutical

 Ans: (A) Pharmaceutical

103. Hagiographics are written on

(A) The lives of Marginals

(B) The lives of subalterns

(C) The stylized lives of Christian saints

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (C) The stylized lives of Christian saints

Directions: (Q. 104 to 109) – Pick out the most appropriate world from the given words to fill in the blanks so as to make the sentence complete :

104. I will take ……………… It doesn’t matter which.

(A) Neither

(B) Either

(C) The best

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (B) Either

105. The man denied ………….. in the house.

(A) Having been

(B) Have been

(C) to be

(D) being

 Ans: (A) Having been

106. This one is ………….. of the two.

(A) Good

(B) Best

(C) Better

(D) The better 

Ans: (D) The better 

107. He got …………… home late.

(A) To

(B) The

(C) To the

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (D) None of the above

108. If you tried again you ……………. Succeed.

(A) Will

(B) Shall

(C) Would

(D) Can

   Ans: (C) Would

109. I am looking forward to …………… you.

(A) See

(B) Seeing

(C) Have seen

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (B) Seeing

110. Which is/are incorrect statements for ‘understatements’, figure of speech?

(a) For ‘understatement’, the Greek term is ‘meiosis’.

(b) It does not represent something as very much less in magnitude then it really is.

(c) The Wordsworthian line – ‘And never lifted up a single stone’, is example of it.

(d) It is also used to assert an affirmative by negating its contrary.

(A)  b and d

(B) only b

(C) only d

(D) a, b and c

 Ans; (a) For ‘understatement’, the Greek term is ‘meiosis’.

111. Who was described, “poets poet” of the nineteenth century?

(A) P.B. Shelley

(B) John Keats

(C) William Wordsworth

(D) S.T. Coleridge

 Ans: F

112. About whom did Arnold write in his poem ‘Memorial verses’ –‘He laid us as we lay at birth/on the cool flowery lap of birth …’?

(A) William Wordsworth

(B) William Shakespeare

(C) Tennyson

(D) John Keats

 Ans: (A) William Wordsworth

113. T.S. Eliot’s critical notions – “dissociation of sensibility” and “objective correlative” were derived forms

(A) Italian poets

(B) German critics

(C) French writer

(D) None

 Ans: (C) French writer

114. Which novelist created a fictional Mississippi county, ‘Yoknapatawpha County’ in his novels?

(A) Hemingway

(B) Faulkner

(C) Toni Morrison

(D) Alice Walker 

 Ans: (B) Faulkner

115. Four alternatives of converting the direct speech into indirect speech are suggested for the following sentence. Find out the correct one “Let’s not” said Priya.

(A) Mohan told that the house should be sold. Priya suggested that it shouldn’t be done.

(B) Mohan proposed the house to be sold. Priya suggested not to do so.

(C) Mohan suggested selling the house but Priya was against it.

(D) Mohan asked whether the house can be sold but Priya replied in negation.

 Ans: (C) Mohan suggested selling the house but Priya was against it.

116. Which of the following does not constitute ‘Three Unities’, a popular component of a drama?

(A)  Unity of events

(B) Unity of place

(C) Unity of time

(D) Unity of action

 Ans: (A)  Unity of events

117. Which of the following is mismatched?

(A)  William Wordsworth: The Green Linnet

(B) William Wordsworth: To The Cuckoo

(C) William Wordsworth: To The Skylark

(D) William Wordsworth: To A Skylark

 Ans: (D) William Wordsworth: To A Skylark

118. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

(A) Prometheus Unbound: 1820

(B) Hellas: 1822

(C) Adonais: 1823

(D) Alastor: 1816

 Ans: (C) Adonais: 1823

119. Which of the following references does not appear in ‘Dream children’?

(A) The children in the wood

(B) Robin Redbreasts

(C) The twelve caesars

(D) Phoebe

 Ans: (D) Phoebe

120. The lines –“I am forced by the five senses to fear the five senses are taken from

(A) Ulysses 

(B) Hymns in Darkness

(C) The Visitor

(D) The Looking Glass

 Ans: (B) Hymns in Darkness

121.  ‘The Gift of Outright’ is a poem by

(A) Walt Whitman

(B) Robert Frost

(C) William Faulkner

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (B) Robert Frost

122. Who is a burly landlord in “The Barber’s Trade Union”?

(A) Bijay Chand

(B) Param Chand

(C) Thanu Chand

(D) Sardar Singh

 Ans: (A) Bijay Chand

123. Which of the following is mismatched in view of word and meaning?

(A) Horde: Enthusiastic

(B) Gaol: Prison

(C)  Cession: Act of Giving up

(D) Assay: to test

  Ans: (A) Horde: Enthusiastic

124. The reference of “faithful shepherd” appears in which of the following poems?

(A) Crossing the Bar

(B) Dover Beach

(C) Rugby Chapel

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (C) Rugby Chapel

125. Which of the following periodicals was started by Walt Whitman?

(A) The long Islander

(B)  The Mirror

(C) The Outlook

(D) None of the above

 Ans: (A) The long Islander

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  1. this ouestion are helpfull for me .to understand the the concept of exam ……………and ouestion ………..

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