Post Graduate Teacher UP PGT English Exam Paper 2004

1. Arnold mourns whose untimely death in his elegy entitled, Thyrsis?

(1) Arthur Hugh Clough

(2) Arthur Hallam

(3) W. H. Auden

(4)None of the above

Ans (1)

Explanation: Arnold laments on the death of the poet Arthur Hugh Clough through his elegy, Thyrsis.

2. From which play of Shakespeare is the following line taken?

“Life is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury

(1) Hamlet                 

(2) The Tempest

(3) Macbeth                 

(4) Romeo and Juliet

Ans. (3)

Explanation: This line is taken from the play Macbeth. After hearing the news of his wife’s death Macbeth says this statement. (Act V, Sc. V)

3. In which country is the story of Othello set?

(1) Denmark               

(2) Venice

(3) Greece                  

 (4) England

Ans. (2)

Explanation: The story of Othello is set in Venice, a town of Italy, which is famous for its art and culture.

4. Biographia Literaria was written by

(1) Hazlitt                  

 (2) Keats

(3) Wordsworth          

(4) Coleridge

Ans. (4)

Explanation: The Biographia Literaria is written by Coleridge. This is a criticism of the theory of poetry by Wordsworth. It has more reflective ideas on poetry than any other book in English.

5. When did W. B. Yeats receive Nobel Prize for literature?

(1) 1920                    

 (2) 1921

(3) 1922                        

(4) 1923

Ans. (4)

Explanation: W. B. Yeats was elected as a senator of the Irish Free State and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1923,

6. What is the name of the hero of Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea?

(1) Tom Sawyer            

 (2) Santiago

(3) Henry                    

 (4) None of these

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Santiago is the hero of Hemingway’s play, ‘The Old Man and the Sea’.

7. Which play of Shakespeare is regarded as the tragedy of overleaping ambition?

(1) King Lear                

(2) Macbeth

(3) Hamlet                  

(4) Othello

Ans. (2)

8. The number of sonnets authored by Shakespeare is:

(1) 154                      

(2) 156


(4) 160

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Shakespeare published 154 sonnets collectively in 1609,

9. In which year did Wordsworth add his Preface to the Lyrical Ballads?

(1) 1798                       

(2) 1800

(3) 1802                       

(4) 1803

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Wordsworth published the second and enlarged edition of ‘Lyrical Ballads’ in 1800. He added valuable Preface to show the outline of his poetical theory in this edition.

10. Who wrote Tales from Shakespeare?

(1) Charles Lamb         

(2) William Hazlitt

(3) Leigh Hunt             

(4) Charles and Mary Lamb

Ans. (4)

Explanation: Charles and Mary Lamb wrote the Tales from Shakespeare in 1807.

11. In which poem of Keats does the following line occur?

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”

(1) Endymion             

(2) Hyperion

(3) Lamia                   

 (4) Sleep and Beauty

Ans. (1)

Explanation: This line occurs in the poem, Endymion, in which a young shepherd is beloved by a moon Goddess.

12. In which poem of Shelley do the following lines occur?

“Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!

I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!”

(1) Adonais                 

(2) To a Skylark

(3) Ode to the West Wind

(4) Lament

Ans. (3)                                                        •

Explanation: These lines occur in the poem, ‘Ode to the West Wind’ written by P.B. Shelley.

13. Which among the following is the novel by William Faulkner?

(1) The Grapes of Wrath

(2) The English Teacher

(3) The Dark Holds No Terrors

(4) The Sound and the Fury

Ans. (4)

14. Which among the following is the author of The Barber’s Trade Union?

(1) R. K. Narayan       

 (2) Mulk Raj Anand

(3) Shashi Deshpande

(4) Raja Rao

Ans. (2)

15. The original title of Mulk Raj Anand’s Gauri was

(1) The Woman and the Cow

(2) The Village

(3) Across the Black Waters

(4) Untouchable

Ans. (1)

16. Which one of these is not one of the five sections of T. S. Eliot’s The Wasteland?

(1) ‘The Burial of the Dead’

(2)’A Game of Chess’

(3) The Hollow Men’

(4) ‘The Fire Sermon’

Ans. (3)

Explanation: ‘The Hollow Men’ written by T. S. Eliot is a famous poem. The Wasteland is a popular work of 20th century and is abruptly divided into five movements as given below.

(i) The Burial of the Dead (ii) A Game of Chess (iii) The Fire Sermon (iv) Death by Water (v) What the Thunder Side

17. The Dynasts is Thomas Hardy’s

(1) Novel                    

(2) Autobiography

(3) Lyric                     

(4) Verse Drama

Ans. (4)

18. Tennyson’s elegy In Memoriam is in memory of:

(1) Queen Victoria

 (2) Arthur Hallam

(3) William Wordsworth

(4) Charles Darwin

Ans. (2)

Explanation: in Memoriam’ is the most loved elegy written by Tennyson in memory of his friend Arthur Hallam. It is one of the few popular works due to its theme and exquisite workmAns.hip.

19. The title of Shelley’s incomplete dream-allegory is:

(1) Mont Blanc            

(2) Revolt of Islam

(3) Hellas                   

 (4) The Triumph of Life

Ans. (4)

Explanation: ‘The Triumph of Life’ is an incomplete poem of P.B. Shelley. It was his dream to write this poem in tersa rhyma with echoes of Italian poets.

20. The title of Wordsworth’s first poetical volume is:

(1) Descriptive Sketches

(2) Lyrical Ballads

(3) Intimations of Immortality

(4) Prelude

Ans. (1)

Explanation: The Descriptive Sketches is the first poetical volume of Wordsworth.

21. William Shakespeare was born in:

(1) 1575

(2) 1564

(3) 1512

(4) 1616

Ans. (2)                                

Explanation: William Shakespeare was baptized on 26th April, 1564 at the little parish church at Stratford on- Avon, as per records of the church. Since it was a custom to baptize a baby on the third day after birth, the 23rd April 1564 is considered as the birthday of Shakespeare.

22. Shelley’s Adonais is

(1) a tragedy

(2) an epic poem

(3) a pastoral elegy

(4) a poem in blank verse

Ans. (3)

Explanation: Adonais is an elegy written on the death of the poet John Keats. It can be compared with Milton ‘Lycidas’ and Tennyson’s ‘In Memoriam’:

23. Who said, “My heart aches and a drossy numbness pains”?

(1) Shelley                  

(2) Tennyson

(3) Keats                   

(4) Wordsworth

Ans. (3)

Explanation: John Keats wrote this line in the beginning of ‘Ode to a Nightingale’,

24. When was Charles Dickens born?

(1) 1820

 (2) 1888


(4) 1.825

Ans. (3)

25. Who, among these, is called a ‘home-spun philosopher’?

(1) Arnold                  

(2), Robert Frost

(3) Raja Rao               

(4) Walt Whitman,

Ans. (4)

26. Who is the heroine in Shakespeare’s The Tempest?

(1) Viola                    

 (2) Portia

(3) Miranda                 

(4) Beatrice

Ans. (3)

27. The term ‘negative capability’ is given by:

(1) Wordsworth 

(2) John Keats

(3) Byron                   

(4) P. B. Shelley

Ans. (2)

Explanation: -John Keats’ letters are among t first to discuss his aesthetic ideas or negative capability, humanity, spontaneity and humour.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  28. When was Mulk Raj Anand’s novel, Untouchable Published?

(1) 1934

(2) 1935

(3) 1936

(4) 1937

Ans. (2)

29. Who is bitten by the scorpion in ‘Night- of Scorpion’?

(1) The poet                 

(2) The narrator

(3) The mother            

(4) The father

Ans. (3)

 Explanation: ‘The Scorpion’ is a narrative which describes a scorpion that stings Geah Laxmi, the mother of the poet.

30. Who of the following has written: ‘Earth’s the place for love’?

(1) Walt Whitman         

(2) Robert Frost

(3) Hemingway             

(4) Faulkner

Ans. (2)

31. Venus and Adonis is a poem written by:

(1) John Keats

(2) B. Shelley

(3) Shakespeare

(4) Matthew Arnold

Ans. (3)       

32.”To me the meanest flower the blows can Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.” said it?

(1) John Keats             

(2) Alfred Tennyson

(3) P. B. Shelley          

(4) None of these

Ans. (4)

Explanation: These lines are taken from poem ‘Ode: Intimations of immortality, written by William Wordsworth.

33. Who said about Keats-“He is; he is Shakespeare”?

(1) P. B. Shelley          

(2) S. T. Coleridge

(3) Walter Pater            

(4) Matthew Arnold

Ans. (4)

34. Who is called “the Prince of English Essayists?

(1) Francis-Bacon         

(2) Joseph Addison

(3) Charles Lamb         

(4) R. L. Stevenson

Ans. (3)

Explanation: Charles Lamb occupies a place among great masters of essays. He has been called “the Prince of English Essayists”. Bacon is called the father of Essays in English.

35. Which character in Dickens keeps on waiting for `something to turn up’?

(1) Mr. Micawber

(2) Sydney Carton

 (3) Oliver Twist

 (4) Miss Havisham

Ans. (1)

36. In Matthew Arnold’s Culture and Anarchy the term `Philistines’ is used for

(1) The English working class

(2) The English middle class-

(3)The English aristocratic class

(4)The people of Palestine

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Arnold uses the term ‘the Philistine’ for the English middle class and the English aristocratic class for barbarians.

37. Who wrote the poem The Defence of Lucknow’?

(1) Alfred Tennyson

(2) Mulk Raj Anand

(3) Rudyard Kipling

(4) E. M. Forster

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Alfred Tennyson’s poem ‘The Defence of Lucknow’ contains ardous war songs.

38. Who wrote the line? “God’s not in his heaven; all’s wrong with the world”

(1) Robert Browning

(2) Thomas Hardy

(3) G. B. Shaw      

(4) P. B. Shelley

Ans. (2)

39. Which of the following statements is correct? –

(1) Ernest Hemingway committed suicide

(2) Ernest Hemingway was killed in a battle

(3) Ernest Hemingway was murdered in a street brawl

(4) None of the above

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961) was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954. His famous works are ‘Farewell to Arm, The old Man, and the Sea. He committed suicide by gun shot in 1961.

40. In the poem 0 Captain! My Captain I the captain is:

(1) George Washington

(2) Abraham Lincoln

(3) F. Kennedy

(4) B. Johnson

Ans. (2)

Explanation: The poem O Captain! My Captain! Is an elegy written by Walt Whitman on the death of the famous American President Abraham Lincoln.

41. Mulk Raj Anand passed away in the year:

(1) 1998               

(2) 2000

(3)  2002              

(4) 2004

Ans. (4)

42. William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure is a .

(1) Tragedy                  

(2) Comedy

(3) History play        

 (4) Tragi-comedy

Ans. (2)

43.”And miles to go before I sleep,

Which poem of Robert Frost do these above lines occur?

(1)Mending Wall


(3)Stopping by Woods

(4)The Road Not Taken

Ans. (3)

Explanation: These lines are taken from the famous poem, ‘Stopping by Woods on a snowy Evening’ written by Robert Frost.

44. Who wrote the poem, ‘The Lady of Shallot’?

(1) Keats                      

(2) Tennyson

(3) Shelley                   

(4) None of these

Ans. (2)

45. Hardy is called a:

(1) Classical novelist

(2) Ideal novelist

(3) Regional novelist

(4) Experimental novelist

Ans. (3)

Explanation: Thomas Hardy occupies the most important place among regional novelists of England.

46. Who is called the representative Victorian poet?

(1) Wordsworth          

 (2) Alfred Tennyson

(3) Robert Browning

(4) John Keats

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Tennyson is called the representative Victorian poet. In the variety of his works he presents all the features of the greatest poets of England. He presents the dreaminess of Spencer, the majesty of Milton, simplicity of Wordsworth, and fantasy of Blake and Coleridge.

47. The concept of ‘objective co-relative’ was propounded by:

(1) John Dryden          

(2) S. T. Coleridge

(3) Matthew Arnold

(4) T. S. Eliot

Ans. (4)

Explanation: T. S. Eliot propounded the concept of objective co-relative.

48. Charles Dickens, novels deal largely with:

(1) War affairs

(2) Divine matters

(3) Contemporary social conditions

(4) Business matters

Ans. (3)

Explanation: Dickens’ novels present contemporary social conditions of people who live in miserable situations.

49. Which among the following is the hero of Coolie?

(1) Munoo                  

(2) Oliver

(3) Raju                      

(4) Shankar

Ans. (1)

50. The poetry of Romantic Revival is a revolt against:

(1) Ways of country life

(2) Bondage of classical rules of poetic diction

(3) Gravity of governmental actions

(4) Beauty of verbal and written English

Ans. (2)

Explanation: The poetry of Classical Age was characterized by rules and styles. But Romantic school started against the classical rules of poetic diction.

51. Which movement of the Victorian Age has influenced the novels of Charles Dickens?

1. Liberalism

2. Pre-Raphaelite Movement

3. Oxford Movement

4. Aesthetic Movement

Ans. (1)

52. What is the figure of speech used in the following sentence?

“Friendship is a sheltering tree.”

(1) Simile                   

 (2) Apostrophe

(3) Hyperbole               

(4) Metaphor

Ans. (4)

Explanation: A metaphor is an implied simile. It does not; like the simile, state that one thing is like another or acts as another, but takes that for granted and proceeds as if the two things were one.

53. Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms is set in:

(1) Italy                   

 (2) Switzerland

(3) USA                    

(4) England

Ans. (1)

54. ‘Lucy Poems’ by William Wordsworth refer to:

1. Wordsworth’s early poems

2. A group of five lyrics by Wordsworth

3. Poems by Wordsworth in collaboration with Coleridge

4. Wordsworth’s humorous poems

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Wordsworth published ‘Lucy Poems’ around 1800. These poems are about a girl, Lucy. These can be written as-

Strange Fits of Passion have I known

I Travelled among unknown men

The Dwelt among untrodden ways

Three years She Grew

A Slumber did my Spirit Seal

55. The substitution of part for the whole is:

(1) Synecdoche           

(2) Imagery

(3) Metaphor               

(4) Symbol

Ans. (1)

Explanation: In Synecdoche, a part is used to designate the whole orThiT6v ole to designate a part.

56. A Turncoat is:

1. A man of principles

2. A poor man

3. A man who changes his opinions

4. A man who does not change his opinions

Ans. (3)

57. Give the correct term for the statement given below: “The part of a government which is concerned with the making of rules.”

(1) Court                   

 (2) Tribunal

(3) Bar                      

 (4) Legislature

Ans. (4)

58. Replace the underlined portion in the following sentence with one word: Putting off for tomorrow what can be done today is the surest way to failure.

(1) Proclamation          

 (2) Procrastination

(3) Profanation            

 (4) Proliferation

Ans. (2)

59. The practice of marrying more than one wife at a time is called:

(1) Monogamy             

 (2) Bigamy

(3) Polygamy               

 (4) Polyandry

Ans. (3)

60. ‘Bad blood’ means. :

1. A disease

2. Unfriendliness

3. Unwelcome relatives

4. Impure blood

Ans. (2)

61. What is the meaning of the phrase? `Dispense with the books’

1. Distribute the books

2. Do away with the books

3. Protect the books

4. Investigate through the books

Ans. (2)

62. Select the correct meaning of the idiom: `To make both ends meet’

1. to move between two opposite poles

2. to meet the needs of the body and the soul

3. to live within one’s income

4. to do something impossible

Ans. (3)

63. ‘To tread on someone’s toes’ means to:

(1) flatter someone

(2) follow someone

(3) upset someone     

(4) satisfy someone

Ans. (3)

64. Choose the correct Explanation: of the idiom: `Hand in hand’

(1) Very intimate       

(2) Mutual adjustment

(3) Close fight          

(4) Close together

Ans. (4)

65. Change the following into an indirect statement and indicate the correct one:

“I have bought a house.” he said.

He said that he had bought a house.

He said that he has bought a house.

He said that he bought a house.

He said that he would buy a house.

Ans. (1)

66. He said to them all, “Goodbye, my friends.”

The correct indirect narration of the above direct speech is:

He bade goodbye to all his friends.

He said to his friends ‘good bye’.

He told his friends to goodbye.

He suggested goodbye to all his friends.

Ans. (1)

67. Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition: He knows how to play………..words.

(1) into                      

 (2) on

(3) up                         

(4) over

Ans. (2)

68. Fill in the blank with an article: India today needs Gandhi.

(1) the                        

(2) a

(3) an                         

 (4) none of these

Ans. (2)

69. Fill in the blank with an appropriate noun: He saw a………… of fish.

(1) Shoal                      

(2) Pack

(3) School                    

(4) Bunch

Ans. (1)

70. Find out the mis-spelt word:

(1) supplementary       

 (2) surfeit

(3) suppurate              

 (4) surgery

Ans. (2)

Explanation: The correct spelling is ‘surfeit’ which means excess.

71. Which one of the following is the correct spelling?

(1) Limousine              

(2) Limuosine

(3) Limousane            

 (4) Limozene

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Limousine means a closed type of motor car.

72. Choose from the following the word which is correctly spelt:

(1) Begining                 

(2) Explaination

(3) Garage                   

(4) Maintainance

Ans. (3)

73. Choose the mis-spelt word from the following:

(1) believe                  

(2) receive

(3) conceive

(4) bereive

Ans. (4)                       

Explanation: The correct spelling is ‘Bereave’ which means to rob.

74. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition: This book consists ten chapters.

(1) in         

 (2) of      

(3) off       

(4) with

Anis (2)

75. Which of the following sentences has a transitive verb?

(1) He runs very fast.

(2) He speaks French very fluently.

(3) The dog has been barking for an hour.

(4) The boys jumped up and down in excitement.

 Ans. (2)

76. Complete the following sentence with most appropriate choice:

But, I…… the tickets by four o’clock tomorrow.

(1) will have bought

(2) have bought

(3) bought     

(4) shall buying

Ans. (1)

77. Complete the following sentence by most appropriate choice:

If the patient enough money, she could have gone to consult a specialist.

(1) had                        

(2) had had

(3) would have             

(4) was having

Ans. (2)

78. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

(1) Unless he will study regularly, he will not pass.

(2) Unless he does not study regularly, he will not

(3) Unless he studies regularly, he will not pass.

(4) None of the above

Ans. (3)

Explanation: ‘Unless’ means. ‘if not’. So, no or not is not used with unless.

79. Choose the correct antonym of the word `parsimonious’:

(1) economical           

(2) frugal

(3) niggardly               

(4) prodigal

Ans. (4)

Explanation: Parsimonious means unwilling to spend money. Prodigal means to spend a lot of money without thinking about future.

80. Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate choice:

My parents were away visiting relatives, so I ………to cut classes.

(1) decided                   

(2) had decided

(3) have decided          

(4) decide

Ans. (1)

81. Choose the correct antonym of the word “feed” from the following:

(1) nourish                  

(2) foster

(3) sustain                  

(4) starve

Ans. (4)

82. Choose the word that is most opposite in meaning to `shrill’:

(1) weak                     

(2) muffled

(3) inaudible                

(4) blunted

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Shrill means. ‘sharp in tone’. So its antonym is muffled.

83. What is the correct term for the statement given below?

“A place that provides refuge”

(1) Sanatorium             

(2) Shelter

(3) Orphanage             

(4) Asylum

Ans. (4)

Direction: A brief passage with five questions based on it is given below. Read the passage carefully and choose the most appropriate Ans.wer to each question:

Philosophy teaches us to feel uncertain about the things that seem to us self-evident. Propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as self-evident matters about which it would be reasonable to suspend our judgement or to feel doubt. The propagandist must therefore be consistently dogmatic. All his statements are made without qualification. There are no greys in his picture of the world. Everything is either diabolically black or celestially white. He must never admit that he might be wrong or that people with a different point of view might be even partially right. Opponents should not be argued with: they should be attacked, shouted down, or if they become too much of a nuisance, liquidated.

84. Philosophy teaches us:

(1) to feel certain only about those things which seem self-evident

(2) to feel certain only about those things which do not seem self-evident

(3) to feel uncertain about even those things which are supported by acceptable evidence

(4) none of the above

Ans. (3)

85. Propaganda teaches us:

(1) to feel doubt about matters that are self-evident

(2) to accept without question even those matters which are not self-evident

(3) to accept as reasonable those matters which are self-evident

(4) none of the above

Ans. (2)

86. Black, white and grey are mentioned as representing:

(1) bad, good and doubtful matters

(2) the basic colours in the world around us

(3) propagandists, philosophers and the common people

(4) none of the above

Ans. (1)

87. A philosopher:

(1) never admits that he might be wrong

(2) never admits that the propagandist might be right

(3) is willing to admit that he might be wrong

(4) none of the above

Ans. (3)

88. The author is of the view that an opponent should be:

(1) attacked                  

(2) shouted down

(3) liquidated

(4) argued with

Ans. (4)

Direction Read the following passage carefully and Ans.wer the questions given below:

Just as some men like to play football or cricket, so some men like to climb mountains. This is often very difficult to do, for mountains are not just bill hills. Paths are usually very steep. Some mountain sides are straight up and down, so that it may take many hours to climb as little as one hundred feet. There is always the danger that you may fall off and be killed or injured. Men talk about conquering a mountain. It is a wonderful feeling to reach the top of a mountain after climbing for hours and may be, even for days. You look down and see the whole country below you. You feel god-like. Two Italian prisoners of war escaped from a prison camp in Kenya during the war. They did not try to get back to their country, for they, knew that was impossible. Instead, they climbed to the top of Mount Kenya, and then they came down and gave themselves up. They had wanted to get that feeling of freedom that one has after climbing a difficult mountain.

89. Some men like to climb a mountain, because:

(1) they like to play football or cricket

(2) they know the trick to climbing

(3) they want to have a wonderful feeling

(4) they like to face danger

Ans. (3)

90. To climb mountains is often difficult, because:

(1) mountains are bill hills

(2) it consumes less time

(3) prisoners often escape from camps and settle there

(4)paths are steep and uneven

Ans. (4)

91.”It is a wonderful feeling.” It’ refers to

(1) the steep path

(2) the prisoner

(3) climbing a mountain

(4) mountaineering

Ans. (3)

92. Why did two Italian prisoners escape from the camp and climb to the top of Mount Kenya?

(1) To escape to Italy

(2) To come down and give up

(3) To get the feeling of freedom

(4) To gain fame as mountaineers

Ans. (3)

93. Mountaineering is not very popular sport like football or cricket, because:

(1) there are no spectators in this sport

(2) it may not take many hours or even days

(2) many people are not prepared to risk their lives

(4) people don’t want to enjoy a god-like feeling

Ans. (3)

94. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word from the choices given below:

All of his efforts were in…….

(1) wane                      

(2) vain

(3) vein                      

(4) van

Ans. (2)

95. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to ‘connive’:

(1) instigate                  

(2) disregard

(3) shield                   

(4) threaten

Ans. (2)

96. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word from the choices given below:

Which is the shortest ……… Delhi?

(1) root                       

(2) rout

(3) route                      

(4) roots

Ans. (3)

97. Choose the word that is closest in meaning ‘immunity’

(1) freedom                 

(2) tolerance

(3) disinclination       

(4) apathy

Ans. (1)

98. A verse of two lines of equal length rhyming with each other at the end is called

(1) Quatrain                 

(2) rerza rima

(3) Couplet                  

(4) ottava rima

Ans. (.3)

Explanation: Such a verse is called coupler.

99. Which figure of speech is used in the following lines?

Alone, alone, all all alone

Alone, on a wide wide sea!

(1) Personification        

(2) Apostrophe

(3) Alliteration            

(4) Putt

Ans. (3)

100. What is the figure of speech in the following sentence?

“Authority forgets, a dying king.”

(1) Personification             

(2) Apostrophe

(3) Hyperbole                    

(4) Metaphor

Ans. (1)

101. What is the meaning of the expression ‘Avant-garde’?

(1) Unintentional expression

(2) Ridiculing attitude

(3) Tragic conclusion

(4) New writing that is innovative

Ans.  (4.)

102. What is the ‘stream of consciousness’ technique?

(1) Technique which depicts the inner thoughts and feelings

(2). A study of relation between words and things

(3) A theatrical device

(4) A particular kind of knowledge

Ans. (1)

Explanation: In modern age we find a new kind of novel which is the stream of consciousness novel.

103. Which one of these is a ‘secondary epic’?

(1) Iliad                     

(2) Paradise Lost

(3) Odyssey                

(4) Aeneid

Ans. (4)

Explanation: Secondary epic or literary epic is an imitation of classical epic. The conventions of main epic are used deliberately and extensively in the secondary epic.

104. The rhyming of vowel sounds without the rhyming of consonants is known as:

(1) Alliteration             

(2) Rhythm

(3) Melody

(4) Assonance

105. Who introduced the sonnet in English poetry?

(1) Milton                              

(2) Shakespeare

(3) Spenser

(4) Wyatt

Explanation: Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542) and Henry Howard introduced new verse from (Sonnet).

106. Another name for `verse libre’ is:

(1) free verse               

(2) blank verse

(3) courtly verse           

(4) none of these

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Free verse or verse libre is printed short lines as compared to long sentences of prose. Most free verses have irregular lengths of line and lack in rhyming.

107. Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate choice:

A caesura is a………….in a line.

(1) pause

(2) syllable

(3) strain

(4) accent

Ans. (1)

Explanation: Petrarch has divided his sonnets into two parts, the octave of eight lines and the sestet of six lines using a pause or ‘caesura’ after the eighth line.

108. Which of the following plays has been described by T. S. Eliot as ‘an artistic failure’?



(2) The Merchant of Venice

(3) Julius Caesar

(4) None of the above

Ans. (1)

109. Which of the following poets was influenced by Godwin?

(1) Shakespeare            

(2) Wordsworth

(3) Shelley                   

(4) Tennyson

Ans. (3)

Explanation: P. B. Shelley, a leader and a preacher of anarchy showed his belief in his intimate friend Godwin’s theories and eloped with his daughter, Mary. –

110. In which of the following novels does the action take place in Paris and London?

(1) Old Curiosity Shop

(2) David Copperfield

(3) A Tale of Two Cities

(4) Oliver Twist

Ans. (3)

Explanation: ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ contains the scene laid in London and Paris during French Revolution. Dickens presents the spirit of the ‘Reign of Terror’ so well that this novel becomes a good supplementary to the history of that age.

111. The solution of the evil practice of untouchability suggested by Mulk Raj Anand in Untouchable is

(1) conversion

(2) use of machines

(3) refusal to do dirty work

(4) social reform

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Mulk Raj Anand suggested to use machines for cleaning purposes. He made three suggestions which are (i) Gandhi (ii) Christ (iii) Machine (Flush).

112. Fill in the blank with a correct preposition: He is junior…

(1) than                       

(2) over

(3) to                           

(4) none of these

Ans. (3)

113. Which pronoun should be used in the sentence? When you have seen the photos, please return to me.

(1) those                      

(2) them

(3) the same                 

(4) these

Ans. (2)

114. Which of the following is correct?

(1) The poet and the novelist is dead.

(2) The poet and novelist is dead.

(3) The poet and novelist are dead.

(4) The novelist with the poet are dead.

Ans. (2)

115. What is the suitable prefix for the word ‘polite’?


(2) Non

(3) In                          

(4) Im

Ans. (4)

116. Fill in the blank with the correct prepositional phrase in the following sentence:

“Let our actions be……………….. our thoughts and speech.”

(1) by way of                            

(2) in accordance with

(3) in connection with

(4) in front of

Ans. (2)

117. The word ‘terrain’ means:

(1) Terrential rain                   

(2) Trainman

(3) Terrace                    

(4) Tract of land

Ans. (3)

118. Choose correct word to fill in the blank in the sentence given below:        

Our jawans lay —– to the town of the enemy.

  • cease
  • seize
  • siege
  • sieve

Ans. (3)

Explanation: Seize means to capture whereas siege means to besiege a town or a fortified place.

119. Choose the correct meaning of the word ‘disport’:

(1) to amuse                 

(2) to brag

(3) to spoil                  

(4) to waste

Ans. (4)

120. Find out the correctly punctuated version of the following passage :

what a large melon I think I must buy it what do you ask for it my boy said he

1. What a large melon? I think I must buy it. What do you ask for it? My boy! said he.

2. “What a large melon? I think I must buy it. What do you ask for it, my boy?” said he.

3. “What a large melon! I think I must buy it? What do you ask for it, my boy?” said he.

4. “What a large melon! I think I must buy it. What do you ask for it, my boy?” said he.

Ans. (4)

121. Read the given sentence to find out if there is an error in the underlined part

The evening came to a climax of violence when Mohan produced a box of fire-works that my cousin had sent him from Delhi and unwisely repeated a remark that Rani made earlier in the day.

1.came to a climax

2. when

3. unwisely repeated

4. that Rani made

Ans. (4)

122. In the following question, there is a sentence in which some parts have been jumbled. Rearrange the parts, which are denoted as P, Q, R, S, so that the reordered sentence makes a coherent sequence:

 1. History says

P. when he was given the cup of Hemlock

Q. who were standing, around him

R. continued to talk to his friends

S. that Socrates

6. as he drank it.

(1) SPRQ


(3) SQPR


Ans.  2. SRQP

123. In the given question the first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered as 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts and named P, Q, R, and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct:

1. I met a poor woman, all in tears,

P. and their eight children must now starve

Q. her husband had been arrested for a debt

R. who told me that

S. he was not able to pay

6. bereaved as they were of his industry.

(1) RSPQ                     

(2) RSQP

(3) RQSP                     

(4) RPSQ

Ans. (3)

124. That which cannot be changed is:

(1) Irrevocable              

(2) Irrelevant

(3) Impregnable            

(4) Irreparable

Ans. (1)

125. The first eight lines of a sonnet are called:

(1) sestet

(2) octave

(3) caesura

(4) volta

Ans. (2)

Explanation: Petrarch had divided his sonnets into two parts, the octave of eight lines and the sestet of six lines.

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