Dating tips

Tips  You Must Read Before You Go on Dating

Going for one two one meeting…. Read out

Love is difficult to define. Love is a fiver which comes and goes quite independently and there are no age limits for love. When you feel happy in life, and when you feel the butterflies flying in your body, when you wake up early in the morning and always people asks you that why are you smiling, than it is sure that you are in love and want to spend some time with your loved one. No worry no harm to go out with whom you like. Craze is like curiosity to know what people do on date.

  • Craze for dating in teens- Lot of reasons are there why dating is become popular in teenagers, first thing when we see in movies or programs that a girl had a boyfriend and they are going for movies together and hanging out and going for long drives and when they come back home parents had no idea that where they were. And they start making their mind that it is easy to make parents fool. But on other hand we also that 90% romance is just unrealistic means not happen in real life. Second when we have group of friends where mostly had boyfriends, and always used to talk about them like when they did last weekend or what was the last gift etc. These are the common things that make one feel crazy about dating. So they immediately start thinking that, they must have a boy with whom they can go out, and can gather the others attention.
  • General thoughts-Everybody belongs with different family backgrounds, so there upbringing push their thoughts that they are really comfortable for idea of dating. Because teen has been influenced by their friends to very high extend. So if they are hanging with girls who don’t have boyfriends will stop them from feeling left out. In teen age they really don’t know should they go out or not. If answer is yes, then what would be the right place, right dress, and are they doing right or is this right time to all thing with which they could suffer with.

If want to experience of dating you can, but remember few things like-


  • You can focus on–
  1. Must look very good and cool, because we all know that first look is leave ever lasting effect. Now on date he is going to observe you very closely.
  2. Your dress must be up to place where you are going like neither to modern or nor to down market.
  3. Try to always find out her liking and disliking, it will help you to get idea of topic to talk. Try about her interest only.
  4. Everyone wants to laugh so, be normal with her, and just make some good jokes with her, so it will lighten the environment.
  5. Always start speaking in same language in which he is comfortable. Not always try to speak in English if you are not able to carry it too long, it will lust your conversation.
  6. Must tell your family about the date, not start any relationship with wrong attitude.

Not try to do below mentioned things-

  1. Don’t choose the place for dating which is totally new for you. It will make you uncomfortable. Try go general places.
  2. Don’t delve into personal topic.try to keep yourself calm.
  3. Don’t make her wait, always be on time.
  4. Don’t try to be over smart, try to listen rather to speak. Not to stammer
  5. Always think before speak because one wrong sentence make him to paint an image about you. So be cautious before saying.
  6. Don’t try to be more physical in first date; it will give wrong impression on them.

So dating is not the issue, important is there is no harm to tell about this date to your friends or at least your elder sister or brother for their knowledge. So you will enjoy it fully rather than to hide everything to them.

About the Author

Love is like flower no like birds always want to fly high in sky. Going on date not a big deal but always be in yourself The author is one of experience person. These  tips somehow help you to complete your first date and make your date safer and more funning.


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