UGC Net English Exam Paper 2 June 2019 with Answer

UGC Net English Exam Paper June 2019 NTA UGC NET ENGLISH JUNE 2019 Q1. In which of the following paired terms, the relationship between the activeand passive forms of a sentence can be best established? 1 Deep structure—Surface structure 2 signifier signified 3 Metaphor—Metonymy 4 Syntagmatic—Paradigmatic Answer: 1 Q2. For which one of the following…

UGC NET English Exam Paper December 2018 with Answer Keys

1. Match the following authors with the novels: (Name of Author) (Name of Novel) a. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni b. Anita Rau Miami c. Anjana Appachana d. Indira Genesan (i) Inheritance (ii) Listening Now (iii) Sister of My Heart (iv) The Hero’s Walk Code: 1.            a-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv 2.            a-iv, b-ii, c-I, d-iii 3.            a-iv,…

A Message of Narendra Modi to Students through Man Ki Baat

Mr. Narendra Modi in “Man Ki Baat” touched many points regarding students. Starting from advice to Indians for caring themselves from heat, he said that summer has come to its peak and can have its harmful impact so all should take care of themselves. With many other topics in his speech, he congratulated the students…

Reasons that Led to Success of Modi and BJP in 2014 Election

In the Lok Sabha elections after 30 years, any party(BJP) won a clear majority in the 2014 election.  After a month-long election and the largest in the world, Indians selected their next government and Prime Minister. NDA led by the Bhartiya Janta Party won 336 seats out of the 543 Lok sabha seats. Narendra Modi…

Why is a Balanced Diet Necessary for Good Health

A healthy diet is one that helps keep up or enhance general well being. A healthy diet gives the body fundamental nutrition: fluid, vital unsaturated fats, vitamins, adequate essential amino acids from protein, minerals, and satisfactory calories. The prerequisites for a solid eating methodology could be met from an assortment of plant-based and creature based…


Direct and Indirect Simple Rules and Chart

Rules of Direct and Indirect Direct Narration: जब किसी व्यक्ति के द्वारा कहे गए कथन को ज्यों का त्यों (as it is )कहते हैं तो वह डायरेक्ट Narration or Direct Speech कहलाता है. Example: He said to me, “Viki has gone to Delhi.” Direct Narration के Parts: डायरेक्ट Narration के तीन पार्ट्स होते हैं 1…


12 Tenses Chart with Identification, Helping Verb, Main verb and Examples

Tense: Kaal Tense shows the condition and time about the work done in a sentence. Kinds of tense: There are mainly three kinds of tenses. Present tense-The time which is going on Past Tense-the time which has passed away. Future Tense: The time which will come in future. These three tenses have been divided into…


Shakespeare’s Life History and Works  

Friends, in this lesson, we are going to learn about the most important facts of Shakespeare’s life and works.   Q.1: What was Shakespeare’s life span? Ans: 23rd April 1564 to  23rd April 1616. Q2. When was Shakespeare baptized? Ans. Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564 in Trinity Church. Q.3: Where was Shakespeare born?…

How to Reduce Fat?

Obesity, a medical condition is rampant almost all the countries of the world. It comes with a series of diseases which are uncontrollable at times. Becoming fat is one of the worst dreams come true for the individuals who have never thought of having this conditions. Obesity comes stealthily that even the sufferer can’t notice…

Google Adsense Criteria and Step by Step Guide for Approval

It is really tough to get approved from Google Adsense, but it is not what you cannot get.  All you need is to make your blog or website compliant with Google Adsense Criteria that comprise the following things. Just read carefully and do all the things completed strictly. Post quality, rich, unique and meaningful content:…

Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing?  Digital marketing is a mode of marketing of products, services and brands using internet and other digital technologies. Through different digital channels and strategies of digital marketing, the information of any business, brand, products and services is taken to potential audience and it finally converts leads into customers. Digital marketing tremendously depicts…

Search Engine optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

  What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?  Search Engine Optimization is a technical process that enhances website’s optimization in search engines like Bing, Google, Yahoo and others. The entire Search Engine Optimization strategy has two processes-on page and off page. Expert professionals offer both on page and off page processes of reliable Search Engine Optimization services…

Hypertension( High Blood Pressure)

Hypertension(High Blood Pressure): Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Hypertension or High blood pressure is a chronic medical condition. It is generally generated when the blood is forcefully pumped through the arteries at an elevated level of pressure. Hypertension is declared when systolic blood pressure is measured more than 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is more than 90mmHg. Records of surveys reveal that Hypertension…

Indian Universities

List of All Indian Universities

If you want to know about all Indian universities with their names and the states where these are situated, the post is just for you. Read it Agartala- ICFAI University, Tripura Agartala- National Institute of Technology, Agartala Agra- Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Ahmedabad ..- Gujarat Vidyapith Ahmedabad …- National Institute of…